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NoRiceInside 02-08-2007 02:43 AM

i need help
well my girlfriend of over a year and a half has just broken up with me. shes making outrageous claims that ive been treating her like **** and that im an *******. now none of you know anything about this so im not going to try and convince you of anything, but most of what she's been saying has been based on true events, but extremely exaggerated. and she claims none of the relationship has been good, its been horrible. which hurts the most. thats such a lie, its been great up til about a month ago when i moved away from her to valencia. i dont know maybe its that right there...maybe its how she instinctively reacts...

97z2801ss 02-08-2007 02:46 AM

maybe she likes anothr dude..... or shes got a screw loose... or maybe shes panicing since you moved youll find a new girl..

NoRiceInside 02-08-2007 02:47 AM

she said theres a guy in one of her classes that shes been studying with lately. they both like eachother. **** i'd rather her tell me im an ******* and she never wants to see me again. i dont wanna hear that shes going to be ******* someone else now. god damn this hurts so much. i feel like selling my car, quiting my job and just becoming a bum.

97z2801ss 02-08-2007 02:48 AM

**** I was wrong... my girl says this... "shes prob lonely with out him and doesnt trust him"

97z2801ss 02-08-2007 02:51 AM

OoO maybe i am right man, girls are wack, keep your ride dont get all depressed aint like you gonna marry her. If she likes another dude so what.. theres many hunnies out their bro.. dont swet on that ****. PS: just think hes Gettin your seconds... hehe

Amurican_Muscle 02-08-2007 02:56 AM

Dude... first off, never sacrifice the car for a girl. Second... girls are crazy. Some will make up random lies about a relationship to try and feel okay about making a decision. And 3rd... external forces are HUGE in a long distance relationship. From my own experience, she could be telling "her new friends" everything bad thats happened, and nothing good ... and it makes those other people be like "you deserve better" ... When she isn't actually telling the whole story. All relationships have problems. It's really complex, and when long distance is thrown in, it can be really really hard. Trust me... so far I've had to last in about 3 years worth of long distance relationships.

Anyway, don't go overboard. Be the more mature one. Try and talk it out and see what she really means.

Amurican_Muscle 02-08-2007 03:01 AM

Oh, and I forgot to say... If its meant to be, its meant to be. Honestly... she will either realize she loves you and eventually come back, or she will just keep makin wrong decisions. Its not your fault man. (I've had to tell that to myself many times... and I got through it)

Bernotas05 02-08-2007 04:35 AM

I was with my ex for over a year then **** left me for one of my friends. Its definatly rough but just try to talk to her and if shes still bitchy about it just let it go and if she cares she will come back. I had my ex try to get back with me when i was home on leave but i said screw that im lovin the single life.

NoRiceInside 02-08-2007 04:57 AM

well she was saying she doesnt want me to move and was saying she'd miss me and she loves me and everything, then i move and she turns crazy. and she kept saying long distance relationships dont work. she was going through my cell phone account online and saw there were text messages sent at like 1 AM. she asked me about it, i had no idea, there were none in my phone, and she doesnt believe me. then she goes and gets another guy like this. it makes me mad and hurt at the same time. she said they just study together in class and they both like eachother and they havent done anything. she even tried to make me feel bad in the way she told me about him. it just hurts so bad, i dont think i even cried this much when my mom died.

i WAS planning on marrying her. thats how serious we were. and i dont want to think that shes telling her new friend all the bad **** about me and he gives her the line "you deserve better". i cant imagine her being with someone else or i dont want to even think it. i cant stand this. what i hate the most, is this guys dad works with her dad, so he has a good chance. but he doesnt deserve her. got i wanna die.

it makes me regret everything. having a car that costs me too much, credit cards, all this **** thats preventing me from moving out. if i had more money to do so i'd still be in palmdale with her and this might not have happened :(

FamousZ 02-08-2007 12:15 PM

I know it sucks! I wasnt actually in the relationship this summer but I really liked this girl and I believe she had feelings for me.. But some people started talkin **** and tellin her **** that aint true and she like turned on me. Wouldn't even let me sit down and tell her the truth.. The bad part is I cant be mad at her no matter how hard I try! Shes beautiful... That hurt me and I wasnt even in the relationship.. I can only imagine what your going through..

