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meissen 04-19-2005 12:57 PM


I don't really see what the big deal is, Jason locked his own thread because he didn't want the arguing and hijacking.. Normally some of us will post, "Hey, delete this thread, will ya?" and it's deleted, so in this case he just locked it himself.

archemedes 04-19-2005 01:23 PM

any argument and it should be deleted especially when aimed at a mod or any staff member it makes the site look like a bunch of kids

NoRiceInside 04-19-2005 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by McGruff
why are you guys deleting and locking threads where people are rude?

Seems pretty ridiculous to me...

yeah you guys need some tough skin. take a few insults

meissen 04-19-2005 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by archemedes
any argument and it should be deleted especially when aimed at a mod or any staff member it makes the site look like a bunch of kids

Agreed. Every other arguement is taken out of the forum, so why is there a discussion about it now? Most of the time the arguements that are had in a thread are deleted or closed only after it's gotten out of hand, so what's the problem with dealing with it BEFORE it gets out of hand? He made a personal attack on someone that was uncalled for and borderline sexist, depending on how someone read it (I was thinking as far as a guest might interpret it). It was deleted as to thwart the thread getting out of hand ahead of time. Jason closed the thread because it was hijacked, and being his own thread I think it's his decision on whether to close it or not, and as he said when he closed it he was getting rid of the arguement. With all that said, why are people acting like these two actions weren't handled correctly?

meissen 04-19-2005 02:11 PM

Secondly, on a side note, it's fine if someone wants to tell Jimmy, but couldn't they have atleast told them when it still applied? I had already said back at like 10:30pm EST that I was wrong for saying we should ban / suspend him, but yet 3 hours later he makes the post about it? As far as I knew, until I came on today, it was pretty much over before he even made that post? :confused:

(Skimming over what was said since my post last night...)

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
yeah that hes wrong for, but you guys seem to be critisizing him for his opinion, not his cruelty.

Eh, what started the whole thing was that he made an attack on someone, which is why I posted my 2 cents that revived the whole debate in this thread, and maybe I'm just putting words in other people's mouthes but I think that most people made their comments as a result of Jimmy's actions, not his opinions. We all know his opinions and some of us might not agree with them, but the reason most are speaking against him is because of the actions that are coupled with the opinion, be it saying Danielle has no right to give her opinion because of her car, or putting down other people's work by bluntly saying "Painted rims look like trash," it's trolling and it's the action not so much the opinion that is angering people. For example, Arch doesn't like painted rims:

Originally Posted by Archemedes
I personally don't like painted rims I can tolerate them but if they are the same color as teh car I have issues that just looks wrong on many levels

But in giving his opinion, he did it in a fair way that wasn't putting down every single person's car that has painted rims. There's a line, and Jimmy just crosses it a lot. I obviously don't agree with much of what he says opinion wise, but I can ignore it (which I have done up until the other day) as long as it's not attacking other's hard work that they've put into their car, especially when it's someone that visits this board. Even if he is putting something down, but does it in a teasing manner or something with a better attitude, it wouldn't bother me as much as just flaming someone. Anyway, I thought that after I made my post everything would be cool again, only to come on and find out I missed a whole bunch. Werd, I need to visit the board more often than I already do. :lolsign:

McGruff 04-19-2005 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by archemedes
any argument and it should be deleted especially when aimed at a mod or any staff member it makes the site look like a bunch of kids

It already looks like.. no wait.. is a bunch of kids. With the exception of maybe 10 people on this site, everyone is under 18, would you expect any less?

Who cares if its directed at a mod or any staff member, we are people too.

If you guys ban him or anyone else for giving an opinion, even in the context of "Your car is a piece of ****, no one likes it, kill yourself", or any of the sort, then you can consider me gone. That is what I have been doing since day one on this site, and if its going to be like that then I'll take my shitty comments elsewhere.

As a note though; I wasn't saying that flaming or whatever should be tolerated, but in the threads I read he gave an opinion that no one seemed to like - big ******* deal, get over it. Everyone talks about how "oh, his opinion means nothing to me" and then you cry about it in here where they can't see, pretty ******* cowardly if you ask me. Hit the **** head on... someone says "hey, your taste in cars sucks" jump back with a witty "your paint looks like my **** when I eat taco bell" or if that isn't your style, you can always use "I ****** your mom", or just a simple "blow me".

Things that are posted should be in relatively good taste, yes, but this isn't a goddamn office building. I don't have a suit and tie on when I type in here, so why should I be expected to act as if?

McGruff 04-19-2005 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by meissenation
But in giving his opinion, he did it in a fair way that wasn't putting down every single person's car that has painted rims. There's a line, and Jimmy just crosses it a lot. I obviously don't agree with much of what he says opinion wise, but I can ignore it (which I have done up until the other day) as long as it's not attacking other's hard work that they've put into their car, especially when it's someone that visits this board. Even if he is putting something down, but does it in a teasing manner or something with a better attitude, it wouldn't bother me as much as just flaming someone. Anyway, I thought that after I made my post everything would be cool again, only to come on and find out I missed a whole bunch. Werd, I need to visit the board more often than I already do. :lolsign:

I respect hard work when it shows. If you put 20 man hours and $40,000 into your car to make it look like something you couldn't pay me be seen standing next to, why should I respect you for that?

