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coszmin 07-07-2008 02:33 PM

I'm dooing my part to save the planet :)
As of last month I've sold my Turbo Renault , and i am now on foot . Of course , I can afford this in europe , because taking common transit , not only gets you there faster , but also allows you to meet LOTS of hot women.

I have been thinking about this for the past little while, and I also realised that I race a lot less now-a-days. Personally I think that the racing manifestation is just a way to vent out the frustration from living in a north american environment. I see no need for it in Europe, and if i want to go fast I just get on the autobahn ... But that became boring as well I mean sure ... you go 260 but where does it end ... after one point ... you just get tired of it.

My dream car has now become a smart convertible, which i'll buy, when i'll need a car. However, I'm VERY pleased with my recent european trip without a car, in which, for less money, I visited 3 countries using airplanes and trains. I might also just get a bike instead if i end up moving to holland :)

Holland is really the country with the best design for helping the environment. And I think that also shows on their populace, most of them have very healthy skin and look good till an older age.

Notice again ... lack of cars , and single lane streets, which is everywhere in holland:

personally i didn't think this was possible until i got there, but once i got there, i considered selling my car from the start. and eventually i did.

Please note, and this i think you'll all agree, it's a realistic thing ... IF ALL COUNTRIES WOULD BE LIKE THAT, we'd have no global warming .

P.S. :(

R/T kota 07-07-2008 02:44 PM

1, global warming is bull .
2, why are you on a Canadian car forum if all you do is bash Canada.

coszmin 07-07-2008 02:50 PM

I have lived in canada ... My friends and relatives are still there . I know most people like you never left ontario, and believe they know the world.

I am bringing you the story from the other side . The story that you can't see on the 200 channels of american gladiators and seindfeld you get there. It's an observation, and comparison.

This post is meant to give my 2 cent opinion about WHY north america pollutes so much, and why so many people there have a racing problem . I know i did . And I thought i'm like that for life ... now i see different things ...

So ... it's just the side of the story that you guys don't get to see. IF you don't like it ,if you're the type of canadian who doesn't know what lichtenstein is just ignore my posts, and go watch commercials during american football. I'm sure many others do get me.

sorry you got offended by my first post, it was not meant to be offensive. But once again ... you tell two fat people they are fat . one of them is dumb and calls you an . the other one looks in the mirror goes to the gym and takes the extra pounds off . I am just giving you guys a mirror ...

and ... please argument yourself, how is global warming bullshit ?

R/T kota 07-07-2008 03:15 PM

I have been out side Ontario and even out side north America so don't pretend to know me ok.
All countries have their flaws and Canada is one of them. Just that you really come off as a pompous ass with most of your post being about how Europe is better.

About global warming? There are many articles written by many scientists that shoot down the whole global warming theory. Google is your friend.
here is one for you.
YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle - Produced by WAGTV

coszmin 07-07-2008 03:32 PM

I don't know you, but if you live in Hamilton and you're bothered by me pointing out good things about European cities with little polution that says a lot. All canadians know hamilton is canada's arm pit ( that's actually a canadian expression ) the city with the dirtiest air.

As for global warming, personally I've been feeling it throughout my life, nevermind the recent huricanes, skin diseases from sun radiation, and wasted crops all over the world ... But I say , the oil business is good , and just like in canada ( sorry i'm dooing this again , but i gotta use some arguments ) , you can find drinks for 4.99 with organic written all over them , and then small in fine print you see various concentrates and E chemicals , you can find many articles that would support the oil business , rather than using forbiden techologies that tesla got killed for , that would allow YOU and ME , to have more money and live better lives, at the expense of others making less billions yearly which would be forced to accept a life style closer to that which we , the common slaves , can have.

Do a google search or Iraq , and i'm sure you'll find a lot of articles supporting the fact that , Iraq needed to be invaded for any other reason , other than , controlling it's oil resources.