I really wish that I would have more money so I can move out on my own as well but right now that aint happening.. :(

69z-28 02-08-2007 02:39 PM

piihp....... mhmm.

paarman97maro 02-08-2007 04:48 PM

I know how it is caleb... it really sucks. Ive cried more over girls than I have funerals, which is sad in some aspects. Just try to keep your head up and keep looking forward. Dont go doing anything crazy, or selling off cars... Its not worth it. Youll hurt for awhile, and then it will get better. My mom once told me a quote that I rely on in all my really tough situations.

"If youre at the bottom, theres nowhere to go but up"

Ive had a couple relationships that lasted a long time, and been hurt in the end.. Ive always been broken up with. It sucks, but in the end youre going to know more about yourself and what you want out of a relationship. Who knows, maybe this whole thing will even blow over in a week, or two. Maybe youll end up back together, maybe not. You never know what lifes gonna throw at you... Just keep yourself occupied... You live in Cali so at least you can still drive your car on a nice day!

97z2801ss 02-08-2007 05:18 PM

you guys cry to much... be a man.. go get a new honnie...
Im sorry but I find no reason in crying over a girl... I have a kid and havent though about marrage yet hahaha... you should relax if its ment to be its ment to be if not its not... keep yourself occupied and on the right track and everything iwll fall into place.:)

NoRiceInside 02-08-2007 09:18 PM

damn guys. if your girl dumbs you, get a muscle car.

at work today my supervisor and i are really chummy. we were talkin about it all day. hes telling me that shes probably playing this game, and me begging and **** is putting her in control. so i gotta just stop, tell her to stop calling me, we're through, and she'll either stop and it will be over, or she'll realize shes losing me and want me back.

today she was supposed to come by my work so i can see her one last time but she didnt. she called at like 4 and i picked up. she was like hey, all casual like, and i said what do you want? and she said some ******** like she was stuck in line at the college registering or some **** and i just interupted with i gotta go bye. and her tone got so sad! she said bye all quiet as i hung up. it doesnt sound like it, but damn, did she change her tone. so i think i got it all figured out, so ima wait it out til she realizes this new guy is a loser.

anyway the reason you get a muscle car, i drove into work today instead of carpooling, i usually take the freeway the 40 miles to work, today i took the canyon! god damn i didnt realize stock f-bodies can handle so good. it felt like a damn rally race. shifting, braking, turning; damn my tires and brakes hate me, but it was SO MUCH FUN!

it took my mind off things and made me feel good about the situation. cars are more loyal than women.

mxracerbrian 02-08-2007 09:26 PM

well good to hear you are feeling better about the deal!

and yes...going fast fixes anything

paarman97maro 02-08-2007 10:06 PM

Yeah thats awesome man... Do whatever works. I know driving like a ******** has made me feel better about **** so many times... I just do it for no reason now :lolsign:

Amurican_Muscle 02-08-2007 10:06 PM

duh... cars are the reason for life. and girls on the side...

NoRiceInside 02-09-2007 01:15 AM

haha. since everything went downhill once i moved, i just searched craigslist. rooms for rent in palmdale for $500 a month. if i have any chance of getting her back i gotta move back. plus all my friends are in palmdale. i dont like valencia like i thought i would.

paarman97maro 02-09-2007 01:37 AM

How did you move there in the first place, arent you in a lease?

ouch 500 a month is steep.

Bernotas05 02-09-2007 01:40 AM

Yea screw that thats too much man.

98CamaroZ28 02-09-2007 01:49 AM

When ever I get mad or irritated with something, driving my camaro keeps me calm and I can relax to take my mind off things if they arent going right. Its like a time out from reality and a time to enjoy doing something, driving helps just dont drive angry or emotional, it's dangerous lol! I'm sorry to hear things aren't going well, the last time I cried over a girl was when I was in 7th grade going out with this hella hot 9th grade chick, but i was young and immature so that didn't last long lol, but it sucked when she used the excuse, My parents don't want me to go out with you anymore crap bs game. It tough but hang in there man, you can do it!

