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RCBH-LIVES 03-23-2006 12:44 AM

If You Dont Like Canada Get The F Outa Here
anyone got somthin bad to say about canada then leave. im sure you would love to live where you came from wipin your ass with your hand and livin in a mud hut.

5PointOHNO 03-23-2006 10:55 AM

Yes, please, leave.

Young gun 03-23-2006 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by RCBH-LIVES
anyone got somthin bad to say about canada then leave. im sure you would love to live where you came from wipin your ass with your hand and livin in a mud hut.

Wow thats a very smart ass comment :retard:

4cefed6 03-23-2006 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by 5PointOHNO
Yes, please, leave.

:appl: :appl: :appl:

Supra90T 03-23-2006 11:58 AM

Canada as a whole isn't bad. Toronto is bad. Liberalism at it's worst... :thumbsdow

But with that said, we still are among the highest taxed countries in the world with a rising cost of living - Financially, it makes little to no sense to stay here with few exceptions. And to cap it off...Our health care system is terrible despite the HUGE percentage of tax dollars going to it.

Hopefully Harper can turn things around and make it a decent place to live again

Young gun 03-23-2006 12:29 PM

^ Canada is a great country, it has its flaws but i will be the first to tell u, u cant as an imigrant come in this nation and complain about it. At the same time tho because of this Melting Pot Society give it another 5 generations and who knows if neone will still be pure blood NETHING.

Honda Tech 03-23-2006 12:36 PM

Originally Posted by Young gun
^ Canada is a great country, it has its flaws but i will be the first to tell u, u cant as an imigrant come in this nation and complain about it. At the same time tho because of this Melting Pot Society give it another 5 generations and who knows if neone will still be pure blood NETHING.

YA! go Pure Blood Canadians!!!!


but true it is...

Supra90T 03-23-2006 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Young gun
^ Canada is a great country, it has its flaws but i will be the first to tell u, u cant as an imigrant come in this nation and complain about it. At the same time tho because of this Melting Pot Society give it another 5 generations and who knows if neone will still be pure blood NETHING.

Well I was born here so I can complain if I want :smile:
But alot of people here hate it because it's the GTA...I generalized all of canada because I hadn't been anywhere else - but out west for example, is a whole different world! From the palm trees and ocean in vic/van to the no provincial taxing in alberta...

That said, when the opportunity presents itself, I'll probably still take this route: :usa:

Young gun 03-23-2006 01:13 PM

^ thats accutally a very good point, Canada differs so much from coast to coast, BC is like a different country lol

ivperformance 03-23-2006 01:29 PM

You guys are ****ing retarded, all of you, did you think for a moment that MAYBE if everybody would LOVE canada than the goverment could do whatever the **** they want, why do you think there are protests.... let me think.... BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE CANADA AT THE MOMENT, they want to change it. with your ****ing theory we should of kicked out greenpeace, the college teachers, oh wait yes the police force too, they had a strike. Democracy is based on people liking and disliking where a country is going.

Supra90T 03-23-2006 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by ivperformance
You guys are ****ing retarded, all of you, did you think for a moment that MAYBE if everybody would LOVE canada than the goverment could do whatever the **** they want, why do you think there are protests.... let me think.... BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DONT LIKE CANADA AT THE MOMENT, they want to change it. with your ****ing theory we should of kicked out greenpeace, the college teachers, oh wait yes the police force too, they had a strike. Democracy is based on people liking and disliking where a country is going.

Tell that to the liberals, whose sole goal now, is to destroy the conservative leadership at all costs - Despite the fact that they don't even have a leader.
Ever watch the news? Every little thing, Duffy is examining with a fine tooth comb. And global...50x worse :thumbsdow

Unlike most people, just as an example...I'd be the first to say that we should integrate the country even MORE with the US economy and that would lead to success...The projections have been done and it's common sense. However, with the liberal media...They will turn the general population against the gov't in no time if anything like that were to happen. Just like they did during the elections. It's what liberals do, they want to control EVERYTHING, which is why their cabinet was so big over the years as well. They try to manipulate by controlling. Not even going to mention how they tried to control the market and boost CBC...

But...either way, after the conservatives win the next election and take the majority, things will start to turn around for the better.

sky_kid 03-23-2006 04:47 PM

I don't think canada sucks just ontario. 10$ for a pack of smokes, 9000$/year for insurance, lots of suburbs and no job market, or job security(x10). I don't care which political party caused this, but these are not positive things. So I'm not going to sit here and pretend that this is the most awesome wonderland of fun ever just because some things are good. As for that comment on 'pure blood canadians'


By that do you mean first nations? Because if your white, your family were immigrants here at some point.

