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69z-28 03-20-2007 12:40 AM

who wants to be a real man...
admit what youve fugged up with your car. stupid mistakes.

wrecked my Z in a ditch cause i was stupid and going too fast. and i slipped the T/A into a stop sign in the snow cause i wasnt expecting as much snow as there happened to be.

fess up everybody......................

MeenZ28 03-20-2007 12:56 AM

Um... I put Epic into a poll. Remember that? I dont think that makes me more of a man or not but you asked.

paarman97maro 03-20-2007 12:57 AM

lol.. alright, I never told you guys this one.

Last september I was running late for school... I was heading to the TJ Lounge to get a gatorade before hand, I just happened to be following a red camaro... anyways, we were going down a bit of an incline, I dunno what I was doing, looked down for a sec, looked up everyone was completely stopped, mashed the brakes as hard as possible, and I rear ended him just before I was completely stopped. Got out, he lookd at his rear end and said he didnt see any damage, I apologized several times, he got back in his car and took offf. I got to the tj lounge and looked, now I have some scratches and spider cracking on the nose. Im an idiot, but ill wait til I hit someone else to pay the 500 deductible. Bumper needs the respray badly though.

Mike Jones 03-20-2007 12:58 AM

I'd like to read some stories in here.

Unfortunitly for you guys I've never gotten a ticket, never hit anything, or lost control in my cars so I really don't have anything to add.

I guess I could add that today when driving home I was almost hit head on because some old lady was driving in the wrong lane and coming right at me. I laid onto the horn and even after she stopped I just kept on it so everyone else would see how stupid she was.

NoRiceInside 03-20-2007 01:01 AM

i got a ticket last week going 100+ in a 55. the guy only wrote it up for 98 to keep me outta jail.

Mike Jones 03-20-2007 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
i got a ticket last week going 100+ in a 55. the guy only wrote it up for 98 to keep me outta jail.

Wow, he has to be your new best friend.

paarman97maro 03-20-2007 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by ProjectCamaro
I guess I could add that today when driving home I was almost hit head on because some old lady was driving in the wrong lane and coming right at me. I laid onto the horn and even after she stopped I just kept on it so everyone else would see how stupid she was.

I always drive at normal speed or faster at people who turn at the very last second instead of waiting .4345345 seconds for me to pass. Hopefully Ill hit someone one day and get a new bumper.

NoRiceInside 03-20-2007 01:04 AM

as far as messing up my car guess when i pulled into a blind intersection in jenna and fuked her. yeah, that sounded dirty :woot:

mxracerbrian 03-20-2007 01:06 AM

no accidents.....yet. no major tickets.......yet

been far too lucky in all my times getting pulled over. and paar or adric can contest, i drive like im in a fuggin indy race....always lol

i.e. bri-wars :lolsign:

97z2801ss 03-20-2007 01:08 AM

tapped some old bag with her dog in the car in my moms truck, Im lucky though all i hadda do was pay 700 for paint and a bumper i split in half on a for escort..... she only had me pay i think cuz her hubbie bought a new caddy....... and needed money

NoRiceInside 03-20-2007 01:13 AM

holy shizzle. i read the first line and thought you boned a chick. TROFL!

paarman97maro 03-20-2007 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
holy shizzle. i read the first line and thought you boned a chick. TROFL!

he was.. he plows old women frequently.

th3shuck 03-20-2007 01:21 AM

my record is clean clean tickets, no accidents. Its keepin the insurance low so im happy:) Almost ran into a huge semi that didnt yield when he was supposed too, i had to slam on my breaks...that was my close call

NoRiceInside 03-20-2007 01:24 AM

Originally Posted by paarman97maro
he was.. he plows old women frequently.

:lolsign: damn this is good ****. tapped some old bag. plowed an old woman.

TorqueDog 03-20-2007 01:55 AM

I was a kid once, I sure as sh't did some dumb stuff.

In my Camaro:

- I hit black ice and spun around like a friggin' top, ended up breaking (yes, breaking) one of my wheels on the curb that subsequently stopped me.
- I talked my way out of a reckless driving ticket when I was 18 for power-sliding through an intersection.
- I talked my way out of two "No front plate" tickets. I ended up getting one the only time I had a legitimate excuse for not having it.
- Got pulled over for no seatbelt (I actually was wearing one) while I was running open collectors after I had my headers installed... no exhaust ticket! :D
- Talked my way out of a speeding ticket (I was immediately beside a completely unmarked car and had no idea) for doing 80 in a 60. My opening line was "Okay, I'm an idiot, here's my particulars." My excuse was "You were going the same speed, so I just paced you to keep with the flow of traffic... I didn't even realize you were a police officer." I couldn't believe I got out of that one.

Originally Posted by NoRiceInside
i got a ticket last week going 100+ in a 55. the guy only wrote it up for 98 to keep me outta jail.

I bet your Cobra RD really helped you then, eh? :p

paarman97maro 03-20-2007 02:13 AM

I didnt know were talking about tickets haha..