But like i said ... you don't need google for this . Just look at the weather ... Three years ago , i believe , in canada , there were 20 degrees on crismass day , then from January we got -45 . A few years back there was a guy with a nissan on this site , who put his summer tires on , and on 26th totaled his car due to a spontaneous snow storm. People in Bucuresti die of heat during the summer more than before, they get +40 degrees at night in Bucuresti now a days ... and the evidence keeps on piling out if you keep your eyes and ears open. No need for fake scientist propaganda, unless you're so brainwashed, you're willing to feel warmer and colder to think nothing's actually changing. :(

And my statement stands, with no canada bashing whatsoever ... dutch people are and look really healthy .

I saw the film ... all they argue about is that climate has always been changing . that is fine. I am not a scientist, nor do I have the time to really investigate this, not to mention that it's a bit hypocritical since in canada I drove a H22 civic with no Cat and a 2.5" pipe , and in europe I drove a turbo car but ... last I checked you could commit suicide by chilling in your garage with the car engine on. so sure ...

living at 65 forrest mannor road building , where I lived in north york won't kill me on the spot , for having the DVP and 401 intersect in front of my balcony . It would probably just take off 20 years from the length of my life if i were to continue my life there.

R/T kota 07-07-2008 05:00 PM

About global warming, do some more research then make up your mind.
About Iraq, you preaching to the quire. Most of us are smart enough to know why the states went in there.
And back to your Canada bashing, why is it you feel this need to insult our Country and everyone in it on every post you make on here?
What is this chip on your shoulder you have about Canada? Were you molested here? Did you get deported? Have a run in with Julian Fantino? Something must have happened to make you this way.
I think you just weren't tough enough to handle it so you went home with your tail between your legs.

..77. 07-07-2008 09:31 PM

European women do their part to save the planet s resources by not shaving as much as N Amaerican women ..77.

coszmin 07-08-2008 02:14 AM

77 most of them get waxed here :)

R/T kota, i'm not gonna keep entertaining this discussion, with some guy from hamilton, who went to europe, then was able to go back home to his shitty hick ass town , and not think twice about , how ****ed up and retarded the place he's living in really is. you are like one of those homeless people that stays in jail, and if he gets out , wants to go back in, because he can't handle himself in the real world. argumenting any of my thoughts on canada to you, it would be like trying to teach calculus to a dead chicken.

btw did you google lichtenstein yet, or do you still think it's a sauce ?

people like you are what makes canada so shitty. I have many canadian friends that are smart enough to see the bad parts about canada, but nobody can't change , because people like you are the majority. there have been many psychological experiments to prove what you are going through right now. people when they get scammed with a product, sometimes they tend to lie to themselves that they actually like the product, in order to ignore the pain caused by the knowledge they are dumb. not only that they lie to themselves, but they are willing to lie to others, and help those get scammed as well, which will make their conscious mind feel better about themselves beeing scammed. that's why you like it in hamilton dude, and that's why you, even if you go to paris, see the champs élysées , you'll want to get back on barton street and be in your element in that poluted hole, chilling at Timmys instead of some club down in Ibiza .

anyways, i'm banning myself from here for a while, interacting with people like you might dumb me down enough who knows, maybe i'll end up moving to peterborough and starting my own pig farm, if i keep this up . then it would suck because i'd have to sport a mullet, join a domestic car forum, and hear bluethunders fukcing stutter all the time

enjoy your kraft dinner

R/T kota 07-08-2008 03:46 AM

Ok I get it now. I see why you left Canada.

You pissed everyone off here so much that the entire country wants to kick your ass.

coszmin 07-08-2008 10:30 AM

sorry ... bud ... i know i promissed to lay low for a while and I WILL , but i was just talking to a friend about a little back and fourth, and he suggested I give you this map, for future reference , maybe you can even find Lichtenstein on it :

R/T kota 07-08-2008 10:59 AM

I think you need to stay off this and any other Canadian forum little boy, before we organize about a dozen people and invade your little Country of Lichtenstein.

coszmin 07-08-2008 02:32 PM

see ... you're answering your own questions about me . i see nobody else has the heart to tell you ( or nobody else knows ) but ... Lichtenstein is NOT a country ...

