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2TONE_93GT 01-26-2006 01:43 PM

Illegal street racing has been growing a problem in the G.T.A

They mostly come out when you’re asleep.

Under cover of darkness, they hit the road and then the accelerator, driving their way towards higher and higher speeds.

Illegal street racing has been growing a problem in the G.T.A. for years, with police from all across the region launching initiatives over the years to stop it.

But cops can’t be everywhere and drag racers often know where they’re not going to be, picking those places to gather.

The tragic death of a Toronto taxi driver on Tuesday night has reinforced that the need for speed can be a killer.

“In the summertime, it’s a bigger problem in that there are designated areas that these guys make themselves that they show up at and they try pull off actual races,” Traffic Services Det. Paul Lobsinger tells

Unfortunately, Toronto is listed as one of the biggest areas for the races. It's estimated there are 20,000 street racers in Southern Ontario. Since 1999, 30 people have died because of the illegal sport.

And police allege the practice also leads to property damage, weapons offences, and alcohol abuse.

But the numbers don't tell the real story. Lobsinger notes for every one who gets caught, there are more who escape undetected.

Recent studies have shown a large number of the offenders are those with the least experience – drivers with just a G1 or a G2 licence. In some cases, speeds reach between 130-140 kilometres an hour.

Where does it happen? On city streets and on highways.

“Motorcycles like the Don Valley Parkway in the middle of the night in the summer, the 404 – there’s different areas and they move around as we make adjustments to try and catch them,” Lobsinger outlines.

In many cases, the culprits aren’t part of any organized groups – just young males who come together and decide to challenge each other in a foolish game of chicken.

So what’s the point of it all? For some, it’s the simple desire to compete. Others want to show off their souped-up vehicles. And a few do it for money.

A street race in Vancouver involved money being put into a hat and the loot delivered to a secret location. The drivers in the “contest” were then phoned and told where the bounty was – and whoever got there first won the prize.

It’s a recipe for disaster that cops have seen far too often. And it’s not just speed that’s the problem.

Other techniques for the hot shots include using other drivers in other vehicles to block off intersections to keep cops from reaching the scene; darting in and out of traffic to see who can reach a destination first; or speeding around corners to see how their tires handle the curves.

Officials don’t have any firm figures on how wide the problem really is, but cops believe many serious or fatal accidents involving speed could have street racing as a primary cause.

In addition to the dangers to the drivers involved, police say the practice also creates hazards in other areas:

* It puts pedestrians and other motorists in jeopardy
* It adds to noise pollution
* It encourages vandalism
* It can harm local businesses if cars are tying up the street
* It creates extra burdens on already crumbling roads and streets.

Those who are devoted to the practice contend the police and the press have it all wrong.

They have maintained for years that allowing them to build a de facto drag racing strip close to the city would allow those with the need for speed to indulge their habits without putting anyone in danger.

Proponents note that solution has worked in other North American cities. But so far neither the funds nor the permission has ever been forthcoming from any city in the G.T.A.

And Lobsinger doesn’t think it will make any difference.

“I know a lot of people who complain that they don’t get to go on a holiday,” he notes. “Should we build them a Princess Cruise Line down in the harbour and let them go on it down there, too?

“How about getting a job and earning a living and if that’s what you want to do as a living, go and be a racer. But don’t do it on our city streets!”

Cops believe part of the thrill is the danger of getting caught. And they think illegal street racers would quickly tire of any area designated especially for their use.

Lobsinger maintains the answer is education and tougher penalties, pointing out Toronto’s summer of the gun has nothing on the hundreds of fatal accidents that plague the city’s streets every year.

But he complains no one seems quite as upset about that.

January 25, 2006

SuprAdam 01-26-2006 04:29 PM

“How about getting a job and earning a living and if that’s what you want to do as a living, go and be a racer. But don’t do it on our city streets!”
"Instead go race at the track but first, let us stop and ticket you at the gates of the track." :appl:

Premium Dude 01-26-2006 04:57 PM

That was possibly the single worst article I have ever read. Completely biased, uneducated, and very cliche, and I dont even street race.