Lets see.. Ive had 2 speeding warnings, 1 GDL ticket, 1 speeding ticket, 1 Unecessary Acceleration/street racing ticket, 1 headlight warning, 2 no front plate warnings, 1 running a yellow warning, 2 tint warnings, and I think that may be it... Last ticket was over a year and a half ago :woot:

Ive also smoked a curb, cracked a rim in my cougar, and in my maro in an exit ramp about 2 months ago, nut no damage. I think thats about it... At least all I can think of.

Mikerock 03-20-2007 03:15 AM

****, i got pulled over tonight because the blinkers in the iron sloth don't work.

ive done some stupid things in cars but ive never been caught.

rice burner 03-20-2007 09:12 AM

a few buddies I was in a parking lot at the beach and it was packed with people and cars. They dared me to do some donuts and i was like sure! so I drove in the middle of the lot doing the donuts for a good minute and soon as i stopped my boys was screaming at me telling me to run...I started lookin around like what the hell ya talkin bout...Ohhhh shizzle the police! they ran up on me with there guns in the window..talkin bout u stupid a** wtf u think u doing. Thank god they saved there bullets. lol

Adric 03-20-2007 10:21 AM

Just speed alot in the Jeep since its under the radar..

niceroc 03-20-2007 10:40 AM

umm, ive had 2 poeple hit me in my dads truck, but the big *** steel bumpers on that truck did some ownage to them, i oculdnt even tell what happened to the truck and their cars had bumpers ripped off and everyhting, both i was liek i dont wanna deal with the cops and didnt get ****, i hit a tree and a gruadrail with the truck, broke the guard rail and not even a strach on the truck, tree didnt do a thing, i was doing donuts in the snow for like 20 mins and a cop came up, he came up to me qand 2was liek r u done? i was lik eyea hes like ok, runs my plates comes back and says be careful and dont loose any furniture( the back was loaded with ****), ummm other then that ive done some stupid **** but never got caught, and i still have a cl4ean record...

98CamaroZ28 03-20-2007 11:25 AM

I got pulled over once in my lifetime so far and got my 362$ speeding ticket doing 67 in a 35, in reality i was going way past 70 and started to slow down to 67 i guess and a cop passed me, swung a 180 hella fast and i freaked out hella and slammed on my brakes and pulled over. I was pretty much embaressed with a friend in the car, so I went to court, and got my case dismissed for the cop not putting his patrolling speed. yea i was hella lucky, there have been a few close calls of people hitting me, some old dude made a right turn right into my lane right at me when I was going to make a left and I had to slamm on my brakes, and some douche bag at school in his lil ricer though it would be funny to cut me off, I was making a left and both sidess were clear and I wasnt racing to the lane, out of knowhere i look to the right again and the lil fujcker cuts me off while im making a left, almost hit him, was less then a foot away, and then I almost rearended him because he did a brake check on me, he knew i was pissed. If i ever find that kid im going to pull him out of his car and beat the fugg out of him.

97z2801ss 03-20-2007 12:58 PM

Tickets: 2 speeding in the blazer
0 in the camaro

Phate 03-20-2007 03:37 PM

3 Speeding tickets, 1 reckless endangerment (dropped due to officer incompetence), 1 driving over the yellow line, 1 tresspassing (******** ticket), 1 unsafe movement. Im probally leaving out a few.

Also wrecked my old RX-7 (flipped and totalled, long story), got rear ended into another car in my caddilac el dorado (totalled).

69z-28 03-20-2007 04:17 PM

as far as tickets go... ive gotten 2, one was speeding, which i got cleared off my record for insurance after going to court and taking 8 hours of traffic school.

the second one was illegal squeeling of tires a few weeks ago, which i just had court for, luckily i got it dismissed. otherwise im clean.

woody80z28 03-20-2007 05:35 PM

I've done a lot of stupid stuff but never had any big problems.

Funniest thing was when I parallel parked my Z28 unintentionally. Couldnt do it again if I tried. I didnt think it would break the tires loose in 2nd at 35 at part throttle. Caught me off guard and I overcorrected and parked perfectly on the other side of the street heading the other way.

Camaroguy18 03-20-2007 06:19 PM

my worst would be right after I got my camaro and was getting onto hwy 10 from Round Lake Blvd going towards hanson with my buddy in his escort. As we went around the cloverleaf, he punched it (if you can call that punching it) and so I decided to be a hotshot and shoot past him.