I just reinacted a family guy joke with you isn't that funny ? Only that they were using Monaco , not Lichtenstein .

funny man , and we were just talking exactly about this .

you wanna know how i feel . get a few monkeys from the zoo , lock yourself in the house with them , do not interact with any human for a week , just with the monkeys ... then multiply that by 13 years ... and you'll understand my problem .

later ... and please ... do not invade Lichtenstein , the prince might get mad at you , and then everyone in ... yurop ... will want to give you a dirty sanchez ... but then again , you just gave one yourself on the country of lichtenstein thing man ... wow ... more priceless than stuff you can't buy with mastercard


R/T kota 07-08-2008 02:43 PM

Are you still here?
Thought you said you were leaving.

kfennell 07-08-2008 05:11 PM

People who go into other countries and talk ... makes no sense. I work with alot of immigrants and I see the same thing all the time.

coszmin 08-05-2008 10:38 AM

kfennell funny you should say that. i've lived in holland for almost a full month now, talked with a lot of emigrants and they all say "holland is the best country in the world"

so not people going to other countries. people comming to canada ... it's an entire culture in canada, of emigrants, talking about canada. that's due to canada's lobby throughout the world, of it beeing one of the best countries in the world to live in. so people come there, hoping for the better life they've seen on TV. and when reality hits you it's bad. Life in some countries in eastern europe is allready better. But if you ask people living there, they all envy candians and think that canda is a great country. But then if you ask people from those countries that emigrated to canada ... you'll get a different response .

canada seems to be a opening market for various products from around the world. they need many people, to live unhealthy lives, to pay insurance and taxes , buy products, feed shopping malls and hipermarkets, die 10 years max after their retirement with the bad food, poluted medium, and high stress environment, and leave children behind to consume and pay taxes and insurance to make the economy go round, without any regards for human quality of life. in fact like i said , regards for quality is considered BAD FOR BUSINESS, in every single domain in canada except marketing, which exists, to hide the lack of quality. so unfortunatelly ... that's why imigrants IN CANADA ... talk about the new country they moved in.

tilf_hunter 08-05-2008 11:37 AM


What are your thoughts on New Mexico?

Evil_Edge 10-15-2008 05:55 PM

I burn through large amounts of fuel in my extremely bad on gas V8. Which in turn helps the environment around me because I constantly have a smile on my face. Tree Huggers FTL

judgez24 10-15-2008 06:08 PM

lol, yeah you cant beat the smell of melted tires and burnt high octane gas :D

Kuztom Freak 10-17-2008 11:25 AM

I see both sides, cozmins and ours. Cozmin is correct in some aspects about north america (ppl here ARE the commodity / product). I also know what its like all over Europe, some bits are cool and some are borring as fukk, it all depends where you are and your personality type.

Im not fond of his "Europe is superior" attitude because I know Eropeans, they arent monkeys but another animal all together (I'll spare name calling), many but not all.

Point is - its the same all over the world, but with its own twists.

I know Eropeans that spend 6 months in each contry due to their vocations, and I hear pros and cons of both places, no one place is better, its just different.

It could be said that Eropeans are all brainwashed into believing the things they do so that its easier to get them to pay into the transit systems there and the local corps instead of global ones. Its all the same, just shifted around, theres only so many ways you can devide playing cards.

On a personal note, even tho I dont agree with everything he says - I do like his "reports"

In addition:

how will Cozmin feel when "his" perfect places are "invaded" by immigrants from all over the world who want to live where he does cuz "its sooo awesome" and they turn it into every other place ?

how will north america look and be once everyone switches to non polluting transportation and the air/water clears up?

I LOVE it here and Immma staying, although I wish some ppl would get the fukk out.

coszmin 10-19-2008 04:10 PM

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
I see both sides, cozmins and ours. Cozmin is correct in some aspects about north america (ppl here ARE the commodity / product). I also know what its like all over Europe, some bits are cool and some are borring as fukk, it all depends where you are and your personality type.

