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paarman97maro 10-05-2006 12:16 AM

PQD 10-5-06
I know its been absent... Ive been pretty busy/ havent had a stable internet.

Anyways, thought of one based on a class discussion we had today...

Should prostitution be legal (other than vegas), why or why not? Support your answer to the yes/no smartasses :)

Mike Jones 10-05-2006 12:31 AM

It should stay illegal. It s STD's, crime, and let's be honest. Who want's to see that around where they live?

mxracerbrian 10-05-2006 12:34 AM


if those nasties get STDs thats their own business. i would never go for those kind of people anyways. i personally really dont care, just giving a response

Amurican_Muscle 10-05-2006 12:34 AM

No, it should stay illegal... I believe anything that degrades ones morals, values, or integrity should not be legal (edit: Well in moderation, such as gambling once and awhile or drinking every now and then is okay in moderation). The funny thing though, is that it practically is legal if you own a video camera. I don't know the ligistics, but all pornstars are paid to sleep with people, the only difference is that it is on camera. I mean, its not like walking around the streets trying to get some money for servicing someone, but still, its accepting money to perform intercourse ... :ne_nau:

Mike Jones 10-05-2006 12:54 AM

Originally Posted by mxracerbrian

if those nasties get STDs thats their own business.

Until they have kids that are born with AID's and die horrible deaths very young or what about when they sleep with someone else later and don't tell them they have it and then it.

So we should make it legal for people to have draw's in the street as long as they both agree? Of course innocent people could get shot but let's just worry about those directly involved at this point.

Sorry but if we just keep dropping our morals little by little it won't be long until this country really sucks to live in.

97z2801ss 10-05-2006 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by ProjectCamaro
It should stay illegal. It s STD's, crime, and let's be honest. Who want's to see that around where they live?

Agreed thats it...

Adric 10-05-2006 01:45 AM

Wow that was wierd.. Right when I started reading this thread. City High's "What would you do" randomly played on my playlist set to random..
If you know the song you would know why that was wierd..

Anyway people can do whatever they want I dont give a ****.

paarman97maro 10-05-2006 02:13 AM

Originally Posted by ProjectCamaro
Who want's to see that around where they live?

Sadly, we all see it around where we live. Im sure you could name off many s, or sluts that youve known.

Just keep this in mind. There is promiscuity all over the place, but thats not illegal. If theres a girl that wants to go and sleep around with 10 guys, howcome that isnt illegal? Also about STDs, they get tested in vegas weekly.

Mike Jones 10-05-2006 02:23 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
Sadly, we all see it around where we live. Im sure you could name off many s, or sluts that youve known.

Just keep this in mind. There is promiscuity all over the place, but thats not illegal. If theres a girl that wants to go and sleep around with 10 guys, howcome that isnt illegal? Also about STDs, they get tested in vegas weekly.

Just because there's some easy girls around us doesn't mean we should allow s to get paid to have sex with different random people.
Doesn't matter if their's testing for STD's, they will still and we both know that not everyone (especially in such a sleezy industry) will stop doing it and stop having sex with other people if they found out they had an STD.

I just want to live in a nice wholesome type of place where I don't have to worry about people like that around them. I want the best for my future kids and having s all around the place won't help that.

This is also why I believe in strong drinking and driving law's. Caught once and you should lose your license for a couple years and get a huge fine. You have absolutly no right to risk someone else's life just because you can't control yourself.

paarman97maro 10-05-2006 03:01 AM

Originally Posted by ProjectCamaro
Just because there's some easy girls around us doesn't mean we should allow s to get paid to have sex with different random people.

Its the same concept though. Although some guys dont directly hand money over to the girl for sex, it happens. Think about it. Say theres a guy, just desperate for sex, but no interest in a relationship (we all know theres plenty of them). Think of the effort they have to go through, just to get laid. You start off at the club... Buy a drink, talk a little, buy a drink or two more. Then by the end of the night, you gotta get her number. Call her a couple days later, and you go out on a date. You pay for dinner, but then most likely youll go to the movies. How many times does that have to take place before he gets laid, probably a few. Ill leave all the adding up of the money there, dont forget gas, drinks, tips, ect. Ill guess around $250, all that for sex.