NoRiceInside 02-09-2007 02:25 AM

500 a month is good for so cal guys. well my sis and her boyfriend are getting back together and they are looking for a place, so maybe we can share a 2 bedroom apartment which is 800 total.

Bernotas05 02-09-2007 02:28 AM

ohh I dont know the army pays for me to live so i duno how much it costs anywhere. but goodluck with that.

paarman97maro 02-09-2007 02:36 AM

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
500 a month is good for so cal guys. well my sis and her boyfriend are getting back together and they are looking for a place, so maybe we can share a 2 bedroom apartment which is 800 total.

Not bad, I was paying 800 3 ways where I used to live... granted its still a lot when you think about it, but its cheaper

ITSA6 02-09-2007 08:26 AM

don't know where things are right now just don't jump into things man. My ex told me she wantedme back and all this stuff and turns out the whole time she was ******* another man behind my back. Just drive your car let her come to you if it's meant to be and enjoy life. Everything happenes for a reason sometimes it just takes a while to figure out why. (Girls made me mad the other day and i got to 100 on the interstate) :)

hllywd 02-09-2007 05:19 PM

Nobody can tell you what to do NoRice. Follow your heart or follow your head. Whatever happens happens. Dont do anything irrational though. Slow down and take your time. Examine all the possibilities and go from there. Take your cruises, clear your head. I had 27 wonderful years with my wife and when she passed I was glad it was still warm out so I could clear my head also.
They say when one door closes, another one opens up. Keep your eyes open, you never know who youll meet when your out cruisin. Or maybe the road will take you back home.
Hang in there NoRice.

NoRiceInside 02-10-2007 01:30 AM

well i think if my girl died it would suck but it wouldnt hurt as bad cuz it wasnt her choice to leave me, know what i mean.

anyway right now i say **** her. not cuz she was hot, cuz **** her. i dont need the emotional stress. i talked to her today and then i talked to my step mom (psychiatrist) and i came to the realization that she IS playing me. shes got me begging and shes winning. so ya know what i told her today i'll talk to ya when i talk to ya but i hope we can still be friends and ****. she said okay so now i just gotta sit back and wait for her to call. and somehow i dont really feel as lost as i was yesterday, and now im probably not moving to palmdale, not yet anyway.

but anyway thanks for the support guys. if i meet someone before she calls i'll probably forget all about her, but until then ima just chill. life is still good, im still hella young. to think i lasted that long with her dad they way he was...damn im good! i gotta lotta outta that one. lol.

blue89vert 02-10-2007 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
...but until then ima just chill. life is still good, im still hella young.

i was just thinking that exact thing except i had " i wish i had my damn liscense" at the beginning.
thats goood you got everything figured out though

Bernotas05 02-10-2007 01:38 AM

Go to a party or a club or somethin and pick up some chicks, nothing like a good party with lots of chicks. It works like a charm lol we put that out sometimes when me and my friends go out we wait a lil into the night and we go up to chicks and be like yea my girlfriend just broke up with me and they be like awww and boom your in. dont knock it till you try it works pretty much everytime. :eleph:

NoRiceInside 02-10-2007 02:01 AM

lol maybe i will. thanks paul.

Bernotas05 02-10-2007 02:17 AM

Chyea no problem It worked for me many times.

ITSA6 02-11-2007 02:48 AM

glad to hear things are getting better

NoRiceInside 02-11-2007 03:11 AM

this hot chick came in last week to get some tires. today she came back for a rebalance. now that im single im interested. so i got her phone number off her invoice. i texted her a few times tonight. she hasnt texted back in about 4 hours. she thinks im a stalker. lol.

97z2801ss 02-11-2007 03:37 AM

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside

but anyway thanks for the support guys. if i meet someone before she calls i'll probably forget all about her, but until then ima just chill. life is still good, im still hella young. to think i lasted that long with her dad they way he was...damn im good! i gotta lotta outta that one. lol.

lol man now your thinking
congrats bro

hope you do well this next year!

69z-28 02-11-2007 09:16 AM

haha you dork. next time talk to her and see what she thinks, dont just get her number and be like hey remember me the tire guy. she be like....... ummmm, oooo proly think ur weird.but good

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