Well you can live in a village here, and still be closer to better clubs than if you would live in North York. Places are boring if you don't have a car, if you do, then most western europe is interesting. I live 2 km away from Belgium , 5 km away from Germany , 100 km away from france , 150 from Luxemburg ... I mean come on ...

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
Im not fond of his "Europe is superior" attitude because I know Eropeans, they arent monkeys but another animal all together (I'll spare name calling), many but not all.

You can't know Europeans. We're not like Canadians. Europeans are from many many places. Many cultures. Now-a-days, they even call Israel in europe. That doesn't mean all europeans like guns. Or for that matter just because Romania is in europe that doesn't mean they all steal :P. But aside from that, there are many that still act by the values which were enforced 100 years ago, before the MULTIPLE brainwashing systems that have shattered the world in the last century ( most effective beeing in Canada and US ... JUST LOOK HOW ****ING HAPPY YOU PEOPLE ARE :p ). Values that have shaped the modern world and modern society. Because you guys in canada don't feed with your hands ( yet at least ) , don't hunt for food ... you use forks, like europeans . you sit at tables like europeans ...

And most of you are Europeans, who have left a land where civilization started, and now live in a land where civlization was 1000 years retarded. I remember in american patriotic songs something about spirit of the land ...

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
Point is - its the same all over the world, but with its own twists.

I know Eropeans that spend 6 months in each contry due to their vocations, and I hear pros and cons of both places, no one place is better, its just different.

Those twists are powerful, for the individual. However to a north american mind it might be odd at first. I know I for example used to get lost all the time because the streets aren't retarded proof perpendicular and parallel . In here you get to a round about with 8 sides and oh-oh.

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
It could be said that Eropeans are all brainwashed into believing the things they do so that its easier to get them to pay into the transit systems there and the local corps instead of global ones. Its all the same, just shifted around, theres only so many ways you can devide playing cards.

Europeans don't use cars because the cities do not require cars. They get by a lot faster with transit, bike or walking. And it's much healthier. That is the general reason. They all have cars as well, just don't use them. And when they do want to use them they have uncluttered highways where they can go fast. You must understand some cities here have only one lane streets, but they all have bike lanes ( in western europe )

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
On a personal note, even tho I dont agree with everything he says - I do like his "reports"

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
In addition:

how will Cozmin feel when "his" perfect places are "invaded" by immigrants from all over the world who want to live where he does cuz "its sooo awesome" and they turn it into every other place ?

There are many asians and africans in western europe. Most of them speak the language of the country they live in AND english. Quite a few of them are integrated very well into western society. There are also programs for integration. I have always said, racism is wrong, but i'm definently for cultural extermination through simple EDUCATION. MEanwhile canadians chown down on curry and write the national anthem in hindu. . . . .

Originally Posted by Kuztom Freak (Post 437918)
how will north america look and be once everyone switches to non polluting transportation and the air/water clears up?

do you think that will ever happen? there is also the issue that in europe people can afford riding the bike ... distances are shorter, cities have a diff. architecture.

enforcer505 10-21-2008 01:23 PM


you need to learn English and grammar first off.

i admit you have some good points. but these points all canadians know. you are stereotyping canadians like were americans. this is not even close to a true fact, right off the bat. have you ever been to the US? you seem to generalize a point you make by 1 occurrence.

first off they call canada a first world country for a reason. your cities and countries have been around for some of them thousands of years and have very rich history and have been built well before cars. its as simply as culture change. north america makes more economically then europe. ppl use public transit (well over 2 million in the city fo toronto alone) when the population of the GTA is about 5 million ppl. that's not counting the towns usage of there systems. ppl do what they can and what they can afford. same in europe, no change. you seem to be complaining about global warning. you have compared two pictures, one of a side street in Europe and a major hwy in north America. how can you compare the 2 period???? hwy s in Europe are as bad as Canadas are or worse in Europe simply because of the population difference and also with the poor lay outs of your cities. congession points etc etc. you cant compare 2 different cultures the way your doing it.

