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Project_D 03-16-2005 10:04 AM

wow iam sorry if i started a stupid post by saying that all i ment is that iam a tuner head and i have about 10 friends who are all into imports we drive civics, jettas and ect no jeeps no vans and 2nd gear pulls to 100km/h is the safest type of race i can think of other then the track :p waysi was thinking of racing down by ford drive late at nite? is that a good spot or no? i drive downt here to go to my co-op placement (bks customs) ...thanks for all your comments and opinions

GinoLicious 03-16-2005 12:28 PM

You aint goin to find any decent roads.. On top of that, if you want to line it up like the Fast and Furious, Brian Spliner, or Dominc Toretto, going to get booked so hard. All you need is reving loud before you hear cop sirens. You want a place to race, you race the resedential streets by centennial park and the 401 mini indy outdoor track in Sauaga. Long ass stretches, a few minor turns, but never seen a cop.

If you want to set it up infront of ur school to be cool. :smilie_da :smilie_au... Thats stupid. If you want to do the races for the adrenaline and your passion like most of us, do it on a smart street, because upper middle, dundas, and any other major street isnt smart. Lake shore :smilie_da. 8th line would be a decent street if it had 2 lanes and no so fuked up, never seen a cop go north on 8th line onto Dundas.

munch 03-16-2005 12:30 PM

your a newb stick to the higway early morning with all you can do is hit a tractor trailer or the guard rail doing nothing but killing your self mind you we dont want to read about that but its better then some innocent person....or the best bet is to wait till spring and come to a meet and go from there thats what i suggest you do

Project_D 03-16-2005 12:53 PM

yah good idea ill jus wait till the meets ...umm ok here is a nother stupid question...but yah iam newb so lol umm if i come to one fo your meets with like lets say 4 buddies will you guys set up runs for us ? cuz we wanna race each other and i would rahter trust you guys to set it up then me goin around with them racing on random streets

GinoLicious 03-16-2005 02:48 PM

Can we get a cut outa the winning cash? Or you can always drive around, find a nice secluded road in the country, b/c ur set on the roads and race there. Just you and your buddies and have it ur area. Try north of 6th line if you want that.

Project_D 03-16-2005 03:18 PM

yah ive heard of ppl goin north of 6th line near the counrty roads ...well thanks for all your help even thou this was :offtopic1 lol

1VR62NV 03-16-2005 06:06 PM

GinoLicious do u just sit at home and reply to everyting :laugh:

pornosaur 03-16-2005 07:08 PM

Alright, there's too much of this fast and furious bullshit in here. Before you think about street racing, you shoulda thought about getting a car other than a civic.:laugh: You and your gino buddies in oakville got your parents to buy you a civic so that you could be "cool" in school. But just so you know, if your civic is stock, don't even bother racing cause everyone is going to be laughing their asses off at you when you crash your car since it can't handle at all. That is what happend to some guy who tried to be "cool" in his "suped up civic", he tried to do 100+ while entering the turn onto the highway and he lost control and got his car smashed up. Lucky for him, he lives in Oakville and has really rich parents, so they paid for everything as well as his new insurance rates.

1cam8valves 03-16-2005 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by 1VR62NV
GinoLicious do u just sit at home and reply to everyting :laugh:

Pretty sure, this guy is THE BIGGEST :newbie: he needs to :STFU: Some people have no clue as to what really happens on the street :smilie_au

GinoLicious 03-16-2005 10:41 PM

No i dont sit at home and reply to these posts. I do go to work you know. Jokes on u. :smilie_au :smilie_fi... Oh and im leaving to montreal. :thumbsup

powered_by_a_rabbit 03-16-2005 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by pornosaur
Alright, there's too much of this fast and furious bullshit in here. Before you think about street racing, you shoulda thought about getting a car other than a civic.:laugh: You and your gino buddies in oakville got your parents to buy you a civic so that you could be "cool" in school. But just so you know, if your civic is stock, don't even bother racing cause everyone is going to be laughing their asses off at you when you crash your car since it can't handle at all. That is what happend to some guy who tried to be "cool" in his "suped up civic", he tried to do 100+ while entering the turn onto the highway and he lost control and got his car smashed up. Lucky for him, he lives in Oakville and has really rich parents, so they paid for everything as well as his new insurance rates.

HAHAHA.... i think u and all your gino buddies should race to see who is the slowest one out of you all... whoever hits 16.5 seconds in the quarter mile is the victor...LOL.. :la: :supergay: :smilie_au

GinoLicious 03-16-2005 10:47 PM

Whats with the hating on poor gino today? :retard: I drive a civic, its slow like you wouldnt belive.. Hence y i dont race it... It gets me from point a to point that girls house with the hot ..

midrange 03-16-2005 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by GinoLicious
It gets me from point a to point that girls house with the hot ..

your moms house???????

ricernoob 03-17-2005 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by midrange
your moms house???????