If girls can go around and have sex with whomever they want, say they wanna do 10 guys a day, how is that any different from a prostitute? Because she gets money for it? Its still morally wrong, and its all one big circle back to the process of guys paying for sex indirectly. It sounds crazy, but thats how it works. Not all of the time, but thats a simple instance.

Im just throwing this in for argumentative standpoint btw :D

Mike Jones 10-05-2006 03:11 AM

Yes but the amount of different people having unprotected, unsafe sex would go way up. It would go from just walking out and paying for whatever you want to like you said. Going to a club, buying drinks, making her think you really care about her, buying her dinner on another day, then doing it all over again just in hope to have sex with them.

Amurican_Muscle 10-05-2006 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
Think of the effort they have to go through, just to get laid. You start off at the club... Buy a drink, talk a little, buy a drink or two more. Then by the end of the night, you gotta get her number. Call her a couple days later, and you go out on a date. You pay for dinner, but then most likely youll go to the movies. How many times does that have to take place before he gets laid, probably a few. Ill leave all the adding up of the money there, dont forget gas, drinks, tips, ect. Ill guess around $250, all that for sex.

... I have a buddy who is complete man . He is 22 and has gotten with every single hottie in Washington. The way he works, he doesnt even need to do any of that if all he wants is sex. He gets drunk, then meets already drunk girls, dances with them, and then takes them home. Id say the cost there is the amount of energy it took for him to dance, because he wanted to go to the club and drink anyway. Haha ... Just wanted to jump in with a different point. But I still believe its different to pay a woman to have sex with you, then to meet them somewhere and possibly care for them, possibly not, and end up in the bed together. Most everyone has or will have a one night stand. Does that mean they are prosititutes because they did it knowing there was no commitment afterwards? Or is a prostitute someone who as an occupation sells her cooch to countless men who cant get it without money? I guess the big difference here may not be the commitment factor, but attraction and lust. People at clubs will only go home with someone they find attractive or hot right? Prostitutes will get naked for anyone if they have the cash, and most likely not be attracted, or even enjoy it. They will only enjoy the money they made for lifting their skirt ... to ANYONE with the cash.

Wow. Long post. But thats how I feel. :D

paarman97maro 10-05-2006 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by Amurican_Muscle
People at clubs will only go home with someone they find attractive or hot right? Prostitutes will get naked for anyone if they have the cash, and most likely not be attracted, or even enjoy it. They will only enjoy the money they made for lifting their skirt ... to ANYONE with the cash.

True, but it works the other way around too.. Look at all these rich old guys, theres no way in hell all these smokin little 24 year olds are attracted to 70 year old donald trumps. Theyre willing to do anything for the money.

BLACK ICE 10-05-2006 04:46 AM

Legal I think prositution is disgusting the whole idea of sleeping with any ramdom person for money makes me sick but sluts are sluts and they are gonna do it anyway why not let them get paid maybe then they will stop gold digging the men that want a real woman.

blue89vert 10-05-2006 06:51 AM

illegal is all i have to say b/c of chads good points he made

archemedes 10-05-2006 10:56 AM

illegal, murder rate goes up dramatically in areas with prostitution (most do it for teh drugs not really teh money) it's hard to oversee to mke sure it's safe, and they pay their taxes

FORCE_FED_Z 10-05-2006 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by gray89vert
illegal is all i have to say b/c of chads good points he made

Whats that brown stuff on the end of your nose?? :D

My viewpoint is keep it illegal. Gives cops something to do on a slow night. And by do, I mean set up stings. Also- prostitutes can be good informants for getting information from the streets- everyone knows that they will be back out on the streets as soon as they are released but they will often give up info to avoid charges. Doesn't make what they do right, but its worth it to throw back the little fish to catch the big one..

camaro94 10-09-2006 11:27 PM

Legal, but with some restrictions. And I don't feel like typing it all right now. my husband and I have discussed this before and both agree. Also, if its legal to give it away free, why not let it be legal to get paid.

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