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Zapa 07-29-2005 04:33 PM

Proof of large scale stupidity
:retard: :retard: :retard: :retard: :retard:

So many times I say that pisses ppl off , especially the ones with deeper roots in this country .

But i'm not gonna say any of that directly here ...

But how the does it happen that everytime ... and I mean ... EVERYTIME ... when there's an accident on the highway , trafic going the other way gets slown down .

I mean ... there isn't anything happening on their side of the highway . The bullshit is on the other side , and it's bad enough that there's hundreds of people there stuck in trafic . No ... it has to go both ways .

Well here I am speculating on some of the causes :

1. Dumb idiots slow down to look on the other side .
2. They slow down because they can't drive fast and look quick at what happened . They can't drive fast and look quick because THEY ARE SLOW .
3. They slow down because they have to see something which is allready obvious , and have seen many times before ...
4. Further back in the trafic jam , as the trafic oscilates in between 0 and 60 . There are the obivous a____ daiva , or soccer mom , or fat in van cuz he can't fit in anything else that from 0 to 60 take 2 minutes while trafic ahead of them moves way faster . You get one of these s in a 500 meter range and of course the entire trafic slows down even more .
5. More than once I saw ers reading comic books
6. In the morning women put makeup on .

So there you have it ... and question is why the doesn't this happen in other places ? ... but you don't want me speculating on that one :P

Sham 07-29-2005 04:41 PM


Zapa 07-29-2005 04:44 PM

Well perhaps at times i'd like to take a peak also ...

But if I'm going 100 , i look , i see what's going on , it's all safe and when i'm done i'm still dooing 100 , i'm still just as far away from the person in front of me , i'm still in the middle of the lane , etc .. u get the ideea ...

Alex 07-29-2005 05:24 PM

dude do you know how hard it is to turn your head and keep your foot on the gas at the same time? its reaaaalllly reaaallly tough

Zapa 07-29-2005 05:43 PM

i know you need an IQ of over 50 which is hard to find amongst ...

rabbitman 07-29-2005 07:08 PM

It's because all those dumbasses spend all their time on the internet talking , and never get out to see a real car crash. When they do, they slow down and then come to TSR to bitch about people slowing down.

Zapa 07-29-2005 07:23 PM

this must be the son of one of those van drivers :smilie_fi , the contradictory angrily made statement , and proven lack of understanding of a simple sentence , also indicating a typical low IQ

SirChirpAlot 07-29-2005 07:32 PM

Zapa u think to much

Zapa 07-29-2005 07:40 PM

yea I had about 45 minutes of forced thinking time today waiting for one of these ontarian natural wonders , and another 30 yesterday ... i normally don't hit them daily since i don't comute as much nowdays , but since i did not , i figure i'd bitch a bit :p

you know , i only do it , thinking that some of the s i'm dissing will read my post , get mad , and then try to insult me , so that i can give them the finger first hand :smilie_fi

rabbitman 07-29-2005 08:10 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
this must be the son of one of those van drivers :smilie_fi , the contradictory angrily made statement , and proven lack of understanding of a simple sentence , also indicating a typical low IQ

Nope. I'm just one of the delivery drivers stuck in the same . And my dad is an alchoholic wife and son beating loser who lost his licsense and has several warrants out for his arrest. Before you try to flame someone, make sure they give a about their family first. :smilie_fi
So go a head and stick it to my parents. I don't give a what you say about them. I would probably agree with it.
BTW way I don't recall being angry when I wrote that. But then again you know all that's going on don't you.

X_LUDWIK_X 07-29-2005 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
It's because all those dumbasses spend all their time on the internet talking , and never get out to see a real car crash. When they do, they slow down and then come to TSR to bitch about people slowing down.

Thank you :appl:

Anyway I guess Zapa has the right to say what he want's.
But this seems more talking.

By the way Zapa can you explain your sig?

rabbitman 07-29-2005 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by X_LUDWIK_X
Thank you :appl:

Anyway I guess Zapa has the right to say what he want's.
But this seems more talking.

By the way Zapa can you explain your sig?

He likes to smell his I guess. :eyes:
This is what this thread needs.

Zapa 07-30-2005 10:58 AM

Sig is getting changed soon cuz of a decision i've made last night ... I guess it's open for contemplation , some might laugh (hard) , some might get pissed , some might not get it :P

Rabitman , my intent wasn't on dissing your family , it just seemed like you took what i said personally about stupid drivers .

It's even more wierd that you'd flame me for saying something , you can also relate too . But maybe the resulting confusion and anger from a youth filled with violence and lack of parental love , might do that to you in your later years .