:lol_hitti :owned: :SHILLACKE

munch 03-17-2005 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by midrange
your moms house???????

see gino doesnt even have to have a car that runs he can just roll it to the end of the drive way and push it back up

dj_jake 03-17-2005 02:13 AM

lol dude, youre 16 and work at fortinos driving your moms 4dr, you came onto this site and youre ALL TALK, buddy, the gino thing is good for mmto where your other browser window is currently on, but here its all a good joke. let me guess, your name is tony too?
in that case, let me put it into words you might understand and find familiar
"bro, take is eas', go do some homework and ask to borrow your moms credit card for that h/r springs order"
as for the rest of you ricers looking for places to endanger people, keep your 18 second cars at home, and stick to nfs underground

Originally Posted by GinoLicious
Whats with the hating on poor gino today? :retard: I drive a civic, its slow like you wouldnt belive.. Hence y i dont race it... It gets me from point a to point that girls house with the hot ..

pornosaur 03-17-2005 08:54 AM

omg gino doesn't even drive? why would he buy a car then? lol especially a civic :smilie_da I hate how so many people in my school get civics, everyone in oakville is white and like everyone in my school is a "gino", that's why they all buy civics so that they can be "bros" haha. And all the other people that drive different cars at my school, it's their parents car. I think i'm the only person in my school who used my own money to buy a car that isn't a honda civic. lol

dj_jake 03-17-2005 12:22 PM

i think he just got his g2, but regardless, he IS pimping his moms 4dr ek...

and i think many non ricers had that problem in high school. the high school ricer is by far the most ignorant, mainly because he doesnt even have a car/lisence yet to merit the they talk. i bought my own car in hs, it wasnt anything special, but it was was enough to fist a good array of cars in the area by a big margin. but of course, i wasnt concerned about looking like a fatf reject, so it didnt jive with most people. best talking would come from people like, 2nd gen talon esi
"bro, your car is a in joke"
"at least it doesnt go 18's and have worse camber then doc browns delorean in flight"
"bro, i drive a in talon, that thing is in a whole different class then your car"
"not really, you drive a better looking neon that still does 18's"
"bro, wtf, a neon? wtf are you smoking?"
"a420 is what motor youre packing, same thing thats in the neons, how fast can it be?"
"(embarrased among freinds)bro, youre in car is ugly"

or better yet, leaving to the lot, ricers drooling over a 91 cavi z24 with a dual exhaust, system, and 19" chrome wheels
"bro, see this thing, THIS is a in car"
"its older then mine, and i make probably triple the power..."

oh, high school ricing... those were the days.
quick history lesson, gino's invented the civic, and forged the original vtec.

Project_D 03-17-2005 03:54 PM

hmmm thats funny....well yah hate to break it down to you iam not a gino and none of mah buddies are wuts wrong with civics? were 17 years old we dont have the money to buy expensive cars..........i dint coem and hate on your ride i came to ask for help.....shows how mature some of the ppl on tsr are...but for the ones that tryed to help thank you

pornosaur 03-17-2005 03:57 PM

:laugh: dj jake, nice story. yeah that's so true about people who don't even have their g2 and they talk about other people cars. In my school, anyone who paid for their own car (very few) all bought a civic because majority of the school are ginos. All they talk about is "Nos", they say like "yo i'm gonna get some NOS in my car.....etc" I think half if not all of them even know what NOS stands for and how it works. They just think that if you get NOS, your car will be just like The Fast and the Furious, lol. It's really gay. And honestly, when people say imports suck, I would assume that most of the time they are talking about civics and all those ricers. I think that Civics shouldn't be considered imports anymore. Can someone think of a new category for Civics? Also, Cavaliers seem to be getting pretty riced out too. I think the Civic and Cavalier should be in a brand new category of car, neither import nor domestic. :laugh:

Project_D 03-17-2005 04:01 PM

Dj Jake what makes you think iam a ricer ne ways?

GinoBeats 03-17-2005 04:01 PM

Some of you need to work on spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation.

1VR62NV 03-20-2005 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by GinoLicious
No i dont sit at home and reply to these posts. I do go to work you know. Jokes on u. :smilie_au :smilie_fi... Oh and im leaving to montreal. :thumbsup

so u post when ur at work too ok thanks for clearin that up

and thank for letting everyone know u r goin to montreal cause we really dont care :supergay:

Project_D 03-20-2005 02:02 PM

:appl: :appl:

Z28 MeTaL HeAd 03-20-2005 07:00 PM

u dont have to be rich to buy any car really..the point sum ppl r WHY a civic when theres about a gazillion other cars out there too....

and Civics, Cavaliers and all these other piles of OUTDOOR FASHION only cars (ricers) are in there own category.....there called RICERS :appl: :laugh:


pornosaur 03-20-2005 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Z28 MeTaL HeAd
u dont have to be rich to buy any car really..the point sum ppl r WHY a civic when theres about a gazillion other cars out there too....

and Civics, Cavaliers and all these other piles of OUTDOOR FASHION only cars (ricers) are in there own category.....there called RICERS :appl: :laugh:


Haha yeah... that's so true lol. By the way, do you get taunted to race by ricers?

