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69z-28 06-20-2005 11:22 AM

mom is being gay
well, we have summer football camp all summer long, it started last monday and went till thursday and then we have it today again through thursday and basically its like taht all summer logn with a few breaks. i also start gymnastics camp today, its only 2 hourse tho, football is 4 hours. last night i told my mom that i was gonna tell the coach that im done playing (im gonna tell him today). but im still gonan do gymnastics. ive played football since 1st grade, and this willl be my 11th year. im so sick of it, i cant take it anymore. my dad said go ahead and quit if i really cant take it, and so i decided that i was gonna tell the coach today, and last night my mom went balistic and was just screamign at me and everything. anyways she started making all these threats and said, that its my choice but i will have to live with the "consequences". she was saying before when i kinda wanted to quit that i wouldnt be able to drive and stuff, but then last night she decided she would sell my car.lmao. anyways, i really cant take any more of this football crap and all i want to do is enjoy my summer, have a job to make some money and go to gymnastics. but she is being very gay about everything. i really dont know what to do. i know she cant sell my car, but she can stop paying my insurance which would kind of suck, but then if i get a good job and work 30 hours a week or so, i should be able to live with paying it myself. anyone have any thoughts on this. i have to leave a little after 11 to go to football and i really think im jsut gonna tell him whats what and tell him that im done.

ryann 06-20-2005 11:49 AM

well see, i was kinda faced in the same situation. I've played football my whole life and everytime i play for one team i have to move to another state or country. And in the middle of my freshman yr. i had to move down here. well in Va beach (where we lived right beofer here) i was on a really good fb team. I made a name for myself and EVERYONE knew who i was. Then since we moved down here i said f it, b/c im tired of restarting everything in my life. And next yr. i'll be going to a diff. school than i did after this yr. So idk, really , im still not sure wether i want to quit fb , b/c im very good and i kno i could succed , but after i got into track i did very well in tht, and throught this summer i have a buddie that we run together (he's been running for quite some time now and got me to start runnin w/ him) but we've been running in these races all over the jacksonville area. And so far ive been kickin ***,(well thats wht everyone tells me, i dont kno jack squat bout this runnin stuffs , except that im good at it :) So i think now that im doing this i might just go ahead and run cross country instead of playing football. I think if u really want to , just try something new. Im still hessiatant about not playing , but idk

archemedes 06-20-2005 12:16 PM

if you don't enjoy it don't play, I hated football (mostly because it cut into my hockey)if your mom wants it so bad she must think your good enough to get drafted (only about 5% get drafted to a college and maybe that many get drafted to the nfl so you'd have to be really good)she sounds like the parents on that new show on bravo sports kids moms and dads, basically the show is parents living their dreams through their kids ruining their kids lives

NoRiceInside 06-20-2005 01:06 PM

your mom's a lez? awesome!

Bernotas05 06-20-2005 01:26 PM

Stick it out man, I didnt play football my junior year well i couldnt because i broke my knee and had therapy for like ever. I had to earn my way back up to my starting position which really sucked. My parents probobly would have flipped on me too if i would have quit, football is all there is around here the entire town is at the games friday nights.

camaro94 06-20-2005 02:18 PM

if you don't like it that much, don't play. Why waste your time in life doing something you hate if you don't need to do it. Its not worth the aggravation.

69z-28 06-20-2005 03:02 PM

ok, well i went in around 11:15 and told the coach what was up. it took like 20 minutes and 5 times of him telling me that was only how i felt now, but finally he was like well ok i guess you made your decision. good news tho, i got a job and im prolly gonna get a lot of hours, so idk if i will be able to drive to work or what but i will have some money to pay my folks back and buy some mods. i have gymnastics practice at 3:30 till 6 and then when i get home all hell is gonna break loose cause my mom will be home. idk what is gonan happen but if im not online for a long time you guys know wish me luck, thanks for the comments.

camaro94 06-20-2005 05:44 PM

good luck with it all

archemedes 06-20-2005 06:01 PM

try and get your dad to talk some sense into her

69z-28 06-20-2005 07:20 PM

my dad wants to stay out of it all. when i came in today around 6:15 she said give me your keys and dont go on the computer. lol. shes talking to my cousin now tho, so i got a free chance to go online. i prolly wont be back for a while. but idk. o well. c ya guys in a little bit, hopefully.

97z2801ss 06-20-2005 07:23 PM

u gotta tell her whats up man... i wouldnta gave no1 keys

XJonesyX 06-20-2005 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by 97z2801ss
u gotta tell her whats up man... i wouldnta gave no1 keys

He is only 16. He kinda has no choice.

Bernotas05 06-20-2005 10:32 PM

did your parents buy the car? thats the only way id hand them over.. Your parents are hard asses id run away lol

archemedes 06-20-2005 10:48 PM

did you tell her you'll get more life experience working than playing football?