BBProductions 01-26-2006 05:01 PM

i'm tired of these kids so called "racing" with their parents vehicles...

rabbitman 01-26-2006 05:40 PM

Street racing is TO biggest problem? you're probably safer at HK, than you are going to a club in downtown TO.
We see this after every accident, and they'll crack down on us until there's another little white girl shot. It's BS, and it'll always be there.
Yet they blame TSR. They call our advertisers, and threaten them, they try to shut down the site. Why? Did TSR start racing? NO. Some caveman rolling a rock down a hill, with his buddy tryin to roll another rock faster down the same hill started it. Did TSR start street racing? NO. Henry Ford started street racing when he built the second Model A.
If they don't want street racing, built a goddam track where we can go during the week. Get rid of the Maple Leafs, and build a drag strip there. It's not like the Raptors or the Leafs are ever going to win a championship anyway. The closest track is over an hour away, and then they set up road blocks, and do safeties and other crap, so that we can't go to the track. Well if you don't want us to street race, and you don't want us to go to the track, WTF do you want?
For some of us, CSCS isn't enough. We need to let off some steam, and so races start. Now, there are areas that are smarter than others, and racing down a main street at 140km/h, in your parents Mercedes, is not smart. I know there are a few police on this site, and I welcome them to respond to this thread.
Anyway, there's my rant about this.

rabbitman 01-26-2006 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by BBProductions
i'm tired of these kids so called "racing" with their parents vehicles...

Yeah, OK. Tell me you never raced in your parents cars. Or anyone else on this site. , I'll bet that even our resident police officers even raced in their parents cars when they were 16.

BBProductions 01-26-2006 05:43 PM

whhoooooosssssahhhhhhh... lmao

B6T 01-26-2006 06:25 PM

That's the worst article I've ever seen. But hey, if it shifts the focus from Toronto's gun problem, then I guess it works out for the cops in the end. Busting kids in modified cars sure is a lot easier then doing actual work and going after actual criminals.

Speedwise 01-26-2006 08:11 PM

Alllllrighty then. This article seems like they interveiwed Vin Desile to get the real scoop of what happens in street racing.

ers, want to make our streets safer? get the drug dealers, get the drunk driver, get that punk shooting up random people. 50 cent causes more trouble every time he comes into town that "street racers" do.

1 It puts pedestrians and other motorists in jeopardy
2 It adds to noise pollution
3 It encourages vandalism
4 It can harm local businesses if cars are tying up the street
5 It creates extra burdens on already crumbling roads and streets."

Okay. For number one, it is only applicable to "cool" kid in their dads g35s on public roads during rush hour after the high school bell rings. Smarter, more considerate people who have a caring heart for the public do not book it at 140 down Dundas. Yesterday me and my friend were getting a coffee from the imfamous timmies. On our way back, two cars, a Neon (two passengers) and a Chevy van (two passengers) started revving on either side of us. Green light. they booked it. Now we are in a modded civic, Who do you think the cherries are gonna light up on?

For number two I can agree. But for s sake stop giving us tickets for it while ur standing next to a Ferrari 360 which has a louder ideling tone than a straight piped civic at 1500 rpm and tell us that our exhaust is too loud.

Number three. I just don't see how vandalisim relates to street racing at all. Never heard or seen a case of this in my life. Unless somones GF got pissed at their bf and shat all over his ITR.

Number four. Well unless racers are blocking off roads in broad day light, I don't see how it can be hurting bussiness since A. Races usually occur later on in the night when there is no-one around and less threatening. and B. The fact that stores are usually closed by then.

Number five. I'm not well educated on the fundamentals of Tarmac. but the 401 gets shat on more than the back roads that only carry transport trucks during the day.

“I know a lot of people who complain that they don’t get to go on a holiday,” he notes. “Should we build them a Princess Cruise Line down in the harbour and let them go on it down there, too?"

Who ever said this needs to have tobasco dropped slowly into his ing eye. Cause its clear he doesn't use em anyways. People are granted vacation in most professions, its is their choice weather they take them or not. I mean I'm 18 and work at OPG during summer, and for s sake. I EVEN get days were I am told to take off and do something. Build a track, it will be more benificial to you.

For fakk seekk. Tell the cops to take on a more pressing issue. I wouldn't be surprised if they got bored of racers and started taking on Skate boarders and stating is a crime. Lazy ass pickle munchers, they get trained to be the "finest" yet they have nothing near as credible to their name IMO.