ricernoob 03-20-2005 08:01 PM

haha, seriously, i don't see the point of all the hating. yea. he's 16 and it shows (his M3 dreams) but atleast he's not a big mouth tard like many kids. he doesn't talk about other ppl and respects memebers.

not that i give a if someone does or doesn't, but i don't see the point to hating on the guy. he's cool.

u should see regular high school dumbs these days, they run their mouth to whoever, whenever. :smilie_da

dj_jake 03-20-2005 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by ricernoob
haha, seriously, i don't see the point of all the hating. yea. he's 16 and it shows (his M3 dreams) but atleast he's not a big mouth tard like many kids. he doesn't talk about other ppl and respects memebers.

not that i give a if someone does or doesn't, but i don't see the point to hating on the guy. he's cool.

u should see regular high school dumbs these days, they run their mouth to whoever, whenever. :smilie_da

agreed, lots of in idiots in high school nowadays, at least he isnt a total tard...

munch 03-20-2005 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by ricernoob
haha, seriously, i don't see the point of all the hating. yea. he's 16 and it shows (his M3 dreams) but atleast he's not a big mouth tard like many kids. he doesn't talk about other ppl and respects memebers.

not that i give a if someone does or doesn't, but i don't see the point to hating on the guy. he's cool.

u should see regular high school dumbs these days, they run their mouth to whoever, whenever. :smilie_da

ha ha yea i make fun of him sometimes but never to insult just messin around he seems like a ok kid and he doesnt say his civic is mad jdm tyte

powered_by_a_vdub 03-23-2005 11:02 AM

i dunno .. but i see cop cars EVERYWHERE in Toronto.. ..sometimes 3-5 within a block of the city... i wouldnt be supprized if there are just as many "stealth" cars out there as well.. :smilie_da

mdv_paseo 03-23-2005 01:39 PM

o lordy that girls ass is mesmorizing ....

Low-Low 03-23-2005 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by mdv_paseo
o lordy that girls ass is mesmorizing ....

Makes you forget about where you are, what your doing and what the thread is even about doesn't it? :hitit:

ricernoob 03-23-2005 07:55 PM

that can't be real. has to be some silicon, jello (lol) in there. or whatever they have to make an ass look phat!

munch 03-24-2005 01:45 AM

baby got back :eek:

mdv_paseo 03-24-2005 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Low-Low
Makes you forget about where you are, what your doing and what the thread is even about doesn't it? :hitit:

yes.....yes it does..... wait...what were u talking about again

~BlueStreak~ 06-07-2005 07:39 PM

just to retrace the topic a bit.

I got hauled over on the 401 just east of milton the cop said my car sounded a bit loud an only stock exsausts are permitted he starts writing a ticket
then he asks me to open my hood i did an he point out "oh a 3 stage turbo thats illeagal" ..then i got involved i said " ur idiot thats a air intake mainfold an its stock." he says nono i ment the piece below it. , again , i say dumbass reatard thats a cooling fan. an oh yea my exsuast is still stock"

he looked like he had his foot so far in his mouth the dog on his shoes made his eyes go brown.

i sat for another 10 minutes an a supervisior pulls up an talks to the other officer for sec an then he calls me over to my car an looks at the other officers notes an says he is a in idiot isnt he an hands back my car documents an lic an leaves

:sly: :laugh:

can anyone say stereotyping?

ricewagon94 06-07-2005 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by GinoLicious
Whats with the hating on poor gino today? :retard: I drive a civic, its slow like you wouldnt belive.. Hence y i dont race it... It gets me from point a to point that girls house with the hot ..

W O R D :la:

ricewagon94 06-07-2005 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by dj_jake
agreed, lots of in idiots in high school nowadays, at least he isnt a total tard...

Man if my daughter brings home one of these ing idiots when she is old enough to date, I will hit him so hard he wont hit ground till he is on the other side of the road. Cockeyed s every one of them. :eyes:

ricewagon94 06-07-2005 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by ~BlueStreak~
just to retrace the topic a bit.

I got hauled over on the 401 just east of milton the cop said my car sounded a bit loud an only stock exsausts are permitted he starts writing a ticket
then he asks me to open my hood i did an he point out "oh a 3 stage turbo thats illeagal" ..then i got involved i said " ur idiot thats a air intake mainfold an its stock." he says nono i ment the piece below it. , again , i say dumbass reatard thats a cooling fan. an oh yea my exsuast is still stock"

he looked like he had his foot so far in his mouth the dog on his shoes made his eyes go brown.

i sat for another 10 minutes an a supervisior pulls up an talks to the other officer for sec an then he calls me over to my car an looks at the other officers notes an says he is a in idiot isnt he an hands back my car documents an lic an leaves

:sly: :laugh:

can anyone say stereotyping?

Can I piss my pants now from laughing? DuDe you should have taken a picture or video or some . That would be soooo priceless! :thumbsup

~BlueStreak~ 06-07-2005 11:04 PM

i have it tape recorded i always carry one in the car an when i get pulled over i use it to tape there conversation with me just incase for some reason i end up goin to court.

so far everyone ive played it to has nearly or has needed pull ups :laugh: :laugh:

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