69z-28 06-20-2005 11:34 PM

idk shes really gay, my dad is totally cool about everything and hes helpign me. i bought the car for 5, i owe them 1300. so tchnically its pretty much mine. i gave her the stupid ****** keys and she already hid them, but my dad is already pissed at her cause now he has to ask her everytime he wants to move the car. he told me just to ignore her and not talk to her and to walk to work, since i cant drive, and she will eventually feel bad and somethign will haev to change. she said the car is getting sold for sure (haha) and i said whos buying it, and she said shes taking the first offer, and i was like no your not and shes like i already have someone lined up, then i was like my friend will buy it for 5 then she was like no, but yea its good cause my name and my dads name is on the title and he will never sign the title to sell it. so idk how long it will be before i can drive again or w/e but im just gonan go to work now early in the morning from like 6 until 2 or so cause i have gymnastics at 3:30. so i will just get a ton of money together, give them the 1300 then go crazy with i start at 6.75 an hour and then there is some other bonus crap and a lot of other details about it, but with as much as ill be working i should have around a grand in a little less then 10 weeks with about 20 hours a week, but hopefully its more then 20. also, when my mom said she was selling my car, my dad didnt realy wana get involved but he stepped in and was like, he only owes us 1300 so you cant just sell it, then she went crazy on him. and my sister is leaving for france tomorrow, so my mom is gonna be so lonely and im gonna treat her like ****, because what else can she take away? lol. im thinking about telling her im quiting gymnastics too, and that im not gonna go to college. that might change her mind about my car a little but i dont really wanna start making threats yet. idk well see what happens. i get an hour a day on the computer but she works from 8-5 so when im home all morning i can still go online (retard)lol. anyways thats my deal. kinda just want to vent and stuff. i didnt want to give her the keys but my dad was like she cant do anythign with them so dont worry about it. thanks for commenting guys and gals, ill let u guys know how it goes.

Bernotas05 06-20-2005 11:45 PM

If i were you id just ignore your mom completely, not even talk to her until she hands them keys back over that is ******** that you paid pretty much the whole thing off and they are doing that

archemedes 06-20-2005 11:59 PM

calmly talk to her why it's so important for her that you play football,it's funny she's acting like you said you were quiting school, does she go to football with you?

Bernotas05 06-21-2005 12:13 AM

Yea I dont get it, I could see if you were like all state or if you are gettin a free ride to college from football, but you didnt mention that you are. I was going to quit but my parents wouldnt let me because i was the only football but my parents person from my team to go all county my last year in midgets then my freshman year i broke my knee bad and it took me 2 years to get back on the field from therapy and after that i didnt get back into it i started but i wasnt a outstanding player again. I suggest just talking to her there is no reason for her to be like that, its like she is forcing you to do what she wants you to do and thats the worst thing in my opinion that parents do. Hell my dad wanted me to get a mustang because thats all he ever had, he had another thing coming there lol. I'm sure it will work out for yah man... good luck

69z-28 06-21-2005 10:26 AM

yea, last night i just kept asking her why these were the consequences for what i did and basically she gave me no good reason at all and it finally came down to me askign if she was right because she was the mom and she said yes, so yea shes really messed up. but then she comes into my room at night still and says goodnight. i was like get the **** out of here. shes so two faced, its rediculous. and she was like, now im giving you chores to do since u dont have football, so my dad just told me to be like whats gonna happen if i dont do im just gonna totally blow her off, my dad said not to eat dinner anymore and just ignore her and she will feel sorry cause after all i am her son, and if she wants to be like this forever then that sucks for her, cause she wont have anythign soon. o well, ill see how long this lasts. i start work on friday, actually its jsut an orientation but i get paid and stuff. it starts at 8 in the morning so ill just start walking there, and when she asks if i want a ride ill just say

ryann 06-21-2005 10:45 AM

let your mom kno ive got a 500 dollar bid for your car, lol

XJonesyX 06-21-2005 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by CAM
let your mom kno ive got 500 dollar bid for your car, lol


69z-28 06-21-2005 11:46 AM

she said she already has someone who will buy it, but im not gonna ever talk about it again because then it will seem like i dont care. she cant sell it so i dont really care.

archemedes 06-21-2005 11:53 AM

she has deep control issues doesn't she

camaro94 06-21-2005 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by 69z-28
and if she wants to be like this forever then that sucks for her, cause she wont have anythign soon.

that's how my mom was. Thing is, she learned about the consequences of her own actions a little too late, and now I can barely stand to be around her. I would be perfectly content if she dropped off the face of the earth. Cause, basically, thats almost how it is now. She'll blow off xmas, bday, never call, write, etc.. but when she comes into visit her sister/brother/mother here, I have to go visit her, and she acts like there's nothing wrong between us. My dad can't even stand to be in the same building as her.