My rant is done. Even though I race seldomly, I don't like the idea they put forth of people who do this

BBProductions 01-26-2006 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by B6T
That's the worst article I've ever seen. But hey, if it shifts the focus from Toronto's gun problem, then I guess it works out for the cops in the end. Busting kids in modified cars sure is a lot easier then doing actual work and going after actual criminals.

no actualy i didn't... was not offered a parents car, bought my own... :appl:

Speedwise 01-26-2006 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by BBProductions
no actualy i didn't... was not offered a parents car, bought my own... :appl:


aye on't geh it

X_LUDWIK_X 01-26-2006 09:18 PM

Crack can be a nasty drug.

B6T 01-26-2006 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by BBProductions
no actualy i didn't... was not offered a parents car, bought my own... :appl:

Yeah what the hell are you talking about? I think you clicked the wrong "quote" icon there buddy. You're response had no relevence to my original post. :retard:

2TONE_93GT 01-27-2006 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by B6T
Yeah what the hell are you talking about? I think you clicked the wrong "quote" icon there buddy. You're response had no relevence to my original post. :retard:

its obvious we need the drugs off the streets :smile:

Theriault_honda 01-27-2006 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Street racing is TO biggest problem? you're probably safer at HK, than you are going to a club in downtown TO.
We see this after every accident, and they'll crack down on us until there's another little white girl shot. It's BS, and it'll always be there.
Yet they blame TSR. They call our advertisers, and threaten them, they try to shut down the site. Why? Did TSR start racing? NO. Some caveman rolling a rock down a hill, with his buddy tryin to roll another rock faster down the same hill started it. Did TSR start street racing? NO. Henry Ford started street racing when he built the second Model A.
If they don't want street racing, built a goddam track where we can go during the week. Get rid of the Maple Leafs, and build a drag strip there. It's not like the Raptors or the Leafs are ever going to win a championship anyway. The closest track is over an hour away, and then they set up road blocks, and do safeties and other crap, so that we can't go to the track. Well if you don't want us to street race, and you don't want us to go to the track, WTF do you want?
For some of us, CSCS isn't enough. We need to let off some steam, and so races start. Now, there are areas that are smarter than others, and racing down a main street at 140km/h, in your parents Mercedes, is not smart. I know there are a few police on this site, and I welcome them to respond to this thread.
Anyway, there's my rant about this.

Rabbit Man
Im with you on that rabbit man they do need to make a track instead of saying and trying to stopping us from modding and enjoying it. Yeah I like to go fast but you dont have to endangor other peoples life. They do need to make a track to support us and help to keep it off the streets

BBProductions 01-27-2006 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by B6T
Yeah what the hell are you talking about? I think you clicked the wrong "quote" icon there buddy. You're response had no relevence to my original post. :retard:

ye my bad lmao
was supposed to be this:

Originally Posted by rabbitman
Yeah, OK. Tell me you never raced in your parents cars.

meh - move on lol

Theriault_honda 01-27-2006 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by X_LUDWIK_X
Crack can be a nasty drug.

Any illegal drugs like pot, hash, and all types like that are crap people do that for fun but it will kill you or some one els not saying you do it but who knows
thats my opinon on drugs

BBProductions 01-27-2006 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Theriault_honda
Any illegal drugs like pot, hash, and all types like that are crap people do that for fun but it will kill you or some one els not saying you do it but who knows
thats my opinon on drugs

true - imo pot is not same as chemical made drugs...
meh, but thts getting off topic lol

Theriault_honda 01-27-2006 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by BBProductions
true - imo pot is not same as chemical made drugs...
meh, but thts getting off topic lol

maby a little off topic lol

voltar 01-27-2006 02:57 PM

That really is a bullshit article. Just cause there is a few people who are incompetant and retarded and end up crashing and causing injuries or deaths doesn't mean everyone should be punished. And 30 deaths since 1990.... wow... thats the lowest cause of death ever... More people die from, slipping on ice, pedesterians being hit by stupid old people, winter car crashes, not to mention violence, cancer, etc etc...

WTF 01-27-2006 03:09 PM

since 1999, not 1990.

B6T 01-27-2006 03:25 PM

Weed isn't a drug. I don't do drugs. Drugs are bad for your body. :laugh:

Theriault_honda 01-27-2006 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by voltar
That really is a bullshit article. Just cause there is a few people who are incompetant and retarded and end up crashing and causing injuries or deaths doesn't mean everyone should be punished. And 30 deaths since 1990.... wow... thats the lowest cause of death ever... More people die from, slipping on ice, pedesterians being hit by stupid old people, winter car crashes, not to mention violence, cancer, etc etc...

