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rabbitman 09-10-2007 12:09 PM

EX wives vs ex husbands/fathers.
Why the **** is it that the woman can say whatever the **** they want, and we're guilty until proven innocent? What the **** happened to due process, innocent until proven guilty? It's got no ****ing place in family law, and it's total bullshit.
Ever since I stopped staying at the house, next door to her parents, where we both lived, with our kids, she just ****ing snapped. It's not like I left her, she left me, and now she just doesn't want me to be in our kids lives at all. She's just causing as much as she wants, by saying what ever the **** she wants, to whomever the **** she wants, and I'm guilty, until proven innocent.
How the **** do I prove something did or didn't happen, between the 2 of us, or between my son/daughter and I, when it was just the 2 of us? Simple, I can't. SO, I'm guilty, and that's all there is to it.
I say, I should just join the military, and be done with her, but then my son wouldn't have me around at all, which isn't much better than the 3 hours supervised I get now. And, she tells him that I'm going to hurt him, or my daughter.
SO, the other day, I'm going through some discs I have, and found one with some pics of her and I, and well, this is going to get messy. She's accusing me of some really ****ed up , and well, it's time for me to fight fire with fire. Don't ask me to post pics, I won't. LOL.

lowbalt 09-10-2007 01:07 PM

lol, that is some f'd up . 80% of the time divorce ends up as a huge fight (similar to ur situation)

Unless you can get your kids to say that their mom (your ex-wife) beats them on a daily basis, there isnt much you can do (which sucks).

If you dont mind me asking, how did this happen?

A790 09-10-2007 01:17 PM

Bro, the only way to approach this type of situation is to play it calm, be composed, and build up a repoire for yourself in the eyes of the law. Do you have a criminal record? If not, make sure the divorce court hears that. Do you drink/smoke excessivly? If not, make sure the divorce court hears that.

If you're a responsible father with a good reputation, don't worry about what she's spouting off- It's just going to bite her in the ass. Tell your kids that their mom is in a really bad place right now and that they need to be there for her; remind them that if they ever need someone to talk to that they can call you, that you'll be there to listen and support them. You're their father- no child wants to be without their dad.

Dude, the worst thing you could do is "retaliate" somehow, because that will substantiate all of her claims. Even if they aren't true, they've gone from heresey/slader to probable, and then you're hosed.

Whenever she starts yelling at you, tell her that you aren't going to speak to her when she's acting like that. Tell her to come talk to you when she's ready to relax. Ask her nicely to stop telling those horrible things to your childen- if she refuses, tell her that you're going to have your lawyer push for slander and have her labeled as an unfit parent on the basis of personal harassment, immaturity, and conduct unfit for a mother of two.

Dude, you can win this. You can make the best of what's going on. Just remember: ALWAYS KEEP A LEVEL HEAD.

And hey, I'm rooting for ya :)

rabbitman 09-10-2007 03:10 PM

My kids are 5, and 1. My son is starting to see through her , and my daughter, well, she's not talking in any thing coherent yet.
I don't have a criminal record, I don't smoke, I don't drink, , I don't even drink coffee. BUT, that doesn't matter.
As for her yelling at me, we haven't spoken since before Christmas, because, a couple of my friends here, wouldn't let me stay at our old house over Christmas. They said, there's no way they were going to let me be alone for the first christmas, and so, I stayed there. I went home for some clothes, etc, but that was it. Ever since then, we haven't spoken, aside from me calling her, to TRY and set up seeing my kids, which after Christmas, she wouldn't let me do without her parents there.
Sooo.... basically, I was supposed to sit in that house, by myself, and do nothing. Well, **** that. She was always bitter my the speed at which I had made friends in Kitchener, all of them through my Rabbit, and racing. Then, New Years, I went on a date with a woman I met, and well, we ran into my ex. LOL, she was out with her brother, and one of his friends, and ever since that day, according to her, I've been having an affair. LMAO, when she left at the end of November.

rabbitman 09-10-2007 03:11 PM

As for retaliating, I'm saving any pics of her for when it actually goes to court, and we'll see what happens then. I'm not going to do anything stupid, but I'm not going to sit by and let her try and **** me more.:smilie_d0

kazanak 09-10-2007 05:33 PM

Hire a good lawyer, Rabbit. It's your kids - their worth every penny it costs you. It's unfortunate that your ex-wife seems to be acting with less maturity than your 5-year-old, but A790 is right - play it cool and don't bring yourself down to her level - it'll come right back and biter her in the ass.

Particularly with a good lawyer, the days of family courts siding with the mother over an obviously loving and responsible father are over. Show that you're that loving and responsible parent, and show that you've got more maturity than your ex.

