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Mike Jones 01-24-2008 06:35 PM

More Gun Laws=More Gun Crimes
Big suprise, more Gun Laws equal More Gun Crimes

Bernotas05 01-24-2008 08:17 PM

No surprise here, The inmate in that segment said it the best. The people that are out to break the law are going to get a firearm reguardless of the laws. It just hurts people that are good citizens that would defend themselves against the dangerous people. I had two of my close friends shot during a drive by outside a club a few months back, They both recently retured home from iraq a month prior. They went 15 months in combat without getting shot and they come back home where it is supose to be safe and that happens. But they both recovered fully but it just shows that some people just dont give a **** about other mans lives. Thats why they should allow people to carry to balance out the violence.

archemedes 01-24-2008 10:42 PM

you get caught shooting someone, the punishment should be a 12 gauge is shoved up your ass and fired, I bet that would slow the gun crimes a bit

paarman97maro 01-24-2008 11:54 PM

I honestly dont believe that has any correlation. I just think our country is just getting more sh!tty over time.

V6Cam 01-25-2008 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 226373)
I honestly dont believe that has any correlation. I just think our country is just getting more sh!tty over time.

I agree, the sad thing is that there is more action goin on back in the states than there is here...thats sad

Phate 01-25-2008 09:10 AM

I dont care what they say about gun laws. I will always own at least one firearm in my home.

V6Cam 01-25-2008 10:19 AM

same here, one in car and one in house

MetalliCamaro 01-25-2008 12:42 PM

Is this the Big Surprise?

archemedes 01-25-2008 12:54 PM

if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.... famous quote that bears repeating, the real issue is it's still very easy to buy a gun illegally (through some legal dealers)

97SS02SS 01-25-2008 01:03 PM

Bottom line is, everyone has their own opinions. I have never lived in a house that didn't have at least a handful of firearms in it and I never will. Both my father and step father were police officers and I have been hunting since I was old enough to walk. When my husband and I do start a family one day, our home will never be without a firearm. To me, you might as well leave the front door unlocked and don't even bother with an alarm system. What would be the point? When someone comes into your home, all it comes down to is who is better prepared for the confrontation, you or him. Do you think that hearing an alarm system is going to deter everyone, or do you think the police will always get there in time, assuming you make to the phone to even call? There are just too many questions in that senario. If someone comes into my home (or tries to steal my car), I would much rather neutralize the situation, and ask questions later. I'm not going to be the idiot who brings a knife to a gun fight.

Banning good citizens from owning firearms, is just making it easier for every **** head who has one.

MetalliCamaro 01-25-2008 01:05 PM

This Topic really PI$$ES me off. How Long have Guns been around? What the Hell do we( Normal people) use guns for? I use mine for Hunting. Which Brings Food to the table. Some of us like to Have a Gun rack in our Trucks. For Hunting.... There was this time. I went Hunting and I got my Deer. went to School with the Gun on my rack. (which I Forgot about) and some Douche bag reported it. and then I was suspended for a week. Its not like it was loaded... only had 3 bullets in the Glove Box.... Which nobody really knew about...

Its the Damn Kids these Days. Maby its the Parents.

paarman97maro 01-25-2008 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by 97SS02SS (Post 226438)
Bottom line is, everyone has their own opinions. I have never lived in a house that didn't have at least a handful of firearms in it and I never will. Both my father and step father were police officers and I have been hunting since I was old enough to walk. When my husband and I do start a family one day, our home will never be without a firearm. To me, you might as well leave the front door unlocked and don't even bother with an alarm system. What would be the point? When someone comes into your home, all it comes down to is who is better prepared for the confrontation, you or him. Do you think that hearing an alarm system is going to deter everyone, or do you think the police will always get there in time, assuming you make to the phone to even call? There are just too many questions in that senario. If someone comes into my home (or tries to steal my car), I would much rather neutralize the situation, and ask questions later. I'm not going to be the idiot who brings a knife to a gun fight.

And you will also go to jail and get sued in that case. You can only do enough to defend yourself in that situation. Shooting them will lead you to lawsuits and fines.

If someone is invading your home, its your responsibility to flee the situation. Its sad, but thats how it works.