That one way to look at it

2TONE_93GT 01-27-2006 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by B6T
Weed isn't a drug. I don't do drugs. Drugs are bad for your body. :laugh:

Weed isnt regulated, who knows whats in it. :smokin:

Spigmo 01-27-2006 05:07 PM

Does the stat of 30 deaths since '99 include the actual drivers as casualties?

If so, I think this is an even weaker publicity stunt.

If the driver dies, nobody gives a flying . It's their own damn fault. Don't add them to the death count to support your cause.

and just for the sake of being petty -

More people die from, slipping on ice, pedesterians being hit by stupid old people, winter car crashes, not to mention violence, cancer, etc etc...


Where's the stat for the number of pedestrians killed by drivers 75+?? why isn't that plastered all over the ing news?

Why don't we completely outlaw driving in the winter? or maybe altogether? Nobody can get killed in a traffic accident if there isn't any traffic. :lame:

I'm not standing up for those two idiots at all, but what I am saying is that happens. Every day, somebody somewhere is gonna die from something preventable.



Pretending to be a WWF wrestler.

Pick your tragedy.

in the meantime, I'd appreciate if all you lame ass rent-a-cops would leave me the alone this summer. Just because my car looks the part, doesn't mean I act the part.

Would you arrest a black man for robbery based on nothing but his skin colour?

Then don't pull me over just to harrass me because my car resembles something you saw in TF&TF.


rabbitman 01-27-2006 10:23 PM

Originally Posted by Spigmo
Then don't pull me over just to harrass me because my car resembles something you saw in TF&TF.

That has actually happened to me. In a flat black rabbit, with 15" GLH wheels, valid plates, doing 40 km/h on Weber street in KW. With my son in the back. :thumbsdow :bs:

pur evil 01-30-2006 12:23 AM

I cant believe that tripe. street racing has been going on for almost 50 years. i dont get some of these people who try and blame all the problems of humanity on street racers and other subcultures of north american and japanese society. how about opening up the abandonned downsview airforce runway during the summer i swear to god street racing will drop significantly. so to close up i have 3 things to say...

Keep our tracks open

Designate zones on farm roads or roads with minimal risk to human life (cause i'd rather hit a fox or deer than a little kid in a crowded neighborhood)

Utilize spaces that are not being used (ie Downsview AFB)

voltar 01-30-2006 01:54 AM

Its funny now no one mentions how in a way this is the cabbie's fault. He was making a left turn from a stop sign and apparently got t-boned. That intersection is known to be particularly dangerous which is why the government had a flashing yellow light put there to inform people that someone got ed up there before. So he makes the turn and gets whacked perhaps he didnt see them coming, perhaps he misjudged their speed, perhaps like a regular cabbie he just assumes he's king of the street and people will stop for him, perhaps I am completly wrong. Either way he should have been wearing a seatbelt.

2TONE_93GT 01-30-2006 02:20 AM

i dont think a seatbelt would have saved him... LOL... problem is, the kids travelled at a high speed, and killed him. they has nfs on the seat, i mean seriously,.. i wonder if the benz had pirellis, maybe they thought they were f1 drivers....

its a tragedy, for so many people. obviously the cabbi and his fam. are victims. these kids are idiots, but people make mistakes...some bigger than others.

TURBO-TEG 01-30-2006 01:48 PM

STREET RACING IS ILLEGAL....WOW, I NEVER KNEW THAT........ I GUESS I BETTER STOP!!!!! :fing02: :fing02: :fing02: :fing02:

Lunis 01-30-2006 06:02 PM

its weird how the cops seem to be the only ones concerned with street racing... The public rarely speaks out about it.... The public is more concerned with REAL problems like DRUNK Driving, Gun Violence etc....

the media is the problem here though i was just watching the news telling me that i will "never look at an elevator the same way again" because of the recent elevator accident... its rediculous how the media really blows things out of proportion....


