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GTXsimon 01-12-2006 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by Nastyzed

just a sample of a few. Sickening these lyrics were mass produced and are probibly available at your local HMV. What would happen if eminem did like that??

agreed. eminem could never do that. I've never heard him utter any racial slang, whereas fat joe and big pun did all the time, and they aren't black

you couldn't call a woman a bitch in a rap song, but you can if ur meridith brooks, as she released a single called "i'm a bitch" I guess its all about the context.

drift_n_shift 01-13-2006 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by Nastyzed
a few months back in new york a group of blacks attacked 3 12 year old white girls in a park beat them down screaming black power and such.. Looks for it on the net. If the situation was reversed and it was a group of white guys beating on 3 12 year old black girls it would have been plastered on every local broadcast and paper all over north america. I belive even the president would have had to make a speach how this madness must stop.

Black lives are more valuble then whites and thats exacley why. Black supremacy is at all time high these days.

naw, not even. i dont think black supremacy is at an all time high. well, maybe i think that what you're trying to get at is all of those marches and protests and stuff. i think this occurs because nothing is being done about black on black violence. i remeber talking to this lady and she was telling me how the police dont do anything when it comes to black on black violence or that black youths dont get alotta rights and arent treated equally and fairly and are often misjudged. so i think that the media attention around black people and their rights is merely them trying to get the word out, that all this siht happens and stuff. :dunno:

ricewagon94 01-13-2006 08:52 AM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
OK, most people seem to like my opinion, so here goes. I think that this country is too lax on it's laws. Before you start in on me about being anti-Canadian, and all the other crap that's been said to me, I'm wearing a Team Canada hockey jersey, and you've all seen my van. I've got a pic of my old Omni, and I'll post it if anyone cares to see that paint job.
Anyway, if you kill someone, I don't care if it's crime of passion, hate, whatever, I beleive in eye for an eye. You deserve to die if you kill someone. I wish they would stick Bernardo in Gen Pop, so that bastard can get what he deserves. Murdering anyone, race, colour, nationality, religious beliefs, anything, should be punishable by death.
Now, that I'm on a rant, DUI/DWI should be an immediate BAN from driving PERMANANTLY. Now before anyone starts in, my FATHER is currently wanted on a bench warrant for this, and has no liscense, no insurance, and I have called the police on him when he has driven drunk. And I would do it to anyone.
As for most other driving offences, well, I've got speeding tickets like most other people, so I'm not going to go off on that, BUT, if you kill someone with your vehicle, YOU are supposed to be in control of that vehicle, so it is murder. Now I realize that if someone else hits you, and as a result you kill someone, that's not your fault, but we need to have stronger laws regarding things like this. Murder should not be a 15 year term. It should be execution. There is a vid kicking around of the execution of a murderer somewhere in the Middle East, I don't know where, where the family of the person killed, carried out the execution. Not a bad idea. I've seen another one, that is Afghanistan, and it's punishment for rape. They cut off your dick, right in the middle of the square, with the women who you raped, watching. Again, not a bad idea. Now honestly, neither of these are ever going to happen here, because we are "civilized". BULLSHIT. If we were civilized, kids wouldn't be getting shot on the streets. Give it another 6 months, the way it's going, and TO is going to be no better than Detroit.
The really sad part about it is, it took a 15 year old WHITE girl to get killed before anyone really freaked out. WTF?!? So black people, according to the local government aren't as important? Bullshit. The steps that are supposedly being implemented, are racist. Nothing was done until a white 15 year old girl was shot. What about all those young black kids, that never even make the front page let alone get this kind of response.

Amen brother.

