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paarman97maro 11-04-2008 11:03 PM

I am for one glad George Bush is gone. Now lets hope Obama follows through with the change he proposed. I cant say I am dissapointed with this elect as I was with Bush. Heres to a hopefully good 4 years!

shock6906 11-05-2008 08:10 AM

Oh I'm sure there will be changes, but I'm not confident that it will all be for the better like everyone is thinking.

paarman97maro 11-05-2008 02:31 PM

The sad thing is every republican is already ******** saying how theyre going to move to Canada.. haha. I guess now they know how it felt for us to have to deal with 8 years of ********.

It didnt matter who was getting into office, because everything is already on the downhill.. So now everyone has a reason to give him a bad rep already. Im personally for having to pay a little more to keep us from going into a recession even further. I dont care if it costs money now, whatever helps fix our economy.

Mike Jones 11-05-2008 09:15 PM

Obama's an idiot. I hate socialism with a passion, I was raised an honest day's pay for an honest days work. To bad that won't be true.

paarman97maro 11-05-2008 09:45 PM

I personally am not complaining that he is taking more from the very rich, whom many of which do not do to make their money, and giving back to those who actually deserve it. Blue collar workers work their asses off while the extremely rich sit back and make money off other people working their ass off.. I am not making a million dollars+ a year.. so Im not complaining.

Mike Jones 11-05-2008 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 263520)
I personally am not complaining that he is taking more from the very rich, whom many of which do not do to make their money, and giving back to those who actually deserve it. Blue collar workers work their asses off while the extremely rich sit back and make money off other people working their ass off.. I am not making a million dollars+ a year.. so Im not complaining.

That's the average person's statement. I don't care about other people as long as I get what I want.

I made a waitress very mad last week. I went to a resturant for dinner and noticed the waitress had an Obama button. After the meal I told her the homless guy down the street was in more need of the tip than she was she wasn't going to get one. I then heading down the street where this homless guy showed up a couple days ago and gave him the money instead.
That's exactly what Obama wants to do. Take money from people that have earned it and give it to people that haven't. Why should I go to college and better myself just so my money can be given to people that don't want to work and live off welfare and handouts?
There's a reason communism fails.

Adric 11-05-2008 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by ProjectCamaro (Post 263522)
That's the average person's statement. I don't care about other people as long as I get what I want.

I made a waitress very mad last week. I went to a resturant for dinner and noticed the waitress had an Obama button. After the meal I told her the homless guy down the street was in more need of the tip than she was she wasn't going to get one. I then heading down the street where this homless guy showed up a couple days ago and gave him the money instead.
That's exactly what Obama wants to do. Take money from people that have earned it and give it to people that haven't. Why should I go to college and better myself just so my money can be given to people that don't want to work and live off welfare and handouts?
There's a reason communism fails.

Good Statement I did like McCain on some issues, however I sure as did not want Palin anywhere near the office.

Mike Jones 11-05-2008 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by Adric (Post 263527)
Good Statement I did like McCain on some issues, however I sure as did not want Palin anywhere near the office.

I want to be clear, while I personally would have rather had McCain over Obama I didn't like his ticket either.
I ended up voting for Ron Paul who I personally believe would be the best man for the choice. Of course my vote went straight to McCain since he was the Republican nomination instead of Ron Paul.

paarman97maro 11-05-2008 11:41 PM

I do care about other people.. I just dont care for the fact that the top 5-10% whatver controls most of what happens in this country. Because most of them are rich pompous assholes, Im talking top TOP class of incomes in the U.S., they DONT work as hard as other people. I am not rich, I did not grow up rich, so I guess I dont understand that way of life. Most of everyone I know is is middle class, and I can attest for how hard many of those people work. I can go on the internet and read about/see what a cakewalk all the upper class lives are. I guess for the fact that I am not rich and I work my ass off to meet ends meet I dont know what its like to sit back and collect money for doing nothing. I dont agree with that.

Besides the facts of what I believe in, McCain is old as , and it shows.. during the debates he shuffled around and his voice was trembling the entire time... Palin is a straight up idiot, she has no idea about anything from what I watched of her interviews.

YouTube - Palin PWNED on CBS

YouTube - Palin PWNED on CBS, Pt.2

The fact that I dont like McCain, I just dont trust what hes saying by the body langauge he gives off, and I dont care for the fact that he likes to pull the "I was in a war" card for sympathy and to win votes.. And the chance that he could die before he serves half of his term.. would put Palin in control. No. I did, however, really appreciate McCain's statement last night. I thought he presented it very well, and it was insightful. It was the best thing I have seen him do through the whole campaign.

The only thing I dont agree with your story is income classes. Waitresses dont make as it is, theres a difference between them and people that own several businesses who sit on yachts all day sipping margaritas while they pull in more income in a day than I make in a year. I dont think the analogy is going to go down quite how you described, but I guess time will tell.

But anyway.. I dont want to turn this into a political debate.. we all have our own beliefs. Obama is the president, so I guess we will see how things turn out.

paarman97maro 11-05-2008 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by ProjectCamaro (Post 263522)
That's the average person's statement. I don't care about other people as long as I get what I want.

I made a waitress very mad last week. I went to a resturant for dinner and noticed the waitress had an Obama button. After the meal I told her the homless guy down the street was in more need of the tip than she was she wasn't going to get one. I then heading down the street where this homless guy showed up a couple days ago and gave him the money instead.
That's exactly what Obama wants to do. Take money from people that have earned it and give it to people that haven't. Why should I go to college and better myself just so my money can be given to people that don't want to work and live off welfare and handouts?
There's a reason communism fails.

