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NoRiceInside 01-17-2007 10:01 PM

maaco and big o tires
i got my car back today and the front end is fine, but they didnt fix the bubbles and runs and **** they had said they would. im not about to take it back for a 4th try...but it gets messy as of today...

apparently maaco takes a lot of their mechanical work to big o tires where i work. since i wrote a letter to corporate about the horrible quality the owners are mad. well more specifically, the owners son, who runs the place and whom i called a shitbag. so he went and cried to daddy and now daddy is threatening to stop taking their work to us.

my manager says screw em they dont bring that much and when they do they always cry about the price, but our owner is scared. so he told me tomorrow the owner of maaco is coming to discuss the situation and they will take it back and make it right, so i have to give them my car back AGAIN and afterwards write another letter to corporate explaining about what a wonderful job they did making things right.

im not about to submit to that, it's not like 8.50/hr is a great job anyway. if it comes to continuing to deal with maaco and quitting my job...i'm quitting. im moving to valencia in a week, im looking for work down there anyway, so its no loss for me.

the only way the owner can make things right is to give me my money back and pay me back for the rental car.

blue89vert 01-17-2007 10:04 PM

damn that sucks. im never going to maaco. hope you get everything worked out

Mike Jones 01-17-2007 10:12 PM

Sorry to hear that, we can firebomb the place if you like.

NoRiceInside 01-17-2007 10:12 PM

they want me fired if theyre going to continue business with us, but what i want to know is, whos getting fired over there for ******* up my paint job twice.

tomorrow im going to tell this story to the owner and see what he says:

if a customer comes into my shop and buys 4 tires, struts, brakes and an alignment for $1200 and the steering wheel is off center would you turn around and take it back? sure. now if they take it in right away, make an adjustment, and its still off, would you turn around? reluctantly. now if they take it in, redo the entire alignment with sensors and everything and give it back and its STILL off do you want to deal with that shop anymore?

blue89vert 01-17-2007 10:18 PM

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
if a customer comes into my shop and buys 4 tires, struts, brakes and an alignment for $1200 and the steering wheel is off center would you turn around and take it back? sure. now if they take it in right away, make an adjustment, and its still off, would you turn around? reluctantly. now if they take it in, redo the entire alignment with sensors and everything and give it back and its STILL off do you want to deal with that shop anymore?

hell no

paarman97maro 01-17-2007 10:48 PM

wow thats gay. How can they fire you over that? This was a job you had done personally that they ****** up and you happened to work at a place that they deal with... how can they make the call that you get fired over what a ****** job they did on your personal vehicle?

That seems completely wrong. Id take the owner, and show him that it looks like someone pissed on your paint while it was curing, and had a 5 year old child blowing dish soap bubbles into the paint. Then when they fix your car and make it perfect right when you go up to shake his hand, whip it back along side your head and say.. "Suck my balls".

Then get in your car and drive off to Velencia. Hows that for making history? You told the owner off and drove off into the sunset with your bitchin perfectly painted car (barred they dont do their best job and still looks like a pack of wild animals shat on it).. .but it would still make for a sweet story to tell people.

69z-28 01-17-2007 10:53 PM

thats ****** retarded. your place of emplyment has NOTHING to do with their ****** craftsmanship. your store should have nothing at all to do with your paintjob. you work at tire place, and are a customer of paint place.

put it this way...
if you are a software engineer and created a software program for an insurance company, should they be able to make you lose your job because you wrote a letter complaining about how they ****** up your insurance policy? HELL NO. it is absolutley unrelated in any way and it is purely a personal attack on you. the guys a douche. DONT back down at all, and like you said, if **** comes to ****.... 8.50 can be had anywhere else. **** Maaco. lets all email them and tell them theyre business skills as well as their painting skills lack something fierce and they should all burn in hell for their extreme retardedness of life in general. heads. good luck Caleb!

69z-28 01-17-2007 10:54 PM

****** paar types faster then

Phate 01-18-2007 12:16 AM

Hence why I never let places like Maaco work on my paint. Typically if your paying less than 3 grand for a paint job, its gonna be ***.

NoRiceInside 01-18-2007 01:55 AM

well ive got my resume for southern california edison...ima mail it in tomorrow.

ITSA6 01-19-2007 12:01 AM

sucks caled it really does but yeah fight it get your car right and leave 8.5 is not hard i am 17 and get paid 8. so yeah it's not to hard

Mike Jones 01-19-2007 12:17 AM

I say let them fire you. Whatever you do don't quite. Then file for unemployment and they'll have to pay you for doing absolutly nothing. I know for a fact there's nothing worse for an employer than to have to pay someone that doesn't even work there anymore. That's why we are so careful to make sure everything is perfectly in order before we fire someone.

NoRiceInside 01-19-2007 02:17 AM

i figure i'll let em fire me, collect unemployment, and file a report with the labor board :D

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