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paarman97maro 07-20-2005 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by archemedes
any car that is tacky is rice, there is nothing wrong with the black wheels (I know I hate them but they are popular) if a body kit is rice then most of the cars here are rice also.the spoiler on teh white car is a factory option also.A tuner is a car that is done right with bolt on parts (also most of the cars here) rice is when the catalog pukes on the car

I also consider the type of car that is being applied to.. A civic is a waste of time unless you are willing to put lots of money into it, keeping in mind that a 2000 civic comes stock with 127 hp... compared to cars on here that are coming stock around the 200-275 range. I'm just saying that most of the ricers around here put money into the look of the car, and the stupid little mufflers that make it sound like ****... just seems like a waste of time to me. Mostly because I'm mostly interested in the power and muscle sound of cars, and looking decent as well, but not over-doing it. You could say I have a biased opinion here, but my website was just for fun, not controversy.

archemedes 07-20-2005 05:46 PM

but with the way it's being portrayed it will bring controversy.There are guys running civics that will make your car look like it has 50 hp.There are also guys on here with v6's that are appearance, the kind of car is irrelavant.I know I'm arguing a mute point, but it's a point I need to make, it makes you sound like an elitist because you have a faster car

paarman97maro 07-20-2005 08:59 PM

Im not going to argue over the internet, my site was just made for fun. If you read the content you can see that. Chad asked me to help him out with the "rice" section, so I decided to take on the project, and had a little fun with it. I didnt expect you to get all technical on me, I just did it for fun, and it was somthing to do. some of the cars on the site are shitty, some look alright, I didnt take pics of just shitty looking cars, I got pics of nice looking cars as well. So its not a biased site, Im not finished with the site yet; Its still in progress mainly because I need a new server before I put the final version up. This was just a preview of my site made just for fun.

archemedes 07-20-2005 11:52 PM

I'm just telling you be prepared for the hate mail you will get, also I hate hipocrits (you do one thing for looks on your car then your doing what they are)

Bernotas05 07-21-2005 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
Anyways, heres what I have so far if anyones interested...

Project Rice

I'm sorry about the popups if you get some... I'm going to fix it later.. just go to the gallery to see pics

Yea holy ****** popups, i usually never get any but that site i got killed

paarman97maro 07-21-2005 12:25 AM

Originally Posted by Bernotas05
Yea holy ****** popups, i usually never get any but that site i got killed

yeah my computer is the same way... sorry about that... its the best server i could find with the options i needed... anywhere you go for a free server you will sacrifice somthing for somthing else

archemedes 07-21-2005 01:00 AM

I haven't found a free or cheap server yet that's worth a ****

camaro94 07-21-2005 02:20 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
... compared to cars on here that are coming stock around the 200-275 range.

more like starting closer to the lower hundreds, like - 102-hp stock - 3rd Gen V6s. and early 4th V6s at 160ish.

paarman97maro 07-21-2005 02:20 AM

a good free server to use is ive used them for a couple sites, and they work well for some things, and have many options, and no pop ups. For some reason, it wasnt handling ftp too well with project rice, maybe because i did the site in frontpage, i dont know; i have it on that server, but it isnt handling well. Thats the best free server ive found out of the ones ive tried. Aside from all the popups, the one im using for projectrice is awesome, but the popups ruined its rating from me

paarman97maro 07-21-2005 02:26 AM

Originally Posted by camaro94
more like starting closer to the lower hundreds, like - 102-hp stock - 3rd Gen V6s. and early 4th V6s at 160ish.

yeah all camaros mid 70s-mid 80s were also rated at very low bhp, but most of the people i see active here dont have those years camaros. Most are in the 90s and 2000s, and those were the ones i was referring to

camaro94 07-21-2005 02:31 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
yeah all camaros mid 70s-mid 80s were also rated at very low bhp, but most of the people i see active here dont have those years camaros. Most are in the 90s and 2000s, and those were the ones i was referring to

there are 3rd gen v6 owbere here, just not many. Plus the some of the 3rd gen 305s were known for about 160. yeah, and there are ones in the 90s, like mine, with 160 stock hp. Not 200. ;)

paarman97maro 07-21-2005 02:36 AM

Originally Posted by camaro94
Plus the some of the 3rd gen 305s were known for about 160.

There was worse... did you know in 1975 there were two-barrel 350 V8s rated at 145bhp, and four-barrel 350s rated at just 155bhp?

Yeah, I did an entire website on all years of camaros information for webdesign last quarter... car sites are an easy way out for an A ;)

paarman97maro 07-21-2005 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
There was worse... did you know in 1975 there were two-barrel 350 V8s rated at 145bhp, and four-barrel 350s rated at just 155bhp?

Yeah, I did an entire website on all years of camaros information for webdesign last quarter... car sites are an easy way out for an A ;)

I forgot there was even worse than that.. lol... in 1982 buyers could order a version of GM’s "Iron Duke" 2.5 four cylinder engine rated at 90bhp

i forgot about that.. makes me sad to think about it :(

camaro94 07-21-2005 02:58 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
I forgot there was even worse than that.. lol... in 1982 buyers could order a version of GM’s "Iron Duke" 2.5 four cylinder engine rated at 90bhp

i forgot about that.. makes me sad to think about it :(

Yeah my husband's 403 had only about 185 hp(with its 400 counterpart at 200 hp) stock with torque at about 320.

Dcalado_ 08-01-2005 03:37 AM

my car is rated at 135hp and 173 torque.. i think im the only third gen v6 on the site that posts semi-often... lol

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