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squirrelishere 04-30-2007 10:09 PM

Is that Uli's Z?

Yes, that's my car. Since it's been decided that I'm moving to Texas in a few short months, any performance mod has been put on hiatus. So in its place, it's making this car look and run almost perfect for the upcoming trip to Texas. So far, got 2 out of 4 shocks replaced, rotors done, pads soon to come, seafoamed the car, and currently cleaning getting car waxed. I'm going to get stripes again, but I want the car clean even under the stripes. But wow, the car looks so different to me with no stripes!

ITSA6 04-30-2007 10:11 PM

does look's not you and i only know you by pictures of your sweet deal though fixing everything for the big trip

V6Cam 04-30-2007 10:19 PM

looks good, but does need the stripes again, i noticed something in that pic, you need a to reallign your hood or fenders bc there looks to be a gap difference between your right and left side along the hood, unless its a bad angle

squirrelishere 04-30-2007 10:24 PM

It's just the angle. =p They're even on both sides. Wow, that hood like a big area of.... nothing...

paarman97maro 04-30-2007 10:37 PM

haha nice... what are you moving to texas for? Im gonna miss hearing about all your sweet customers.

97z2801ss 04-30-2007 10:44 PM

lol why you moving to texas man?

blue89vert 04-30-2007 10:48 PM

sweet uli! i was hoping to maybe see your car this summer at a meet with mifba or somethin but i guess that wont happen haha

paarman97maro 04-30-2007 11:12 PM

A few short months will cover summer, gray.

squirrelishere 04-30-2007 11:23 PM

Yeah, planning on maybe around August/September to be in Texas. Fiance is gonna spend the summer up here, and then in the fall we're heading to move to Houston. I'll still be here for a few months, and eventually you's will get to see my car. Heading up to the July 22nd GTG, and I know we'll have plenty of meets in the Chicago area if anyone is around. Me and the NIFBA group are always ready to meet up with members that come for a few days.

As for the customers... well, I believe I'ma tough it out with Cingular for a little while longer. Hopefully enough that I can transfer to Texas. That way I don't have to look for a brand new job down there. Once there, I can explore what Houston offers. I believe there will be some special customers down there that I can share with you's. =p

Mike Jones 05-01-2007 12:27 AM

At first I didn't think it was your car because it didn't have the stripes. I would do the same by not buying any mods and just making sure the car runs perfectly.

I agree about the whole job thing. Right now just make it so you can easily get a job right away down there and then look for something better.

ITSA6 05-01-2007 12:28 AM

hey no more snow!!! woo hoo....lucky

Jpack 05-01-2007 05:12 PM

Uli, you waxed your stripes off!!!

NoRiceInside 05-01-2007 08:48 PM

it looks better without em, IMO.

Jpack 05-01-2007 10:26 PM


Mike Jones 05-02-2007 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by Jpack
Uli, you waxed your stripes off!!!

Haha, he never had stripes. It was just dirt and he finally washed the car and they left. :lolsign:

2000v6cam 05-02-2007 01:24 AM

yea stripes usually look good, and now like when i see pics of my car without my stripes from like 3 years ago it looks so weird, but are u just gonna get the 2 racing stripes type thing over the top

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