On a lighter note Chad, if you did that to me I would have in your chocolate milk! haha : )

Mike Jones 11-05-2008 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 263529)
But anyway.. I dont want to turn this into a political debate.. we all have our own beliefs. Obama is the president, so I guess we will see how things turn out.

Now this I agree with. I won't go over what I think of the post you made because if we get into it there's no way things will turn out good.

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 263530)
On a lighter note Chad, if you did that to me I would have in your chocolate milk! haha : )

Oh, no one messes with my chocolate milk!

69z-28 11-06-2008 01:11 AM

it's good to see a forum still where you guys (chad and paar) voiced your oppinions and both agreed to see what happens because these threads NEVER turn out good anywhere else.

i'd like to add, Obama's views of "redistributing the wealth" seem way outta whack and i agree with chad's statement, i dont want my hard earned money going to lazy asshats. also, paar... the people who run the country and the economy (rich pompous assholes) in most cases worked their asses off to get where they are.

I'm all for helping the economy, however i wont tolerate giving my money to people that don't deserve it.

like Paar said, whoever took over office was gonna be in a -mess anyways. Bush put us where we are for the most part and now Obama is responsible for fixing it. im being very optimistic about it all, i'm not an Obama fan, however i do hope that he can do great things for us. for the record, i'm a tad pissed off Obama won because of who he is rather than anything else.

here's something to prove my point a little and should give for a good laugh also...

YouTube - Howard Stern - 1/10/2008 - Sal Interviews "Obama Supporters" in Harlem

like i said, i'm being very optimistic and hope that he does great things for us regardless of why he won. when my money starts getting taken away thought, THEN i'll be pissed...

shock6906 11-06-2008 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 263529)
I do care about other people.. I just dont care for the fact that the top 5-10% whatver controls most of what happens in this country. Because most of them are rich pompous assholes, Im talking top TOP class of incomes in the U.S., they DONT work as hard as other people. I am not rich, I did not grow up rich, so I guess I dont understand that way of life. Most of everyone I know is is middle class, and I can attest for how hard many of those people work. I can go on the internet and read about/see what a cakewalk all the upper class lives are. I guess for the fact that I am not rich and I work my ass off to meet ends meet I dont know what its like to sit back and collect money for doing nothing. I dont agree with that.

The problem with feeling that it's ok to take a little more money from the top 5 or 10% is that it opens the door to extend that extra tax down to the top 15-20%, and then the top 20-30%, until the tax man is knocking on your door demanding more money. What Obama is talking about right now might not have an effect on your wallet, but it doesn't take long for s**t to roll downhill.

Personally, I don't make anywhere near the ~$250k/year that he's talking about imposing extra taxes on, so it wouldn't affect me in the least, but I still don't support it. It strips away the incentive to work harder, and you can be sure those that are near that range will do whatever fancy number fudging they need to do to stay out of that range. This sort of taxation only hurts hard work and personal achievement. It does not foster it.

paarman97maro 11-06-2008 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by 69z-28 (Post 263534)
it's good to see a forum still where you guys (chad and paar) voiced your oppinions and both agreed to see what happens because these threads NEVER turn out good anywhere else.

i'd like to add, Obama's views of "redistributing the wealth" seem way outta whack and i agree with chad's statement, i dont want my hard earned money going to lazy asshats. also, paar... the people who run the country and the economy (rich pompous assholes) in most cases worked their asses off to get where they are.

I'm all for helping the economy, however i wont tolerate giving my money to people that don't deserve it.

like Paar said, whoever took over office was gonna be in a -mess anyways. Bush put us where we are for the most part and now Obama is responsible for fixing it. im being very optimistic about it all, i'm not an Obama fan, however i do hope that he can do great things for us. for the record, i'm a tad pissed off Obama won because of who he is rather than anything else.

here's something to prove my point a little and should give for a good laugh also...

YouTube - Howard Stern - 1/10/2008 - Sal Interviews "Obama Supporters" in Harlem

like i said, i'm being very optimistic and hope that he does great things for us regardless of why he won. when my money starts getting taken away thought, THEN i'll be pissed...

Haha.. I watched that clip yesterday.. Some people are honestly mentally retarded. I cant say Im surprised some people are like that and only voted for their own reasons.. you cant say you didnt see that coming.

Shock, I do see your point. I dont think it will be as bad as everyone speculates, after all he has only proposed what he plans to do, carrying it out is another story. When I actually see it happen, then I will say you told me so.

shock6906 11-07-2008 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro (Post 263634)
Shock, I do see your point. I dont think it will be as bad as everyone speculates, after all he has only proposed what he plans to do, carrying it out is another story. When I actually see it happen, then I will say you told me so.

The same can be said for all the good things he's promised to do. Carrying it out could be a whole different story. He could get in there and be just as much a do-nothing president as any before him. I hope I'm wrong about him and he does a lot of good for this country, but I hold my hopes back with quite a lot of reservation.

69z-28 11-07-2008 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by shock6906 (Post 263772)
The same can be said for all the good things he's promised to do. Carrying it out could be a whole different story. He could get in there and be just as much a do-nothing president as any before him. I hope I'm wrong about him and he does a lot of good for this country, but I hold my hopes back with quite a lot of reservation.

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