Zapa 01-13-2006 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by Nastyzed
"Now I'm black but black people trip 'cause white people like me; white people like me I but don't like them. . . . I don't hate whites, I just gotta death wish for motherers that ain't right";
--"Race War"; Ice-T, Home Invasion, 1993, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

"To all my Universal Soldier's: stay at attention while I strategize an invasion; the mission be assassination, snipers hitting Caucasians with semi-automatic shots heard around the world; my plot is to control the globe and hold the world hostage. . . . see, I got a war plan more deadlier than Hitler. . . . lyrical specialist, underworld . . . . keep the unity thick like mud. . . . I pulling out gats , launching deadly attacks";
--"Blood for Blood"; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

"Bust a Glock; devils get shot. . . . when God give the word me herd like the buffalo through the neighborhood; watch me blast. . . . I'm killing more crackers than Bosnia-Herzegovina, each and everyday. . . . don't bust until you see the whites of his eyes, the whites of his skin. . . . Louis Farrakhan . . . Bloods and CRIPS, and little old me, and we all getting ready for the enemy";
-- "Enemy"; Ice Cube, Lethal Injection, 1993, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

"Rhymes is rugged like burnt buildings in Harlem; the Ol Dirty Bastard. . . . I'm also militant. . . . snatching devils up by the hair, then cut his head off";
--"Cuttin Headz"; Ol Dirty Bastard, Return of the 36 Chambers: the Dirty Version; 1995, Elektra Entertainment, Time Warner, USA.

just a sample of a few. Sickening these lyrics were mass produced and are probibly available at your local HMV. What would happen if eminem did like that??

Lol ... and what's even funnier is all these white trash wiggers who try to act black and get down to this music .


I have a confesion to make . When I came to canada i was into Hip Hop big time . . . which was funny because I was also into Rock / Punk .

Well what happened , my english skills got better , and i became disgusted by the lyrics and I stoped listening ... A big plus to this "waz" also interacting with a few "fellaz" which "waznt" as friendly as "they is on TV" .

if you were wondering why I stoped listening to Rock ... I met a few canadian fans of that music , and also became disgusted ... then depressed ... then happy because i had stoped listening to shitty depresing music

6Msentra 01-13-2006 08:31 PM

a hate crime is NOT when someone has a crime commited against them and they just happen to be anouther race.

a hate crime is a crime motivated by hatred for that other persons race/sexual orientation, etc...

you can hate gays, but if you kill a gay guy because he pissed you off is just murder.
but if you kill him because he is gay it is also a hate crime.

there are laws like this to help protect those things that we cannot change.
for instance, i "choose" to be an and get shot. but i dont choose to be black or white and get shot for it.

again nastyzed you are a ing coward. stop being a racist bastard and get an education. almost every post you are trying to incite hatred... you are a pathetic excuse for a human being. i guess you dont like the hate crimes because you and your racist buddies can get more time when you go out gay bashing. you are a piece of .

Zapa 01-13-2006 09:20 PM

what if you kill a gay guy because he tried to you in the ass ?

rabbitman 01-13-2006 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
what if you kill a gay guy because he tried to you in the ass ?

That means you are going to jail, and you are not going to enjoy it.

Zapa 01-13-2006 10:32 PM

yes but 10 or 20 years ?

rabbitman 01-13-2006 11:39 PM

You'd maybe survive 3 months.

Zapa 01-14-2006 09:35 AM

my initial "stupid" looking question , had a lot of hidden valid points if u think about it well . i'll give u a hint , have u seen trainspotting ? :hitwithro

6Msentra 01-14-2006 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by Zapa
what if you kill a gay guy because he tried to you in the ass ?

you are killing him because you are angry at something he did to you.

if you walked into a gay bar and started shooting people because you hate gay people... its a hate crime.

6Msentra 01-14-2006 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
That means you are going to jail, and you are not going to enjoy it.


Zapa 01-14-2006 04:19 PM

either way , don't get me wrong , even thogh i dislike the ideea of men touching eachother in public , i'd never even want to hurt a guy because he's gay ... that's just , wrong , it's like hurting someone in a wheelchair because they are in a wheelchair ... worst case scenario i'd puke on him if he's too GAP in public ...

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