Adric 01-25-2008 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 226444)
And you will also go to jail and get sued in that case. You can only do enough to defend yourself in that situation. Shooting them will lead you to lawsuits and fines.

If someone is invading your home, its your responsibility to flee the situation. Its sad, but thats how it works.

**** that im not fleeing oneday I need to get a handgun so I can defend myself. Id rather blow their face off if they tryed to harm me or my family instead of running away. I would feel I have been defeated in my own home.

97SS02SS 01-25-2008 01:22 PM

No it isn't how that works. If someone invades your home, you have the right to protect yourself as long as you are in fear for your life. The stealing the car thing, yes, you would get in trouble for that unless they threatened you. As a matter of fact, just about two months ago (and you can look this up on a family friend of ours was in his home one night when someone broke in his window and started to climb through. He killed the intruder before he made it all the way in the house (our friend had the shotgun we loaned him). The guy who broke in had a gun (which was concealed under his jacket) and a gas can. Now, had our friend ran and called police, he may not be here right now. There is no way to know what would have happened. However, he did not get in trouble at all, and this was in California. If someone breaks in my house, when my family or I am home, to me, that is threatening my life. I will not wait to find out if he's armed or not.

97SS02SS 01-25-2008 01:29 PM

Another thing......I would rather have to deal with a wrongful death lawsuit or something like that, than bury my husband or children because I was "playing it safe". **** that.

paarman97maro 01-25-2008 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by 97SS02SS (Post 226450)
No it isn't how that works. If someone invades your home, you have the right to protect yourself as long as you are in fear for your life. The stealing the car thing, yes, you would get in trouble for that unless they threatened you. As a matter of fact, just about two months ago (and you can look this up on a family friend of ours was in his home one night when someone broke in his window and started to climb through. He killed the intruder before he made it all the way in the house (our friend had the shotgun we loaned him). The guy who broke in had a gun (which was concealed under his jacket) and a gas can. Now, had our friend ran and called police, he may not be here right now. There is no way to know what would have happened. However, he did not get in trouble at all, and this was in California. If someone breaks in my house, when my family or I am home, to me, that is threatening my life. I will not wait to find out if he's armed or not.

Sadly, it is. I learned about it in my classes. We just had a huge discussion on this, and no you cannot just shoot someone point blank in your house, unless they are putting you in immediate danger. If they break in, no matter if its your property or not, if they break in to rob your house and see you have a gun and then start running out of the house, if you shoot them, YOU are at fault, and YOU are ******. They come back and sue you for attempted manslaughter, Im afraid you lose. The only thing I can think of that would substitute what happened above is the Castle Doctrine, which gives you the right to use deadly force to any intruder that puts you or innocent people in harm. But that doesnt apply to California, unless they have a similar doctorine, or statue. Those are up to the state though, so Im sure they found some statue that gave them the right. Sure theres small what ifs, and buts, but the bottom line is that you can only do as much as it takes you to get out of the situation. If you start killing people, thats vigilante-type. If they shoot someone in your family, and you kill them, thats revenge, not justice. Im not disagreeing with you thats whats right and wrong, its just what I learned about how the law with that works. It sucks, and I dont think its fair if someone comes into your house that you cant kill them if they dont put you in danger. I dont agree with that.

97SS02SS 01-25-2008 01:58 PM

You are right and I probably should have explained myself better. If someone comes into my house, sees that I'm armed and they run away, then of course I will not shoot them. However, if someone comes into my home and I see that they are armed, they are going to die. There are so many senarios and like you said, what if's and but's, and I do understand what you're saying. This is how I figure it: if someone breaks into a home knowing that there are people in the residence, the intruder has got to know that there will be some kind of confrontation. And I will be willing to bet that he is prepared for it, most likely being armed with some kind of weapon. I will be willing to take the risk of being prosecuted and found guilty because of the fact that I used deadly force to protect myself or my family when I felt threatened, whether a jury or judge agrees or not. And I can guarantee you that put in that situation, almost every single one of you will take that risk. Unfortunately, the laws are what they are and that is just a risk that I will have to take. But like I said before, I do agree with you, although our choices may be different.

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