It was around midnight and with no cars on the road I kept the pedal pegged to the floor while I watched my buddies headlights fade in the mirror around a bend....Im up to around 105-110 and I look in my mirror and see headlights coming up on knew it wasn't no damn escort so I let off the gas to slow down and got to about 80 before I saw those dreaded cherries light up.

so I get pulled over for excessive speeding...bad enough right?....well then a woman cop walks up to my car and she's one of those lady officers you fear - she has a badge and is on a power trip (granted I was totally at fault here). For whatever reason she decided to not clip my license right then and there, and though she claimed to be going 140 to catch up to my *** from when she first saw me, so only gave me a ticket for doing 80 in a 65

her last words to me were....son, if I ever so much as catch you going 1 mile over the limit anywhere again, I'm writing you another ticket

....two weeks later I was doing 42 in a 40 and I the cop I just passed slammed on the brakes and made a U-turn to bust was her and I got another ticket

ever since those two tickets my car went under its transformation, and Ive played it alot more safe. I figure with the illegal tint, the vibrant color, and no front plate I shouldn't try and stand out anymore than I already do :D

TorqueDog 03-20-2007 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by Adric
Just speed alot in the Jeep since its under the radar..

Mine is too. So I do. :D

Bernotas05 03-20-2007 08:16 PM

Probobly one of the stupidest things I ever did was..

This was when I had my Red firebird v6. My senior year in high school I was with this one chick coming back from a school dance. So she was a lil drunk and was actin all sorts of crazy. so she started to make out with me and was all over my nuts when i was driving so I figured wtf so i pulled over into this field since we were out in the middle of nowhere and continued to get molested. But I forgot to mention that it was raining and after a good 30-40 minutes we decided to get out of there and go back to her place. well.. easyer said that done. My car sunk down to the axles in mud since it was raining and My dumbass decided to pull into a field. Needless to say my car wasnt moving at all. So i had to call one of my friends with a 4x4 to come pull me out after a good bit of ****** around trying to get it out my car was covered in mud after that It was a pretty eventfull night. Ohh and just incase you all were wondered we did eventually make it back to her place and I yet again was molested and had one hell of a night. Thee End.

paarman97maro 03-21-2007 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by Bernotas05
My senior year in high school I was with this one chick coming back from a school dance. So she was a lil drunk and was actin all sorts of crazy. so she started to make out with me and was all over my nuts when i was driving so I figured wtf so i pulled over into this field since we were out in the middle of nowhere and continued to get molested...

...Ohh and just incase you all were wondered we did eventually make it back to her place and I yet again was molested and had one hell of a night. Thee End.

lmfao... greatest post ever.

Bernotas05 03-21-2007 12:29 AM

LOL yea man I knew someone would like my story. I have another story about that time my formula got impounded and i got a wreckless driving charge and all that **** but i dont feel like typing it all out. I thought that night was better suiting.

ITSA6 03-21-2007 03:53 AM

ummm.....i got stuck in a parking lot this winter trying to do donuts in like 2 foot ticket. got a warning for my license plate frame and that's it i am clean. yay

69z-28 03-21-2007 08:28 AM

nice paul.lmao.

97z2801ss 03-21-2007 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by 97z2801ss
Paar is right best story posted..... Next topic.... Molested in yo fbody? :eleph: :eleph:

Yes sir indeed And I didnt resist. "thank you may I have another" thats all i thought.

tomm 03-21-2007 12:35 PM

i let a girl drive. need i say more?

haha funny she got the tickets. i got one, letting a minor drive.

other than that never got a ticket for speeding or anything, just lotta warnings. cops in new mexico care more for dwi than speeders. so yea.

what else, my dad backed into the camaro with his dually, did major damage to my car and nothing to his.

MyFirstCamaro 03-21-2007 12:42 PM

someone backed into my car in school yerterday but no damage at all not even a scratch but i dented his trunk since he didnt pull up right away

and when i first got my car i didnt realize how bad i was in the rain so i spun out and right into some1's front lawn

paarman97maro 03-21-2007 12:52 PM

Oh yeah, I had one girl run into the back of my car also... It was parked and she tried to turn into the spot RIGHT next to me on a parking lot glazed in pure ice :banghead: smart ones.

97z2801ss 03-21-2007 04:34 PM

some broad tried to parralle park her lil escort behind my blazer and scraped the rear of it, if i wasnt drunk and if she wasnt hot idda done something but ehhh its the W/B

blue89vert 03-21-2007 07:01 PM

ive never gotten any tickets haha i get away with everything. i have done some stupid **** though. i was drifting in my dads ranger with like 3" of snow and i forgot how much different the steering was in that truck so i didn't turn sharp enough coming out of it and the back end slid through somebodys wooden fence haha. the fence is all fugged now and the truck had like a little scuff mark that i buffed out. another time i was in the CL going about 145 just to see what it would be like. it was nuts but anyways after going that fast even 100 seemed slow so im getting to the ramp i need to get off on start to slow down the sign says ramp 25mph and im still doing 80 so i lock up the brakes and slide for about 50 feet and turn last second before flying off the ramp and i was going about 45 when i turned still. never will i be that idiotic again. thank God my car doesn't go that fast lol. that car handled suprisingly well for how fast i was going though. really well built car IMO
nothing really stupid in the camaro except for wasting my tires everytime i drive it.

tomm 03-21-2007 07:29 PM

instincts my friend. haha kicks in somewhere between idiot and 125.
good ole fear too

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