you again generalize Canada comparing it to europe. your comparing a continent to 1 country. a country 1 /10th the population. begin close to germany and other countries is just an ignorant comment. you need to do some research and use facts before you generalize 1 country and a continent of Europe. its like comparing germany to the Uk. its not a fair and accurate assumption. 2 totally different countries and cultures. we are not the US nor do we all watch football and American gladiators. many canadiana hate the US simply because of there arrogant and pompous. as i said please review your facts before you start bashing a country. obviously u had a bad experience or are bitter about something. or simple jealousy. who knows, maybe just ignorant.......u dont see canadians bashing other countries freely. also for the comment u stated about iraq, canada refused to get involved. just another FACT to lay out there....

coszmin 10-25-2008 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by enforcer505 (Post 438277)

you need to learn English and grammar first off.

if memory serves right you are the guy that came on here impersonating a cop and talking to canadian residents that need to vent their surroundings induced rage through street racing, so that would explain that particular comment from your part :). I hope you can appreciate that after speaking Hungarian and Dutch for the entire year, and Romanian last year, and French and German intemitently when traveling through europe, it takes a bit more concentration for me to form proper english sentences, concentration that most of the time i don't invest when writing theese messages. I do not live in an english speaking country, percentage wise, people speak better english in the Nederlands, than in Canada. Sure you probably speak better than most but ALL of them speak better than all of Scarborough and Brampton, Vancouver and Newfoundland combined.

i admit you have some good points. but these points all canadians know. you are stereotyping canadians like were americans. this is not even close to a true fact, right off the bat. have you ever been to the US? you seem to generalize a point you make by 1 occurrence.
canadians and americans can be generalized from the most part. Sure you have the hicks and the smart types. But there are smart types in the US LOTS of them. And there SURE ARE many hicks in canada.

WESTERN europeans can also be generalized for the most part. That is not including England, Portugal, Romania or Russia ... ... If you look at the map of europe on the 2 euro coin you can see the map of europe that excludes most countries that aren't mostly "european" . Brittain is obviously at fault for most of the fuked culture going on down there on the other hemisphere, so of course it's out of the picture. Eastern europeans are too close to the Islamic countries, or the Russian countries. And portugal, greece and israel just belong in the continents they are closer too :)
So once again, the hicks and the smart types. Sure there are smart types in Greece and hicks in Germany ... oh wow ! ! ! :) ... but for the most part, the smart type concentration is just great in western europe, at the same time it's so strong, that the hicks have a harder time penetrating.

To give you an example, a turkish guy with a turkish restaurant, barely speaking dutch, that preety much had an appearance that stood against everything western, was complaining to me that people are ignorant here, and that he will move to Canada.

w000t BOAYYYYY !!! < -- not even gonna mention how GOOD it feels not to have to hear flavored that way on a daily fkin basis

first off they call canada a first world country for a reason. your cities and countries have been around for some of them thousands of years and have very rich history and have been built well before cars. its as simply as culture change. north america makes more economically then europe. ppl use public transit (well over 2 million in the city fo toronto alone) when the population of the GTA is about 5 million ppl. that's not counting the towns usage of there systems. ppl do what they can and what they can afford. same in europe, no change. you seem to be complaining about global warning. you have compared two pictures, one of a side street in Europe and a major hwy in north America. how can you compare the 2 period???? hwy s in Europe are as bad as Canadas are or worse in Europe simply because of the population difference and also with the poor lay outs of your cities. congession points etc etc.
You must visit europe some more, obviously, and then you'll have different opinions yourself. Personally I lived half my life here, half there, and that should also point clearly to why we have a difference of opinion here.

The picture from europe, is not a side street , but a main street in the center of amsterdam. That is the street that people commute to work on daily. The picture from north america, I believe is close to Sheppard and Younge ? so preety much RIGHT where people go to work, I have chosen the two PRECISELY for their similarities in usage.