Respect is earned on many levels, dumping money into your car is not one of them.

McGruff 04-19-2005 03:40 PM

by the way, I'm ******* sick of those goddamn "LOL" sign things.

meissen 04-19-2005 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by McGruff
If you guys ban him or anyone else for giving an opinion, even in the context of "Your car is a piece of ****, no one likes it, kill yourself", or any of the sort, then you can consider me gone. That is what I have been doing since day one on this site, and if its going to be like that then I'll take my shitty comments elsewhere.

I'll be the first to say that I've always thought you should've been the first person ever banned from this site, but for some reason people tolerate you, I still don't quite understand it, but that's everyone else's decision. Unfortunately since everyone else thinks it's funny or doesn't care that you bring the site down, I just don't speak up anymore.

archemedes 04-19-2005 04:54 PM

the big thing is on one of the big sites and someone does that 99% of the time the thread is deleted and the person is given a 3 day vacation, arguments are getting way out of hand, I guess I'm wrong for wanting this place to not look like a bunch of 13 year olds are the main group (I've been told it looks like a middle school forum by a few people I've had check it out) if we want to grow things like that have to be stopped

RFF 04-19-2005 05:05 PM

Why does the forum needs such great attitude to grow? IMO the tech areas of the board needs some serious activity before anything.

McGruff 04-19-2005 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by archemedes
the big thing is on one of the big sites and someone does that 99% of the time the thread is deleted and the person is given a 3 day vacation, arguments are getting way out of hand, I guess I'm wrong for wanting this place to not look like a bunch of 13 year olds are the main group (I've been told it looks like a middle school forum by a few people I've had check it out) if we want to grow things like that have to be stopped

Exactly, except I gave it the benefit of the doubt and called it high school.

Here's a scenario for you though, so maybe you can better comprehend what I'm trying to say (not trying to be a smart *** with that by the way, I just think we have the same concept, just on different pages):

Person A: "Tell me what you think of my car!!!"
Person B: "I love it, kickass wheels!!"
Person C: "Great color choice, I like what you did to the front!!"
Person D: "Painted rims look like ****, and your paint is all faded"
Person B: "Dude, why do you have to be so mean?"
Person C: "Yeah dude, you need to respect the money he dumped into it"

So who's right here? No one? Everyone? Who's at fault for arguing? If you say Person D, you are wrong. Someone's negative opinion does not directly correlate to a negative look for the board, to me, it shows that we are well rounded and diverse - not a bunch of ******* robots that all think the same thing looks great and all do the same mods.

All I am saying, is if you are going to try to lay the ban stick out, or lock/delete threads, don't be hypocritical about it.

I have on multiple occasions deleted my threads just because I got a little out of hand with them.. so what? Step up to the ******* plate and play the game fair.

(The last two semi-paragraphs were not directed towards arch, but rather everyone)

meissen 04-19-2005 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by archemedes
the big thing is on one of the big sites and someone does that 99% of the time the thread is deleted and the person is given a 3 day vacation, arguments are getting way out of hand, I guess I'm wrong for wanting this place to not look like a bunch of 13 year olds are the main group (I've been told it looks like a middle school forum by a few people I've had check it out) if we want to grow things like that have to be stopped

Exactly... I mean, I will say that I have appreciated that you toned it down, Josh, because at one point I was getting so sick of reading your constant negative cussing and ******** posts that I was about ready to just stop going here (not like it probably makes a difference to you) but I can't imagine that I'm much different than other people that don't understand why everyone else puts up with your attitude. I'll be the first to say that I rag on certain people, most recently NCamaro94's post about getting all that stuff, but 99% of the time I'm not putting people down or being negative. I dunno, all this drama and crap is getting really old. I rather come on and not read all these trolling threads and stuff. What I said in here about Jimmy was because aside from like a few people (Everyone is, actually, aren't they?), everyone in here is either a mod or a supermod, so this PW Forum is like a mod only forum where most rules aren't as important because the "general public" doesn't see these posts. On the "public" forums, though, I think we need some more maturity cause like Arch said, people aren't going to want to come here if it seems like it's a bunch of little kids.

McGruff 04-19-2005 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by meissenation
Exactly... I mean, I will say that I have appreciated that you toned it down, Josh, because at one point I was getting so sick of reading your constant negative cussing and ******** posts that I was about ready to just stop going here (not like it probably makes a difference to you) but I can't imagine that I'm much different than other people that don't understand why everyone else puts up with your attitude.

You're right it doesn't make a difference to me.

Can you give me some examples of what I said that made you want to leave the site?

Negativity and the truth are different though, so keep that in mind...

RFF 04-19-2005 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by McGruff
You're right it doesn't make a difference to me.

Can you give me some examples of what I said that made you want to leave the site?

Negativity and the truth are different though, so keep that in mind...

Josh even I will agree that sometimes you do come across with a pissy attitude. Your not that bad now but in the past sometimes it would get out of hand. To some you also do come across in a egotistic manner.

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