Good luck man.

rabbitman 09-10-2007 06:18 PM

Got a good lawyer, already had to fire one. Got a woman, who's a huge advocate for father's rights. **** the ex, like my lawyer said, any judge will see right through her , and my gf has put in word for me, since she's got 3 young kids. :smilie_da
Still though, fathers get the shaft, and that's all there is to it. Until October, I only get my kids for 4 hours a week. ****ing bullshit.:smilie_d0

Supra_RZ 09-10-2007 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Got a good lawyer, already had to fire one. Got a woman, who's a huge advocate for father's rights. **** the ex, like my lawyer said, any judge will see right through her , and my gf has put in word for me, since she's got 3 young kids. :smilie_da
Still though, fathers get the shaft, and that's all there is to it. Until October, I only get my kids for 4 hours a week. ****ing bullshit.:smilie_d0

sucks big time....hope it will turn out better

rabbitman 09-10-2007 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by Supra_RZ
sucks big time....hope it will turn out better

Can't get much worse.

TTZ_JSpec 09-10-2007 08:59 PM

My mom did the same thing with my dad, dont let her get them cause i hated it!! My mom remarried to some a**hole jerk to... just try to keep them man!

rabbitman 09-10-2007 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by TTZ_JSpec
My mom did the same thing with my dad, dont let her get them cause i hated it!! My mom remarried to some a**hole jerk to... just try to keep them man!

I'm not worried, I know where my son will go, if given the choice.:smilie_da

Ontittech 09-10-2007 11:24 PM

I totally agree rabbit. And it isn't only affecting you, It is affecting the rest of the family too. I haven't seen either one of them since we came up just after Em was born, because of the BS she pulled at Christmas I didn't even get a chance to see them. And I know your mom is pissed about this whole thing too.

I know things will work out for you man.

especially when the courts see how you are treating her 3 kids.

PS> and please no pics.... I don't need any mental pics

rabbitman 09-10-2007 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by Ontittech
I totally agree rabbit. And it isn't only affecting you, It is affecting the rest of the family too. I haven't seen either one of them since we came up just after Em was born, because of the BS she pulled at Christmas I didn't even get a chance to see them. And I know your mom is pissed about this whole thing too.

I know things will work out for you man.

especially when the courts see how you are treating her 3 kids.

PS> and please no pics.... I don't need any mental pics

LMFAO, jess, no worries man, no pics. How's Noah? Don't worry, first weekend, we'll all be down there. all 7 of us

Ontittech 09-11-2007 12:01 AM

Noah is doing Awesome, and so is Kay. We are still taking things slow, but we are working on it, amazing how a near death experience of a F*cked up drunk driver can put your life into perspective.

and I cant wait to see all of em LOL. Especially Ev and Em.

rabbitman 09-11-2007 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Ontittech
Noah is doing Awesome, and so is Kay. We are still taking things slow, but we are working on it, amazing how a near death experience of a F*cked up drunk driver can put your life into perspective.

and I cant wait to see all of em LOL. Especially Ev and Em.

Yeah, kay was telling me. Well, hopefully you guys work out. And yeah, I can't wait to see the 2 of them, at my house, with Dar's kids. Emily already ****ed Heath's bs, and Emily doesn't even know it. :smilie_da

Kuztom Freak 09-11-2007 03:45 AM

Dude that suxx - and some really good points were maid so I'll offer something a lil diff

1. if the mother really isnt and "earner/working" and you (the father) can show that you can offer a much better enviornment for the children, courts could easily sway your way and have been moving that way for about a decade now

2. ALLWAYS ALLWAYS ALLWAYS BE CALM, this shows your maturity, seriousness, ext... and will only further piss off yer ex, possibly at a time in front of "witnesses" adding to yer rep + showing her unstableness

3. Delete this thread, Im sure she or her friends know yer on here, so delete it or at least edit some shtuff you said, for obvious reasons you'll realize when yer calm

4. Record all future conversations with her, tell no one [as long as you are in the conversation - it is perfectly LEGAL to record it, it's only illegal to record third party] - this may come in handy as evidence against her character/stability, might exhonourate you, and now have something you can use to nail her ass for deffamation of character/slander/etc..

5. offer to have yerself evaluated (mentally speaking) to show yer "worth" and ask if she will voluntarily go herself for evaluation - if she says no, it could look bad against her - if she says yes and she's a lil loopy, it'll work againt her

6. dont just rely on yer legal council - do some reasearch yourself, look up other case files, find fathers online who have gone through yer shituation (there are forums for everything, so theres prolly one for this too)

7. be yerself - dont "play a role" while in supervised sessions - they can tell

that all I gots fer nows - hope that helps some

rabbitman 09-11-2007 07:37 AM

LOL, I don't need to play a role, the place where I see my kids has realized that what has been said by her was bs. They realized that, 20 minutes into the first visit, and I'm guessing she knows that, since everything else that has been said, has been said since that day. :smilie_d0

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