BTW I've recently seen the aviator , cool movie but something really stuck to me ... translating it to this situation it would be :
"Don't talk down to me , u're just some delivery driver"

ok m bye bye :laugh:

rabbitman 07-30-2005 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
Sig is getting changed soon cuz of a decision i've made last night ... I guess it's open for contemplation , some might laugh (hard) , some might get pissed , some might not get it :P

Rabitman , my intent wasn't on dissing your family , it just seemed like you took what i said personally about stupid drivers .

It's even more wierd that you'd flame me for saying something , you can also relate too . But maybe the resulting confusion and anger from a youth filled with violence and lack of parental love , might do that to you in your later years .

BTW I've recently seen the aviator , cool movie but something really stuck to me ... translating it to this situation it would be :
"Don't talk down to me , u're just some delivery driver"

ok m bye bye :laugh:

What ever you say. I don't take anything I see on here personally. NOne of you know me, and I don't know you. That's just the way it is. As for my flaming you, well I drove almost 350 km yesterday and was tired. So I apologize, and agree that people are generally stupid especially on the 400 series.
Here I'll add to your post: ing transport drivers that run right up your ass in the right hand lane.. MORONS!! where the do you expect us to go? We're in the right lane as it is. If you don't like how fast we're going, MOVE OVER!!! That's what the middle lane is for. As for the middle lane, if I'm in the middle lane going 120, and you're driving a ing Maxima, Tercel, 300 series, 500 series or anything smaller than my cube van, go ahead and ride up my ass. Just be warned that my truck is turbo charged and has a very effective exhaust brake. And the brake lights don't come on when you let off the gas to use the exhaust brake. Go ahead and argue with my dock bumper. It's 2.5" square iron and your bumper is plastic. And finally the fast lane. If I'm going 130 in the fast lane, that's already 30 clicks over. I'm not going to go any faster, so if you run up my ass, I'm going to slow down. How do you like how that works? 4 wheelers think they're all that, but when the accidents happen, cube vans, step vans and transport win. Bottom line. And if you need to go 160 to get to work, GET YOUR LAZY ASSES OUT OF BED 20 MINUTES EARLIER!!! There I feel better now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

X_LUDWIK_X 07-30-2005 01:30 PM

And if you need to go 160 to get to work, GET YOUR LAZY ASSES OUT OF BED 20 MINUTES EARLIER!!!
Very true.

Now if only everybody could settle their diffrences like you two did.

And Zapa I did like your sig :laugh: Just if some people read your sig they'd have to :gotooprah

spec_v_24 07-30-2005 06:25 PM

stupid people on cell phones/eating/putting on make up/doing #3

6Msentra 07-30-2005 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
What ever you say. I don't take anything I see on here personally. NOne of you know me, and I don't know you. That's just the way it is. As for my flaming you, well I drove almost 350 km yesterday and was tired. So I apologize, and agree that people are generally stupid especially on the 400 series.
Here I'll add to your post: ing transport drivers that run right up your ass in the right hand lane.. MORONS!! where the do you expect us to go? We're in the right lane as it is. If you don't like how fast we're going, MOVE OVER!!! That's what the middle lane is for. As for the middle lane, if I'm in the middle lane going 120, and you're driving a ing Maxima, Tercel, 300 series, 500 series or anything smaller than my cube van, go ahead and ride up my ass. Just be warned that my truck is turbo charged and has a very effective exhaust brake. And the brake lights don't come on when you let off the gas to use the exhaust brake. Go ahead and argue with my dock bumper. It's 2.5" square iron and your bumper is plastic. And finally the fast lane. If I'm going 130 in the fast lane, that's already 30 clicks over. I'm not going to go any faster, so if you run up my ass, I'm going to slow down. How do you like how that works? 4 wheelers think they're all that, but when the accidents happen, cube vans, step vans and transport win. Bottom line. And if you need to go 160 to get to work, GET YOUR LAZY ASSES OUT OF BED 20 MINUTES EARLIER!!! There I feel better now. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

or how about you learn the rules of the road. if you are in the far left passing lane (there is no such thing as a "fast" lane) and somebody catches up to you.. they are going faster than you are. GET THE OUT OF THEIR WAY. it is illegal to impede traffic, and by parking yourself in the passing lane you are making hwy travel unsafe for everyone who is travelling faster than you.

if you are being passed on the right you are in the wrong lane.
if you are sitting in the middle lane on a 3 lane hwy, you are in the wrong lane.
if there is someone on your ass and there is a lane to your right with no car immediately beside you you are in the wrong lane.

