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CRXITR 12-08-2006 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by the_smart_ass
60 gig ps3 shipped from Nigeria only $250 shipped to your door

pm me

Originally Posted by cellman
20GB Sealed, $750

located in calgary

pick up or shipped anywhere in canada with tracking numbers

Wow!for a PS3? Not worth getting Scammed this hardcore... They will be readily available in stores in a few weeks...

Also 80% of PS3s have been catching on fire littleraly, so the first batch of PS3's have to go back in for a CD/DVD/CDR whatever you want to call it recall...


So have fun buying and selling ya'll!

Last but not least!


alnight 12-08-2006 09:00 PM

hahahaha....its funny to see all these geeks trying franticly to get rid of these because they waited to long and got greedy thinking they were gonna get 3gs for them.....merry christmas....wrap up your ps3s and put them under the tree because you aint selling them...good investment you should make a hundred bucks on them for your sad stories of how you waited outside in the freezing cold for 3 months so i didnt have to....thanks for waiting in line ill get mine when they fix all the problems with them.

Z-Tuned 12-08-2006 11:12 PM

I will pay $50 under MSRP for any PS3 new or used. More being shipped in Dec 8th and Best Buy is walking distance.


deeppimpy 12-09-2006 01:00 PM

price drop 20gb playstation 3 sealed for $750 located in cambridge

Yungstar 12-09-2006 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by Z-Tuned
I will pay $50 under MSRP for any PS3 new or used. More being shipped in Dec 8th and Best Buy is walking distance.


"More" being about 16 per store (if that.) All of which went to those that overnighted in that weather. So it's not a cake walk like you are making it seem.

Originally Posted by alnight
hahahaha....its funny to see all these geeks trying franticly to get rid of these because they waited to long and got greedy thinking they were gonna get 3gs for them.....merry christmas....wrap up your ps3s and put them under the tree because you aint selling them...good investment you should make a hundred bucks on them for your sad stories of how you waited outside in the freezing cold for 3 months so i didnt have to....thanks for waiting in line ill get mine when they fix all the problems with them.

I don't think anyone is frantically doing anything. There ARE people willing to pay that price for the sole reason of not having to wait in line hours on end in minus 20 degree weather. Is it scalping? Yes. Is it more than they are worth? Of course! But if people are willing to pay because of convenience, then who are you to knock the prices? If it sells, sell it!

Z-Tuned 12-09-2006 02:32 PM

^^^So you had three untis up until about a week ago, now you have two.

16 per store? per Best Buy? So what about the other 50+ other retailers that will get them.

The SONY press release says they will have an additional 32,000 in separate shipment by years end.

If you don't want to gamble and want to move the 20GB - PM me.

Yungstar 12-09-2006 03:34 PM

Yeah, basically our store along with Heartland/Oakville got the most shipments of the Canadian Best Buy's (42 first week, 32 second week, 0 3rd week, 18 4th week.) The only location to get more was obviously Downtown. The other 44 BB locations got anywhere from half or lower of the listed 4 stores, no joke.

Futureshop got the 2nd highest to BB which was near nothing, Walmart comes in sparses and EB... well... we know the story there.

Those thinking the shipments are huge, I will be more than happy to post exact numbers in this thread for BB, so you guys have a heads up days before. It'll also help the others that are trying to sell theirs so people can see it's not a pick up and go item yet unless you're willing to wait hours or have an insider hookup.

Sold my 2nd 60 GB today (Saturday) at the price listed (1G)

Only got the 20 GB left ($900)

There are people willing to pay, just gotta find them, heh. I mean, at this point prices will either spike high or drop to MSRP, it's hard to tell right now.

Z-Tuned 12-09-2006 03:43 PM

Yeah, you sound informed. Not trying to under cut. I'm just in no rush and thought I could help out by paying list.

I know people who have walked into stores over the past week and just bought one from Walmart and Future Shop.

Check Red Falg Deals and Craigslist for 20GB: $660, $700 and one package even for list $549 + taxes + games + warranty (pure cost) :smilie_da

Yungstar 12-09-2006 04:11 PM

It's all good. We're all just trying to make a buck right?

No worries.

Worse comes to worst, return to store in 30 days for full money back, lol. :)

alnight 12-09-2006 07:14 PM

well i guess you have to make extra money seeing that you work at best buy and any additional money for you is like getting another paycheck....maybe you should try letting CUSTOMERS buy them instead of buying them yourself to make extra money....or you could try getting a REAL PAYING job.

Z-Tuned 12-09-2006 07:28 PM


I actually found this kid (another retail grunt) who is selling his for less than cost. Decided a TV is more important than a PS3. Well no hero, ya kinda need one to play and a 1080p HD unit like mine, whiich none of the Leet Gamorz that waiting inline for 72 hours can afford.


Yungstar 12-09-2006 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by alnight
well i guess you have to make extra money seeing that you work at best buy and any additional money for you is like getting another paycheck....maybe you should try letting CUSTOMERS buy them instead of buying them yourself to make extra money....or you could try getting a REAL PAYING job.

I'm not going the route of insults, but in response:

The units I have are from the Queen/Airport Walmart. BB doesn't allow staff to buy units.

And it's not like these "customers" kept them for themselves. They all personally told me they were going on Ebay. None bought a single game or extra controller. Actually the first 4 guys who were all friends, were offered 1 g in cash by some random guy for all 4 of their consoles. Another set of customers were setting up their auctions IN LINE on their laptors via our Best Buy wireless connection.

Extra money? Who wouldn't turn that down! Real paying job? A little hard to have one of those when you're a full time student. Retail/CSR jobs are your best friend's during these times.

I'm sure you'll think of something to respond with, so feel free:)

Originally Posted by Z-Tuned

I actually found this kid (another retail grunt) who is selling his for less than cost. Decided a TV is more important than a PS3. Well no hero, ya kinda need one to play and a 1080p HD unit like mine, whiich none of the Leet Gamorz that waiting inline for 72 hours can afford.


haha nice! Actually, the guy who bought the 60gb didn't even know what 1080p or even HDTV was, wtf. :lol_hitti

alnight 12-10-2006 07:05 PM

its funny that you arent allowed to buy them if you are an employee yet you ended up with three??its funny how all the most popular things that came out this year stores only had like thirty of them but everyone that worked there managed to find one of these magical units around just like last year when the 360 came out.

BrowNKiD 12-11-2006 09:45 AM

Ps3 60gb $1000 Obo

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