I notice though, however, that the only people who say that Canada is the best place in the world ect ect, are the same people who don't have passports.

Nastyzed 03-23-2006 09:05 PM

Canada is heading the way of south africa.. The liberal attitude is to make the majority the minority. Kiss canada goodbye. The blood sweat and tears of the europeans that built this fine nation are sinking rapidly into the dirt. Replaced by a mass flood of the third world. Diseases are pouring in from unscreened immigrants from places like somalia and zimbabwe. The aids virus was just passed to 7 different women in B.C. The guy who commited the crime said "they didn't ask so I didnt tell them", he was also from africa. It will all end in race wars, multicutralism is a complete failure cities such as toronto and montreal are a fine example of this. Innocent civilians are gunned down by blacks running rampant in the city.

Canada has lost its british roots and is going to end up the punchbowl of chaos and coruption just like south african. Sit back and watch it.

RCBH-LIVES 03-23-2006 11:30 PM

Canada is heading the way of south africa.. The liberal attitude is to make the majority the minority. Kiss canada goodbye. The blood sweat and tears of the europeans that built this fine nation are sinking rapidly into the dirt. Replaced by a mass flood of the third world. Diseases are pouring in from unscreened immigrants from places like somalia and zimbabwe. The aids virus was just passed to 7 different women in B.C. The guy who commited the crime said "they didn't ask so I didnt tell them", he was also from africa. It will all end in race wars, multicutralism is a complete failure cities such as toronto and montreal are a fine example of this. Innocent civilians are gunned down by blacks running rampant in the city.
wow is all i can say. its all true facts just never thought of that. ya its true alot of parts of africa 1 in 4 blacks have aids. so if you where in class tryin to do a math test 7 of your classmates would have aids. try that out and then see how much you hate canada,
try livin in cuba. i gave a chick a dollar store perfume bottle and she took a egg yolk load right in the nose. .... well some chicks around here will do that too so i guess that doesnt count. her dad made 12 bucks a month workin in a cuban factory. try that out before you complain about the free welfare you get for your 3 kids from three different guys.
free health care, welfare and dental is better than stayin in your mud hut wipin your ass with your hand while makin babies like rabbits, then have to watch half them die from diesese and starvation.

kinda funny how sweeden and norway have no crime and no murder rate.
jamaca and africa have insane crime and unreal murder rates. i think it shows a country is what you make of it.

Supra90T 03-23-2006 11:58 PM

Originally Posted by RCBH-LIVES
free health care, welfare and dental is better than stayin in your mud hut wipin your ass with your hand while makin babies like rabbits, then have to watch half them die from diesese and starvation.

kinda funny how sweeden and norway have no crime and no murder rate.
jamaca and africa have insane crime and unreal murder rates. i think it shows a country is what you make of it.

Our health care really isn't free. It's a big part of why we have such high taxes. And yet the system is far inferior to the majority of G8 two tier systems(ie in the US...where if you can't afford health care, you get free MEDICAID which puts our system to shame)

Welfare is something that should RARELY have to be used. But unfortunately, it is abused by lazyasses that simply don't want to work. I'm all for enforcing welfare on an individual basis. If someone has no disabilities or mental problems...There's no reason they can't go get a job like the rest of us instead of using tax dollars.

Dental is a whole nother story, as it is covered by benefits for whichever company you work for. Far from free if you don't have benefits...And even then, it's usually not 100% coverage

As for the murder rates...It's getting worse.
Toronto's "per capita" rate is close to manhattan's now if I'm not mistaken...Although NYC is overall one of the safer cities in the US, toronto used to be way back in that department

Young gun 03-24-2006 12:04 AM

RCBH... yep definately correct
i dunt like singeling out a certain race but there is a reason y a 3rd world country is 3rd world... I hate to say this but honestly imho Canada is dooing wrong to let just anybody in, i believe the points system is too weak. I mean its amazing that refugees and less fortunate ppl do have a place to go when they try and escape their country but in a world where it comes down to every man for himself strickter rules have to be put in place. **** jsut look at the states its a disaster with immigration they accutally make the ppl swear off their new culture as an oath to become citizens... As was mentioned on a previous thread, we have ppl here in chinatown that dunt speak a world of english and basically live in their own closed off society jut like they wouldn in china...