i dont care if you are in the middle lane... it is the passing lane as well. get the out of it if there is an opening to your rigth. the far left passing lane should only be used to pass a car that is passing a slower car already.

the worst is some idiot that thinks he's a cop and purposely slows down in the passing lane to exert his faggy dominance. look pal, youre a fag, get out of the way and allow traffic to flow. if you have a badge pull the guy over if you dont like it. but if you dont... just get out of the wrong lane.

rabbitman 07-30-2005 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by 6Msentra
or how about you learn the rules of the road. if you are in the far left passing lane (there is no such thing as a "fast" lane) and somebody catches up to you.. they are going faster than you are. GET THE OUT OF THEIR WAY. it is illegal to impede traffic, and by parking yourself in the passing lane you are making hwy travel unsafe for everyone who is travelling faster than you.

if you are being passed on the right you are in the wrong lane.
if you are sitting in the middle lane on a 3 lane hwy, you are in the wrong lane.
if there is someone on your ass and there is a lane to your right with no car immediately beside you you are in the wrong lane.

i dont care if you are in the middle lane... it is the passing lane as well. get the out of it if there is an opening to your rigth. the far left passing lane should only be used to pass a car that is passing a slower car already.

the worst is some idiot that thinks he's a cop and purposely slows down in the passing lane to exert his faggy dominance. look pal, youre a fag, get out of the way and allow traffic to flow. if you have a badge pull the guy over if you dont like it. but if you dont... just get out of the wrong lane.

Apparently someone needs to read the highway traffic act. The speedlimit is 100 km/h. If you think 120 is too slow then get the over to Germany, anddrive over there. If you want to ride up my ass on the highway, you get no sympathy if I need to slow down. So blow me Fag. If you don't like me passing someone you can just hold your ing horses, because I will move back over when I'm clear. Until then go yourself up the ass with a baseball bat cause that's how you like it. :knock_tee :banplz: :lol_hitti

Viperoni 07-30-2005 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Apparently someone needs to read the highway traffic act. The speedlimit is 100 km/h. If you think 120 is too slow then get the over to Germany, anddrive over there. If you want to ride up my ass on the highway, you get no sympathy if I need to slow down. So blow me Fag. If you don't like me passing someone you can just hold your ing horses, because I will move back over when I'm clear. Until then go yourself up the ass with a baseball bat cause that's how you like it. :knock_tee :banplz: :lol_hitti

That's retarded, if you're in the fast lane and somebody comes up on you, you're obviously not going fast enough. You can always NOT switch lanes, but then you just make yourself look like an .

I love passing :stroke:'s on the right.

rabbitman 07-30-2005 08:23 PM

Originally Posted by Viperoni
That's retarded, if you're in the fast lane and somebody comes up on you, you're obviously not going fast enough. You can always NOT switch lanes, but then you just make yourself look like an .

I love passing :stroke:'s on the right.

Did you not read the "I'll move back over when I'm clear."? The whole point of this is don't ride up someone's ass. You're going to cause an accident, and I'm going to win because I'm in a bigger vehicle than you. And when the Official Party Poopers come, you're going to be at fault and charged with following too close. So again, BACK THE OFF!!!!!!! Be patient.

Viperoni 07-30-2005 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Did you not read the "I'll move back over when I'm clear."?

My bad I didn't.

-James- 07-30-2005 09:50 PM

I prefer to pay homage to those who love to merge onto the hwy at 60-80KMH. :thumbsup

God forbid the day you travel on an interstate in the U.S rabbitman.. :(

rabbitman 07-30-2005 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by -James-
I prefer to pay homage to those who love to merge onto the hwy at 60-80KMH. :thumbsup

God forbid the day you travel on an interstate in the U.S rabbitman.. :(

I used to work for my employers competition, and we used to go to Flint, Lansing, Pontiac, Flat Rock, Detroit, etc. The drivers there are just as bad if not worse. The worst things down there is the condition of the roads. If any one thinks the 401, 403, etc. are bad, try driving the I94 through Detroit, or even better, I75 from Flint to Lansing.
Yeah I love people who merge at 60-80. One of the first thing my driver ed teacher told us was when you get on the highway, you mat the ing gas pedal on the on ramp. Get up to at least 100 before you try to merge. And my driver ed car was a Corsica. And even it would do it. WTF!!

drift_n_shift 07-30-2005 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
5. More than once I saw ers reading comic books
6. In the morning women put makeup on .

yup seen those enough times. Even saw a guy reading a book, driving and working on a laptop or pda...

