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GinoLicious 08-15-2005 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by ricewagon94
I for one have to say, women are expensive to have around. But so much fun!

Onless the woman aint crazy about money, then you are fine.

nocwage 08-15-2005 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
His Mom? :laugh:

Damnit! There is no good come back to that :(
:appl: I'll get you next time..

Nord 08-16-2005 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by CavalierChick
you just aren't looking hard enough my friend :)

Well, I think I just found a girl that has the same interest! So, if you're "normal" hot too you'd be Perfek!

Could you handle a loooongdistance relationship? :p

Back to topic.

I think women are more loose now than for 20 years. (Oh , how can I now? I haven't even been alive for that long )

But still, they have a loong way to go to catch up with men. Well, think I didn't come up with anything new in this thread :p

GinoLicious 08-17-2005 01:25 AM

The girl that i just started going on dates with, her mom looks identical to her.. Its creepy... Its like yeah... LOL..

msSPEED 08-17-2005 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by GinoLicious
The girl that i just started going on dates with, her mom looks identical to her.. Its creepy... Its like yeah... LOL..


Zapa 08-17-2005 09:26 AM


i've yet to date a girl with a hot mom :stroke:

msSPEED 08-17-2005 11:03 AM

You guys wish your gf's mom looked like the women in the video " STACEYS MOM HAS GOT IT GOING ON" now thats a HOT mama!!

-James- 08-17-2005 02:40 PM

Yes, and it's hard to find a chick with half a brain these days.

Women want respect when they can't even give it to themselves.

Originally Posted by CavalierChick
I totally don't agree with that, ok well maybe SOME girls out there, but you can't pinpoint most girls.

I for one am NOT looking to , but am in it for the relationship.
It's hard to find a nice guy now-a-days anyways.

Jesus, why won't women get over this garbage? You know, looking for more than sex is fine but when you break out with, "It's hard to find a nice guy now-a-days." it's just ridiculous. To you, I would like to know what a nice guy is? Obviously, any other guy you've ever had hasn't been a "nice guy" or maybe you used to look to men and not get involved with them. Maybe you shoot higher than you can and by saying a "nice guy" you really mean "I haven't found Brad Pitt's long lost brother yet". Am I saying that all "nice guys" are ugly or non-attractive, no. What I am saying is I think you're just too full on yourself with this "nice guy" bullshit because you have high standards. I'm not going to jump to conclusions though, so everything I just said is hypothetical. What I would like you to do is answer my question and once you've done that, we can continue this.

In all honesty, I've seen and heard too many girls say this and I've never gotten a direct response. The girl will either beat around the bush or spew this bullshit:

- Kisses me good night
- Hold my hand
- Tells me I'm pretty
- Gives me attention
- Buys me stuff
- Makes me laugh

It's obvious these ideals do not match EVERY female, which, is why I'd like to hear from you, Cavalier Chick, what is a "nice guy"?

Zapa 08-18-2005 09:05 AM

Also 99.99% of the girls end up telling nice guys that are in love with them :

"Oh don't worry , you will find someone better than me , who deserves you"

because they arn't attracted the that anymore now they've met joey with a bike who describes them as "my bitch" and he's so hot , o my god , like sooooo hot ...

shuller1458 08-18-2005 10:46 AM

When girls say "nice guy" it means they don't know what the hell they want from a mate.

And "nice guy" sometime (or half of the time) is not nice at all: he can behave in quite igoistic way and do not give respect to a girl and she would love him, why? because "he is like sooo hot"... As many have been saying here: they just don't know what the they want from a spouce.

shuller1458 08-18-2005 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by Zapa
"Oh don't worry , you will find someone better than me , who deserves you"

AND THIS,,,arrg.... it is just pisses me sooo much. By saying this, it means that the girl mocks her self down, saying that she isn't good at all. She doesn't respect herself at all. How can you say about yourself? And if she doesn't respect herself, she will deffenatly not respect the other "party".

"Treat people, as you want to be treated back"

That's my ideology of relationship, and if you don't get it, get the out of the relationship. :smilie_da

drifter420 08-18-2005 12:19 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
"Oh don't worry , you will find someone better than me , who deserves you"

Thats women lingo for "I'm better then you and I can do better" :la:

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