RCBH-LIVES 03-24-2006 12:05 AM

dude are you kidding me? you think some guy comin off a boat is payin taxes? hes not payin a dime. the company hes is workin for covers dental? job what job he cant evin speak english. thats on the taxpayers for free.
dude you think torontos murder rate is gettin bad? try 800 000 thousand in one year. thats like all of mississauga being wiped out by years end. gotta love those tutis and hitus in africa. dude dont evin try to compare. we live in the land of cotton candy and sugar coated gum balls.
like i said if you dont like canda then leave.

Supra90T 03-24-2006 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by RCBH-LIVES
dude are you kidding me? you think some guy comin off a boat is payin taxes? hes not payin a dime. the company hes is workin for covers dental? job what job he cant evin speak english. thats on the taxpayers for free.
dude you think torontos murder rate is gettin bad? try 800 000 thousand in one year. thats like all of mississauga being wiped out by years end. gotta love those tutis and hitus in africa. dude dont evin try to compare. we live in the land of cotton candy and sugar coated gum balls.
like i said if you dont like canda then leave.

I never said toronto's murder rate is getting bad. It's still nothing - I was simply making the comparison to NYC. The numbers are going up, but still are minimal when compared to intl cities out there.

3aXap 03-25-2006 01:22 PM

you say we live in land of candy and .Well i want to see what you say when the population of ******s, pakis and chinx will rise... They will turn this country into a ****ing third world country. All thanx to liberal pussies selling out.

3aXap 03-25-2006 01:23 PM

whats wrong with saying N I G G E R!??

5PointOHNO 03-25-2006 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by Supra90T
As for the murder rates...It's getting worse.
Toronto's "per capita" rate is close to manhattan's now if I'm not mistaken...Although NYC is overall one of the safer cities in the US, toronto used to be way back in that department

You are horribly mistaken. Lets take Chicago for example. Approximately the same population as Toronto. I think Toronto has a few more people. But either way, they are comparitively similar.

Chicago had 448 murders last year. Toronto had 74.

New york city has roughly 9 milloin people and 508 murders last year. There is no comparison in murder rates to Toronto. Toronto has, by far, the lowest crime rate amongst high population cities in North America.

And Mark, how could you love a Country so much when you've only been there a few times??!?!

IMO it's worth putting up with the bullshit we put up with to live here.

4cefed6 03-25-2006 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by 5PointOHNO
You are horribly mistaken. Lets take Chicago for example. Approximately the same population as Toronto. I think Toronto has a few more people. But either way, they are comparitively similar.

Chicago had 448 murders last year. Toronto had 74.

New york city has roughly 9 milloin people and 508 murders last year. There is no comparison in murder rates to Toronto. Toronto has, by far, the lowest crime rate amongst high population cities in North America.

And Mark, how could you love a Country so much when you've only been there a few times??!?!

IMO it's worth putting up with the bullshit we put up with to live here.

Yea he has only spent no more than 72 hours in the united states yet he is ready to move down there and suck off george bush.

sky_kid 03-25-2006 03:50 PM

It's hilarious that the same people who think GM makes good cars are the same peoeple who talk about immigrants like they are AIDS.

Nastyzed 03-26-2006 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by sky_kid
It's hilarious that the same people who think GM makes good cars are the same peoeple who talk about immigrants like they are AIDS.

Its hilarious the same people that think hondas from the 80s have thicker body panels then GM , are the same people that think some immigrants dont have aids. Which is also hilarious that your too much of a to back your mouth up in person.

sky_kid 03-26-2006 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by Nastyzed
Its hilarious the same people that think hondas from the 80s have thicker body panels then GM , are the same people that think some immigrants dont have aids. Which is also hilarious that your too much of a to back your mouth up in person.

Dude every single post you make is a rampant exercise in ignorance and stupidity, why don't find some money, buy your own car, then come back here when you spend some time living in the world of reality.

Triked240 03-26-2006 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by sky_kid
It's hilarious that the same people who think GM makes good cars are the same peoeple who talk about immigrants like they are AIDS.

don know why your dissin anyones ride here i mean com'on look wha u drive lol

sky_kid 03-26-2006 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by Triked240
don know why your dissin anyones ride here i mean com'on look wha u drive lol

I drive the first production Honda ever driven in a North American professional racing series. Learn history, use it. Looks arent everything, and a sub-woofer does not make your 240 'tricked'.

Get bent kid.