RFF 06-21-2005 03:31 PM

Time to teach your mom a lesson, by ignoring her and basically showing her you hate her guts she should change her ways. If she doesn't then to bad for her.

69z-28 06-21-2005 09:00 PM

yea, today she asked if i wanted to go to lunch with her and my sister( my mom took off work early and went to lunch with my sister then took her to the airport, but she asked if i wanted to go, i was like no, then she drove by my friends house while we were outside talking and he waved and i turned away then she stopped and said she was going to the store and asked if i watned anything, i was just like no abd then she kpet talking and finally left and i never looked at her or anything. see how this goes, seems to be working pretty well so far.

Bernotas05 06-21-2005 10:32 PM

yea just keeping doin that she will give in man, she will feel sorry

XJonesyX 06-21-2005 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by camaro94
that's how my mom was. Thing is, she learned about the consequences of her own actions a little too late, and now I can barely stand to be around her. I would be perfectly content if she dropped off the face of the earth. Cause, basically, thats almost how it is now. She'll blow off xmas, bday, never call, write, etc.. but when she comes into visit her sister/brother/mother here, I have to go visit her, and she acts like there's nothing wrong between us. My dad can't even stand to be in the same building as her.

Why would you HAVE to go visit her? If you dont mind me askin.

RFF 06-21-2005 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by XJonesyX
Why would you HAVE to go visit her? If you dont mind me askin.

That is what I was thinking, why not tell your mom to eat **** and die when she ask for a visit?

camaro94 06-21-2005 11:33 PM

for the rest of the family that is there(my aunt, my uncles). Of course, when I do go, I usually do some antagonizing.

Besides that, as long as I make nicey, I'll get in her will for something.

archemedes 06-21-2005 11:51 PM

where there's a will I want to be in it

camaro94 06-21-2005 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by archemedes
where there's a will I want to be in it

exactly, lol. I want whatever I can't get from that witch. And hopefully soon., I'm evil, and yes, I know it.

archemedes 06-22-2005 12:01 AM

that's what we find so endearing about you

camaro94 06-22-2005 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by archemedes
that's what we find so endearing about you

lol, I'm only like that with her. And a few other people. Mostly, I'm nice. :D

69z-28 06-22-2005 10:13 AM

i dont care whos will im in, as long as im in my dads will, which he already told me if anythign happens to him, EVERYTHING he has is going to me, becuase basically theres no one else that would use his tools, take care of his cars, and actually be wise with his money. my dads mom and dad (my grandma and grandpa) also have a lot of dough down in Sarasota Florida, and 1/3 of their money is going to my dad (its still a lot of money) and if soemthign happens to him then his third goes to me and my sister. i could care less if i was in my moms will, she dont have anythign anyways cept a 20,000 dollar car. i think shes finally getting the hint. she left the keys on the kicthen counter today, so idk if she wants me to take the car somewhere and get in more trouble or what, but im just staying hoem cause that will piss her off

97z2801ss 06-22-2005 12:26 PM

you guys are talking about people dying and wills...greeedy mother ers...anyways man just ignore here she couldnt sell the car if its in ures and ure dads name hahahaha

meissen 06-22-2005 07:43 PM

Dude, what I dont understand is why would a parent push so hard for someone to become an idiot jock working at McDonalds taking orders at a drivethru? Don't parents realize they're pushing their children so hard in something so worthless as playing sports? Why not push them to do something meaningful like do good in school? That'd actually get you somewhere...

Anyway, good luck on solving the **** and I hope your mom caves in and appologizes. The one thing I can't help but think is man... who wears the pants in that relationship? Seems like your mom has your dad totally whipped.

archemedes 06-22-2005 08:08 PM

I keep wondering if there is someone with that team that your mom will miss (that's why I ask if she went with you)

69z-28 06-22-2005 08:31 PM

my dad just gets pissed off at my mom, and she will lie all the time and stuff and then she turns everythign around, so he gets sick of it and just doesnt even try to argue anymore. he said just keep holding out until she gives in. i talked to her on the phone while she was at work and she said she wants to talk about somethign tonight or something. so idk what its gonna be about. but i think shes proly realizing what she did was stupid because she cant sell my car and doing what she did to me wont solve a **** thing, i think she was just so suprised that i actually did what i wanted that she jumped on the first thing that came to her mind, and that was SELL THE CAR! lol. but when my dad said that it was pretty much my car and he said it was better to keep it and let me pay it off cause i own more than half of it, she kinda just shut up, and stopped talking. well see what this fun filled night holds for me. lol.

RFF 06-22-2005 10:16 PM

LoL, your mom sounds like she was a real drama queen in her younger years.

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