Originally Posted by rabbitman
nd my driver ed car was a Corsica. And even it would do it. WTF!!

yea my driving teacher told me that too, and I had to do it in a Hyundai Elantra. love to see that gas guage drop down, then back up after releasing the throttle pedal

Viperoni 07-31-2005 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by drift_n_shift
yea my driving teacher told me that too, and I had to do it in a Hyundai Elantra. love to see that gas guage drop down, then back up after releasing the throttle pedal

:laugh: :laugh:

It took 2-3 minutes of WOT to get my old 91 topaz 4cyl ATX to hit almost 185 on the 403 :hah: :hah: :hah:

6Msentra 07-31-2005 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Apparently someone needs to read the highway traffic act. The speedlimit is 100 km/h. If you think 120 is too slow then get the over to Germany, anddrive over there. If you want to ride up my ass on the highway, you get no sympathy if I need to slow down. So blow me Fag. If you don't like me passing someone you can just hold your ing horses, because I will move back over when I'm clear. Until then go yourself up the ass with a baseball bat cause that's how you like it. :knock_tee :banplz: :lol_hitti

who said "ride up your ass" you braindead ?

i said catch up. i guess you cant read.

but still if you decided to slow someone down because they caught up to you then you are truly a piece of driver. you are pathetic. why do you feel somehow superior to the person who is travelling faster than you? why not move out of the way AS THE HWY TRAFFIC ACT TELLS YOU YOU ARE LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO DO.
and why now are you changing your story "if i "need" to slow down, as opposed to "I'm not going to go any faster, so if you run up my ass, I'm going to slow down".

ok fag. i guess you are worse than a soccer mom in an suv... at least she is too stupid to know any better. but as a car enthusiast (i assumed you were at least) its disgusting.

Zapa 07-31-2005 03:07 PM

The left lane thing is open for discussion especially because of the speed limit thing . But as you guys know there are large gaps in between decency and how the government tells us to behave sometimes , especially a government as dumb as ours .

Without putting down anybody BUT the s that see you speeding in the left lane , and decide to change lanes , cut you off without signaling while going 90 so you could be a ( looking for a cheesecake emoticon ) like them ( it happends to me EVERYTIME I go out of time , at least 2 - 3 times ) , i'll tell you how I do it :

I normally try to drive on the lane next to the left lane , and use the left lane only for passing . If there is heavyer and slower trafic on the lane next to the far left one , I normally drive on the far left lane . IF I see someone comming up faster than me , and I don't feel like driving faster than him , I will start signaling right away , to let him know that I'm an imigrant and that i'll get out of his way so he could do his prefered speed . After signaling i'll speed up as much as my car allows me to and the first gap i'll find , i'll get in the right"er" lane , so that he could pass me .

I know this isn't germany , and not only that people here won't know to drive as well as germans , but don't even have the intelectual ability to do so ( can't estimate and calculate speeds and distances ) , but out of a unwritten international principle , you SHOULD try to use the left lane ONLY for passing , and if you don't you SHOULD do your best to clear the path for those who want to go fast . :p

rabbitman 07-31-2005 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
The left lane thing is open for discussion especially because of the speed limit thing . But as you guys know there are large gaps in between decency and how the government tells us to behave sometimes , especially a government as dumb as ours .

Without putting down anybody BUT the s that see you speeding in the left lane , and decide to change lanes , cut you off without signaling while going 90 so you could be a ( looking for a cheesecake emoticon ) like them ( it happends to me EVERYTIME I go out of time , at least 2 - 3 times ) , i'll tell you how I do it :

I normally try to drive on the lane next to the left lane , and use the left lane only for passing . If there is heavyer and slower trafic on the lane next to the far left one , I normally drive on the far left lane . IF I see someone comming up faster than me , and I don't feel like driving faster than him , I will start signaling right away , to let him know that I'm an imigrant and that i'll get out of his way so he could do his prefered speed . After signaling i'll speed up as much as my car allows me to and the first gap i'll find , i'll get in the right"er" lane , so that he could pass me .