B6T 01-30-2006 06:21 PM

^ Couldn't agree with you more. Media sucks!

drift_n_shift 01-30-2006 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Lunis
its weird how the cops seem to be the only ones concerned with street racing... The public rarely speaks out about it.... The public is more concerned with REAL problems like DRUNK Driving, Gun Violence etc....

the media is the problem here though i was just watching the news telling me that i will "never look at an elevator the same way again" because of the recent elevator accident... its rediculous how the media really blows things out of proportion....


the media is fcked up to the max. everything is blown outta porportion, and with stupid siht happening almost everyday, the cops priorities get messed up. today street racing wiht need for speed. tommorow some gang-related siht, day after counterfiet money, after taht birdflu, then back to streetracing :retard:

pur evil 02-01-2006 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by 2TONE_93GT
i dont think a seatbelt would have saved him... LOL... problem is, the kids travelled at a high speed, and killed him. they has nfs on the seat, i mean seriously,.. i wonder if the benz had pirellis, maybe they thought they were f1 drivers....

its a tragedy, for so many people. obviously the cabbi and his fam. are victims. these kids are idiots, but people make mistakes...some bigger than others.

yeah i hear that. we all know that cabbies are the worst damn drivers on the planet, and the fact that this cabbie was killed due to a case of bad driving or judgement if you will was quite ironic. my heart goes out to his family but he should bare some responsibility because he was making and illegal move on that street which led him to get t-boned.... so whats the point you ask? if youre a stupid kid with a g1 dont race in the metro core (take it out to the farm roads in pickering or the industrial ones up in markham. cause honestly do you really want to have vehicular manslaughter following you for the rest of your life.

and a small note to all of you cabbies who around on the road like its your own personal playground of ignorrance; seriously stop ing around cause you and the people around you are the ones that get hurt! (most racers have pretty good driving skills and can get out of a compromising situation)

h22lude 03-23-2006 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by pur evil
how about opening up the abandonned downsview airforce runway during the summer i swear to god street racing will drop significantly. so to close up i have 3 things to say...

Keep our tracks open

Utilize spaces that are not being used (ie Downsview AFB)

the air base would be perfect its right off the allen express way

sky_kid 03-23-2006 05:30 PM

The problem is that people who would go to tracks to race are not the problem at all, because these people participate in organised street racing. The people to watch out for are the 'hard street racing thugs' who race people at stop lights so that random strangers will thing they are fast. And these people wouldnt go to tracks, just Oshawa.

kyriian 03-23-2006 05:37 PM

Originally Posted by sky_kid
The problem is that people who would go to tracks to race are not the problem at all, because these people participate in organised street racing. The people to watch out for are the 'hard street racing thugs' who race people at stop lights so that random strangers will thing they are fast. And these people wouldnt go to tracks, just Oshawa.

yet in the same time we are STILL associated with those people.... :bs:

Emps 03-23-2006 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by pur evil
I cant believe that tripe. street racing has been going on for almost 50 years. i dont get some of these people who try and blame all the problems of humanity on street racers and other subcultures of north american and japanese society. how about opening up the abandonned downsview airforce runway during the summer i swear to god street racing will drop significantly. so to close up i have 3 things to say...

Keep our tracks open

Designate zones on farm roads or roads with minimal risk to human life (cause i'd rather hit a fox or deer than a little kid in a crowded neighborhood)

Utilize spaces that are not being used (ie Downsview AFB)

The runway there is still in use, by Bombardier, and as an emergency runway for Pearson as well as Canadian and US Air Forces.

That beign said, it would still be the perfect place to build a trach, there is more than enough room for a 1/4, stands, and pits and since the government is planting trees there already the noise issue is already beign dealt with. There are a few huge empty spots of land north of the entire Toronto border which would also work well, but the proxcimity to residential areas, the government might not let it be zoned. I think up behind the Zoo would be pretty good, mostly farms.

About the article, can we be suprised, it's the same crap that's fed to us about street racing all the time. If anything it helps businesses...well gas stations, variety stores and tim hortons anyway.

It's human nature to race, it wil lalways be around. You cannot stop it, so instead of stopping it why not try and embrace it, understand it and "Make it safer"

Nastyzed 03-23-2006 09:31 PM

Street racing is out of control because of idiot import kids want to be paul walker. Back in the day when real cars roamed the streets people were alote smarter.

sky_kid 03-23-2006 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Nastyzed
Street racing is out of control because of idiot import kids want to be paul walker. Back in the day when real cars roamed the streets people were alote smarter.

on November 28, 2001 in Toronto, a street race killed a pedestrian. At 1:30 in the afternoon two seventeen-year-olds were racing east on Ellesmere Avenue in Scarborough in a Ford Explorer and a Mazda MX-3. The Explorer went out of control after bumping the Mazda, mounted the sidewalk and slammed into Steven Francisco, 18, before coming to rest on its roof.
See, domestics kill people. Not black people in Japanese cars like you fantasize about.

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