Also you are right , canada is one country . One retardedly big country . with 29 milion ppl, and a stupid and unreasonable ( for the distances and space ) 100 kmph speed limit. And it's I believe some 3 times bigger than europe. Yet in europe, with an incredibly increased density, you NEVER get the traffic you get in canada on the highways. To top that off, when there is traffic, not only that the panels tell you, ( no "Collectors moving slowly" when you can do 130 bullshit ), preciselly what speed you should do ( if you should gradually go down from 130 to 40 ) , and when you do hit the traffic jam, EVERYBODY puts their blinkers on, so they don't get rear ended by surprised drivers.

And if people do get into an accident, which is NOT BY FAR as often as in canada ( once again given the difference in density you get some laughable numbers ) the other side of the highway doesn't completely stop so that every stupid idiot can look to see a two fat tow truck drivers scamming the fender bender clients.

you cant compare 2 different cultures the way your doing it.

you again generalize Canada comparing it to europe. your comparing a continent to 1 country. a country 1 /10th the population. begin close to germany and other countries is just an ignorant comment. you need to do some research and use facts before you generalize 1 country and a continent of Europe. its like comparing germany to the Uk. its not a fair and accurate assumption. 2 totally different countries and cultures. we are not the US nor do we all watch football and American gladiators. many canadiana hate the US simply because of there arrogant and pompous. as i said please review your facts before you start bashing a country. obviously u had a bad experience or are bitter about something. or simple jealousy. who knows, maybe just ignorant.......u dont see canadians bashing other countries freely. also for the comment u stated about iraq, canada refused to get involved. just another FACT to lay out there....
My canada bashing ( which is mostly construtive criticism in a first hand sour tone [ trouth hurts , curry smells ] ) is related to my past here, when i lived in canada, and i got bashed and got told to move back to europe. SO I did , now i'm just providing the odd report, like i said, not only to the people that told me to leave but most especially for my european brothers in canada, that feel something is missing and are reading this :). The stuff i said about the war, was pointed towards american mentality, that I know FIRST HAND, is present in Canada. I know Canada is officially against the war, but there are a lot of white trash in canada that would want Canada to enter the war, and those white trash, make up a great percentage of the true canadians unfortunatelly, since most others are newer generation emigrants from all over the place.

Nuckingfutzz 10-25-2008 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by Evil_Edge (Post 437758)
I burn through large amounts of fuel in my extremely bad on gas V8. Which in turn helps the environment around me because I constantly have a smile on my face. Tree Huggers FTL

X2 so cozmin if you think your helping I guess I just need to up the compression in my V8 to compensate for you using less gas....LOL
btw I stopped reading all your crap after your 4th thread so please stop.

Oh and Global Warming for those who are confused by the different theories, is a circular solar cycle of about every 1500-1700 years. It's a natural occurance.

coszmin 10-26-2008 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by Nuckingfutzz (Post 438629)
X2 so cozmin if you think your helping I guess I just need to up the compression in my V8 to compensate for you using less gas....LOL
btw I stopped reading all your crap after your 4th thread so please stop.

Very good. Also good u'll do this in the city where you, your friends and prolly your family lives.Another good thing is probably your town is full of V8's already , just like i'm sure that most ppl over 40 are fat and look 50.

Originally Posted by Nuckingfutzz (Post 438629)
Oh and Global Warming for those who are confused by the different theories, is a circular solar cycle of about every 1500-1700 years. It's a natural occurance.

You also forgot facts like : the first man to fly was american, mc donalds is good for you, europeans are gay, smoking is good for you ( was recomended by the doctors in the 60's-70's as a good thing for your heart ), etc etc ...

Also this post was less about global warming, and more about personal, national health and mental health , but of course, most of the ****s that fall for other propaganda bullshit, fail to read between the lines.