I know this isn't germany , and not only that people here won't know to drive as well as germans , but don't even have the intelectual ability to do so ( can't estimate and calculate speeds and distances ) , but out of a unwritten international principle , you SHOULD try to use the left lane ONLY for passing , and if you don't you SHOULD do your best to clear the path for those who want to go fast . :p

Yup. And if you can't stay more than 30 feet off my ass you can just go yourself. This is not directed to Zapa, but to anyone who likes to try to intimidate by tailgating.

rabbitman 07-31-2005 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by 6Msentra
who said "ride up your ass" you braindead ?

i said catch up. i guess you cant read.

but still if you decided to slow someone down because they caught up to you then you are truly a piece of driver. you are pathetic. why do you feel somehow superior to the person who is travelling faster than you? why not move out of the way AS THE HWY TRAFFIC ACT TELLS YOU YOU ARE LEGALLY OBLIGATED TO DO.
and why now are you changing your story "if i "need" to slow down, as opposed to "I'm not going to go any faster, so if you run up my ass, I'm going to slow down".

ok fag. i guess you are worse than a soccer mom in an suv... at least she is too stupid to know any better. but as a car enthusiast (i assumed you were at least) its disgusting.

Look you ing :supergay: loser. I said that I will clear the fast lane when I am clear of the vehicle that I am passing. There is no ing need for people to be so close to my truck that I can't see them in my mirrors. You're probably one of the stupid ers who sits 3 feet off the rear bumpers of all the people who are just trying to pass someone. And if you think you need to be that ing ignorant, I'm going to take my time changing back to the right. If you stay a reasonable distance back, and don't pull onto the left shoulder just to show me you're there, I'll move over AS SOON AS I'M CLEAR OF WHAT EVER I AM PASSING. If you don't like it, lick my ass after I've been to Taco Bell. That's probably what you like to do anyways. I use my mirrors all the time, and have been driving for a living for 8 years. And I've been driving for 13 years, and only have 1 speeding ticket and 0 accidents. So if you think that I don't know how to drive, you can just stay the off the highways, because it's the retards who tailgate at 130 km/h that cause accidents. I see it almost everyday.

-James- 07-31-2005 06:09 PM


IMO, if I'm doing say 130 in the left lane and someone comes up behind me going considerably faster I'll move for them just because it's better than having his/her dumbass swerve into another lane cutting others off etc. It's just safer for everyone. Otherwise if they're doing like 135 or so I'll just speed up a bit so it's comfortable for everyone. Otherwise, I just drive in the middle lane and pass in the left.

Zapa 07-31-2005 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Yup. And if you can't stay more than 30 feet off my ass you can just go yourself. This is not directed to Zapa, but to anyone who likes to try to intimidate by tailgating.

I myself almost never tailgate , because I am the kind that slams on the brakes if I get tailgated . But I do expect people to see me comming fast , then i'll wait at a reasonable distance for them to move , if they don't i'll pass them , and if they don't and they are driving under 100 , i ussualy pass them with the finger up cutting them off and without signaling , maybe even a few extras not "worth" mentioning in a public place :knock_tee

rabbitman 07-31-2005 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
I myself almost never tailgate , because I am the kind that slams on the brakes if I get tailgated . But I do expect people to see me comming fast , then i'll wait at a reasonable distance for them to move , if they don't i'll pass them , and if they don't and they are driving under 100 , i ussualy pass them with the finger up cutting them off and without signaling , maybe even a few extras not "worth" mentioning in a public place :knock_tee

BINGO!!! Come join the club. I ing hate when people tailgate me. Especially in my VW. But my work truck I don't really give a if they want to argue with my rear bumper, go ahead. It's a dock bumper, and I'm going to win. BTW I don't tailgate, so if you see a cube van tailgating, it's not me. I practice what I preach. Everyone should.

SirChirpAlot 07-31-2005 07:39 PM

hell with the left lain i have had to use the shoulder more then a few times,
Not like i speed all that much but at 120 and some dork pulls into the left lain at 85 90k without looking to see whats there and the shoulder becomes your best friend.

If u run the 400 alot u will see that people move out of the left lain for u alot but on the 401 in GTA and DVP people think the left lain is for them selfs to enjoy the sights and what not.

Also to the person in the middle lain that is going like 80K and being passed on both sides. What goes thru your mind???? Get the hell off the HWY and use the side streets your going that speed.

rabbitman 07-31-2005 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by SirChirpAlot
hell with the left lain i have had to use the shoulder more then a few times,
Not like i speed all that much but at 120 and some dork pulls into the left lain at 85 90k without looking to see whats there and the shoulder becomes your best friend.

If u run the 400 alot u will see that people move out of the left lain for u alot but on the 401 in GTA and DVP people think the left lain is for them selfs to enjoy the sights and what not.

Also to the person in the middle lain that is going like 80K and being passed on both sides. What goes thru your mind???? Get the hell off the HWY and use the side streets your going that speed.

Agreed. I run in the middle lane most of the time, but I'm always doing at least 115. If I pull into the left lane, I mat it until I'm past and then change back. But I hate people that tailgate me at 130 km/h. Especially in a 100 km/h zone.

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