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turbocivic 11-11-2006 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by Nastyzed
Do you even know whats produced in the shwa?????? " THE" oshawa plant was going to close but the camaro saved it??? Go do a little reaserch because your post made no sense.

Actually it made perfect sense if you have more then a grade 10 education. Heres the coles notes version.

1.Oshawa plant was going to close.
2.GM decided to bring back the Camaro.
3.GM decided to make them in the Oshawa plant so employees would not be laid off.

What am I talking to morons on this forum?

heres some more facts because im the only one that seems to have any or have any real knowledge.......

Hey wait? The Camaro saved the day!

Nastyzed 11-11-2006 09:23 PM

My post was showing the fact that your a moron who seems to think there is 1 plant in oshawa. Why don't you elaborate on toyotas **** ups rather then pointing out useless dung. Any excuse to slander a domestic company building on quality.

turbocivic 11-11-2006 11:50 PM

Your post showed that you know absolutely nothing and have no facts to contribute.

What do you want me to say about Toyota's? that the Prius is killing the domestic market and that all the manufactures were getting nervous and only Ford was able to compete with there ford escape model. Or do you want me to get into the fact about the Chinese cars getting a higher Tarrif because they fear that will destroy the Japanese and domestic car market, like ownestly your conversation is so weak i'm not even going to bother...........

have fun thinking you know about the automotive market and telling your friends......:dunno:

gtcamry92 11-13-2006 06:31 PM

Do a little research and you'll see Toyota's been gaining market share from both Ford and GM for the past couple of years.......

GM's sold about 230000 less cars than in previous years this year...

GM and Ford are practically handing over their market share to Toyota...

Toyota is employing more Americans, while Ford and GM and continuing to make job cuts..

and Toyota's even got the Camry in the upcoming Nextel Cup series...

Also neglecting to change your oil according to the manufacturers spec/driving conditions with any car will definitely result in crustly oil sludge..

Im a big Toyota fan, but i also love many domestic cars, they've had no choice but to step their game up and improve quality and thats what they've done....

ALLAN_M 11-13-2006 07:52 PM

market wise
now that doesnt mean japanese cars are better. its jus what the average consumer prefers. toyota sells more then mercedes does that mean toyota makes a better car no. so nastyzed dont get soo offended by toyota owning the american models its jus life and who cares. i used to work at ford and lost customers to honda and toyota on a daily basis

Mean98Neon 11-15-2006 03:43 PM

Toyotas are good cars and lexuses are amazing but as for toyotas line up BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! Id rather drive a ****in shopping cart then a corolla I dont care how "reliable" they claim it is. U drive one of those things the throttle down a quarter or floored is the same they suck ass !!! and Im sick and ****in tired of people who no nothing about cars telling me "you should buy a honda or toyota" ! As for this argument Im routing for GM ****KKK Toyota!!

bmw e30dk 12-05-2009 02:40 PM

**** Toyota Volkswagen ALLLLL THE WAY!

ernie's 5oh 02-09-2010 08:33 PM

LOL what you guys must be all blind, Toyota in my eyes has always been garbage, its just a matter of time before the faults of the sh%t box started to show.
Come on, who builds toyota Asians, they can't drive (and I'm not being racist, just what I see every day)
they are building cars!!!!!! and morons would buy them.
Then I noticed that everyone that bought a jap car, they can't drive either, just goes with the mentality.
Like a geek playing sports..... not good.
Everytime there is a accendent, a jap crap is involved.
They give them 5 star rating in come on drive one into my car lets see who goes home that day.
All I can say is brain washing with advertising, and usally non-car people buy it.
How often do you see a auto mech drive one..... hardly ever, and the ones that do, they got it for nothing.

nytetyme 06-09-2010 02:30 AM

Originally Posted by ernie's 5oh (Post 1439785)
LOL what you guys must be all blind, Toyota in my eyes has always been garbage, its just a matter of time before the faults of the sh%t box started to show.
Come on, who builds toyota Asians, they can't drive (and I'm not being racist, just what I see every day)
they are building cars!!!!!! and morons would buy them.
Then I noticed that everyone that bought a jap car, they can't drive either, just goes with the mentality.
Like a geek playing sports..... not good.
Everytime there is a accendent, a jap crap is involved.
They give them 5 star rating in come on drive one into my car lets see who goes home that day.
All I can say is brain washing with advertising, and usally non-car people buy it.
How often do you see a auto mech drive one..... hardly ever, and the ones that do, they got it for nothing.

nope no racism in there at all :thumbsdow

I used to work for GM and they used to send out quarterly sales reports and they used to blow toyota and honda out of the water. my supervisor used to say if those numbers ever come close to even some big guys upstairs are gonna lose their jobs and its been happening.

stratusdodge 06-09-2010 12:45 PM

I never liked Toyotas. If you want a good quality car and excellent service, GET A CHRYSLER.


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