When the new 1984 Prelude was introduced the King Motorsports boys were ready to take it to the next level. They constructed the very first Honda racecar for a professional race series— the grueling IMSA RS Series. The King Motorsports Prelude was fast. Really fast. It finished in the top ten its very first year in a series dominated by factory teams.

Triked240 03-26-2006 05:18 PM

don matter argue whatever you want your car is bunk you couldent chop a $1 hooker in that ride nuff said its hard to argue the fine points of a turd :thumbsdow

sky_kid 03-26-2006 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by Triked240
don matter argue whatever you want your car is bunk you couldent chop a $1 hooker in that ride nuff said its hard to argue the fine points of a turd :thumbsdow

English please?

Triked240 03-26-2006 05:29 PM

whatever yo nuff said

2TONE_93GT 03-26-2006 05:31 PM

Canada is pretty good... i mean, our healthcare system rocks.. that is def. a part of the reason people come here.

Supra90T 03-26-2006 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by 2TONE_93GT
Canada is pretty good... i mean, our healthcare system rocks.. that is def. a part of the reason people come here.

No, it really doesn't...It pales in comparison to the healthcare in most countries of comparable wealth(ie US, sweden, australia..etc etc.)
A big part of the reason people come here is because immigration requirements are laughable at best.

964carrera 03-31-2006 03:26 PM

part of the problem is lack of unity in the country. little itty bitty groups and societies, fine, but where the heck did our national pride go?? It's pretty sick when we label ourselves as from some other culture when living in Canada. Hello!! Living in Canada = CANADIAN.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking my family out to Alberta where they seem to have a much better handle on all things concerned!

ShagPower 04-05-2006 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Supra90T
A big part of the reason people come here is because immigration requirements are laughable at best.

:appl: unfortunatly its true, the Harper gov't will likely change it.

I'm glad to be Canadian, but to be fair I hate the GTA

sideways_shifter 04-06-2006 12:23 PM

Originally Posted by ShagPower
:appl: unfortunatly its true, the Harper gov't will likely change it.

I'm glad to be Canadian, but to be fair I hate the GTA

Thats exactly how most ppl in toronto feel. Canada is a great country its given many people alot of things, but on the other hand its taken alot from them too. Everyone is fed up with all the crime and bullshit that the "ghetto" areas of the city has, why do you think places like Newmarket, Bolton, and even Wasauga Beach have already started to develope. But its only a matter of time before the population that is considered trash makes it way up there.

sideways_shifter 04-06-2006 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by Triked240
whatever yo nuff said

Are you ****ing retarded, is it really that hard to type in proper english?

Charlie_Chaos 04-06-2006 12:58 PM

RCBH has an excellent point.

I am ****ing sick of people comming to this country from bombed out shittholes and telling us how to run our country.

Excuse me we just let you in . Sit the **** down and spend your welfare check and go do ESL.

B6T 04-06-2006 03:55 PM

I won't go as far to say that all immigrants are trash, because I think that's very ignorant and racist (only mentioned non-whites, when there are many white immigrants). I will say that the Canadian government really needs to figure out how to distinguish between the people that NEED to immigrate, the people who should be denied, and the people who will exploit the system.

I have no problem with immigrants who come to this country and work hard, I have a problem with the people that come here to leech off our system, and try and change our existing rules, beliefs, religions, etc to suit their ideals.

B6T 04-06-2006 04:03 PM

BTW, Mark (non-working Supra Mark, not 14 second Mustang Mark) I think you should move to the states... people with your attitude belong down there. You seem to be very patriotic, hard working, and block-headed... so you'd fit right in with the majority of the existing population. They need guys like you... you seem to be so dedicated to defending what the US stands for, so surely you'll be joining the army... right? Not doing so would make you a hypocrite... you don't want to be a hypocrite, do you?

rabbitman 04-06-2006 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by Charlie_Chaos
RCBH has an excellent point.

I am ****ing sick of people comming to this country from bombed out shittholes and telling us how to run our country.

Excuse me we just let you in . Sit the **** down and spend your welfare check and go do ESL.

What I'm tired of is having someone elses religion shoved in my face. This "My god is living too bad about yours" crap is getting really old too. I don't give a if your god is Allah, or Homer Simpson. No one cares about your religion. Now don't get me wrong, if you're religious, that's great. Stick up for what you beleive, but don't shove it in other peoples faces, and if we want to have a fingChristmas Tree, I'm going to have a Christmas tree, and you can go f yourself. It's a Christmas Tree, because it's Christmas.

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