Nuckingfutzz 10-26-2008 12:16 PM

Yo cozmin why don't you just stop already. If you read the Thread title that you made..... I'm dooing my part to save the planet :) and your whole first thread is about you not driving and using mass transit or bying a smart car or a bike. I don't know when you changed the thread topic 2nd or 3rd reply but you should make a new thread and call it Why are people from north america so iggnorant .....then you can talk about all the crap you want.

BTW. I was being sarcastic if you notice the (LOL) at the end of the sentence.

coszmin 10-27-2008 03:24 AM

i have stopped many times . this thread has been here for months, i don't really continue it on a daily basis :)

as for the LOL ... you drive a V8 ... no need for the LOL ... and most people do in the suburbs ... some can't even fit their asses in a 4 banger ... and YOU KNOW that's true . anyways , sorry my sarcasm was a bit more subtle than "LOL" and you got mad at me for the thread name not matching the subjects :smokin:

judgez24 10-27-2008 04:12 PM

oh for the smoking comment. im pretty sure if you were to average out europeans to north americans youd find more europeans are smokers. the dirty bastards they are :)

The Don 10-28-2008 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by enforcer505 (Post 438277)

you need to learn English and grammar first off.

i admit you have some good points. but these points all canadians know. you are stereotyping canadians like were americans. this is not even close to a true fact, right off the bat. have you ever been to the US? you seem to generalize a point you make by 1 occurrence.


What makes Americans different from Canadians, or how you seem to imple, what makes Canadians better then Americans? Please explain, i'm interested now:smile:...

coszmin 10-30-2008 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by judgez24 (Post 438790)
oh for the smoking comment. im pretty sure if you were to average out europeans to north americans youd find more europeans are smokers. the dirty bastards they are :)

definently more smokers here . i started smoking again when i moved back to romania :( cigarettes were 1.50 $ and EVERYBODY everywhere was smoking.

they are fixing this though ... they also banned public smoking in western europe much like in canada. just that it just happened now. shitty part is that they don't let you smoke tobacco in cofeeshops anymore, which is pretty retarded ... other than that public smoking bans are GOOD

judgez24 10-30-2008 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by coszmin (Post 439012)
definently more smokers here . i started smoking again when i moved back to romania :( cigarettes were 1.50 $ and EVERYBODY everywhere was smoking.

they are fixing this though ... they also banned public smoking in western europe much like in canada. just that it just happened now. shitty part is that they don't let you smoke tobacco in cofeeshops anymore, which is pretty retarded ... other than that public smoking bans are GOOD

i think the smoking bans in coffee shops and bars are the best palces to have them along with malls and restaurants. nothing worse than going out for a drink a meal or a coffee and having someone smoking right beside you or near you. its fuken ignorant. its like me taking a on a table infront of a smoker. essentially the same kind of dis respect

coszmin 10-30-2008 02:09 PM

yes fine, i agree with you, however i was talking about the dutch cofeeshops ... you know the ones that sell prerolled joints and space brownies :)

i think a smoking ban effective in those as well is a bit ... wierd . especially since they put tobacco in the joints they sell :smokin:

empire123 11-29-2008 10:30 AM

cozmin, whats with you and europe man. stop trying to convice us that europe is superior. I honestly dont care. w/e u say ill always say that living in North America is like nowhere else. I hate europe i hate their stupid 1 lane streets, their stupid ugly FIATS and PEUGEOTs, i hate how the germans have no sense of humour and how they focus all their time, energy and mood into manufacturing bmws and benzes. europeans have the worst hygiene in the world. what kind of a country has 1 lane streets in the middle of their financial district..i find that retarted as hell

if you love europe that much go stick around som european forums instad of gtcars. from what ive noticed you try to impress everyone by the fact that you travel around europe but i get the feeling with your belongingness to this forum is that you wish you could come back to toronto right now. You sound like just dont have the oppurtunity to return.

god bless canada and god bless Bangladesh

judgez24 12-01-2008 04:46 PM

god burn down bangladesh and all its occupants. do you really like smoking a j that someone rolled for you? that someoen has likely licked and is now passing along their stds to you? good on you man.

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