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Canada charges 17 in plot to blow up buildings

Old 06-05-2006, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Supra90T
There are good muslims without a doubt, but they are in the minority around here.

That's a very ignorant statement for someone to make. I'm embarrased for you, honestly.

What's even worse Mark is that these so-called scum are of more value to this country then yourself. What makes you better then them? Because you were born here? Please explain how you're helping to make Canada a better place for us to live and what gives you superiority over them. I can't be because you're an honest well-educated tax paying individual, can it?

You go on these rants about how "these people" are degrading our country, when I think the contrary is true. People like you, people who are unaccepting of other cultures and races, people who show unnecessary hatred towards those who are only trying to make a better life for themself and their families, you are the problem. You show hate towards these people but have no justification for doing so. Perhaps it's because they are a threat to you. They are harder working, better educated, are more skilled, and that's why they'll get any given job before you will. Call me a liberal or whatever words you can think of to try and make yourself look smart, I don't care, if being a peaceful accepting person makes me a , then so be it. I'm not the one that has to move to southern USA to "be with my own kind".
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Old 06-05-2006, 11:14 PM
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Originally Posted by B6T
People like you, people who are unaccepting of other cultures and races, people who show unnecessary hatred towards those who are only trying to make a better life for themself and their families, you are the problem.
Canada isn't about acceptance, only tolerance. As far as hatred goes, well, it isn't so much as "racism" perse. think about it, most people branded as being racist really aren't. They don't a race of people, they hate what the majority of that race believe. So, not racism, it is more like culturalism. ... damn i'm bored.
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Old 06-06-2006, 12:21 AM
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Personally I think that if someone comes to this country . These are the rules you should have to abide by for a period of lets say 5 yrs , Then be on a probation after that .
1a..When you come to this country you should have to abide by north american christian religious values .
2a..When you come here you should get a list of acceptible religions to follow . Pick one and enjoy it . Protestant , catholic , baptist, anglican mennonite. etc etc If they cant handle those , maybe an aboriginal/native one .
3a..Language , each newcomer should be given a certain amount of time to become fluent in Canadian English.
4a..Driving , each newcomer should be given a certain amount of time to become accustomed to canadian driving /regulations and road signs .
5a..If , during this 5 yr probationary time you , anyone of your family, someone you have sponsored.Commits a crime , federal or provincial then the whole family should be sent back .
If you want your kids to have/wear a "Ceremonial " dagger in school , then my boy should be able to have a sheathed 6 inch folding buck on his belt.
1 b..Ever seen in some of these foreign countries where women reporters are told they have to wear clothing like the women of that country or get beaten or stoned in the streets .
2b..Ever think about trying to enjoy a North American/ Canadian type religion openly in one of these middle eastern countries ..Good Luck
3b..Try going to one of these countries and expect to have your language respected.Or have court proceedings in your Canadian /English tongue.
4b..Ever notice certain oriental women with thick glasses hunched over the steering wheel , driving up the wrong side of the road . And when you get out and ask them if they are retarded . All they can do is wave , nod smile and say ohhhh, unnnhuhhh and hello.
5b.. Go to middle east an steal a loaf of bread , then p/m me an tell me how your case is going ..77.
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Old 06-06-2006, 11:57 AM
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Any soccer fans? what team is this?

Could have mistaken france for zimbabwe. Kinda racist if you look at the ratio.
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Old 06-06-2006, 02:05 PM
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How is that racist? Do you think they chose the people on their team because of their colour or because of their athletic ability? Perhaps the coach of the team, or whoever picked the players, isn't as concerned with the colour of his players skin but more concerned with their abilities... You're implying that having a black majority on the team is a problem, which makes it seems that if it were up to you, you wouldn't pick a black man to play on your team regardless of his capability... whose the racist now?
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Old 06-06-2006, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by GSRindisguise
I think that your extremly conservative approach is definately an eye opener. An eye openeer that I cannot belive that you would carry such a lackadazical attitude towards a specific faith, becasue of some bad apples in the basket. You want to talk extremists of the anglo conservative lets take a few nut jobs like Paul Bernardo, Timothy Mcvee & David Coresh. Though some of these fine representatives of the christian & conservative faith may reside stateside, should we be so easy to pass judgement on the rest of thier anglo society ?
Keep in mind too that these were individuals working off of there own beliefs, not in religious groups under the belief that they were martyrs.

Last edited by Turbo Jer; 06-06-2006 at 06:11 PM.
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Old 06-06-2006, 05:13 PM
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so according to ...77, because some governments in the middle east do not allow certain rights and freedoms, when refugees and immigrants from those countries come here we should treat them the same way? why do you think they came here? The only difference between the immigration we see now, and the immigration we saw in the 30s is the racial makeup of it. They are still poor opressed people (for the most part) looking to come to canada to make a better life for themselves (which obviously would include better the country, their new home) and their families.
a handleful of bad apples out of the thousands and thousands of immigrants canada takes in a year, and the solution is to punish immigrants who choose to come here? Immigration is the only thing keeping Canada's population from going down, we need immigrants to maintain our country. this whole thing is ridiculous, i thought most people figured out that the biggoted thing was bullshit after 9/11.
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Old 06-06-2006, 05:21 PM
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Originally Posted by B6T
How is that racist? Do you think they chose the people on their team because of their colour or because of their athletic ability? Perhaps the coach of the team, or whoever picked the players, isn't as concerned with the colour of his players skin but more concerned with their abilities... You're implying that having a black majority on the team is a problem, which makes it seems that if it were up to you, you wouldn't pick a black man to play on your team regardless of his capability... whose the racist now?
the fact of the matter is i go see soccer games to see france or germany,etc. But when it looks like jamaica is playing jamaica well its not much fun. I like to see how the natives in a country can play , not how immigrants from other countries play for a nation that isint theirs. Kinda like buying a rebadged daewoo , if i wanted a daewoo I would goto a daewoo dealer , not a chevy dealer.
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Old 06-06-2006, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by GSRindisguise
I think that your extremly conservative approach is definately an eye opener. An eye openeer that I cannot belive that you would carry such a lackadazical attitude towards a specific faith, becasue of some bad apples in the basket. You want to talk extremists of the anglo conservative lets take a few nut jobs like Paul Bernardo, Timothy Mcvee & David Coresh. Though some of these fine representatives of the christian & conservative faith may reside stateside, should we be so easy to pass judgement on the rest of thier anglo society ?

Your lackadazical attitdue is a similar suppressive attitude to what the moral majority of the performance tuning community faces on a daily basis. One or two individuals get caught, yet we are all to blame. So I guess we should kill all the tuning enthusiasts cus a few tuning enthusiast's killed some other people.
Paul Bernardo is rather out of place on that list as he was not a conservative Christian religious nut like the latter two.

Regardless, the parallels you are drawing are simply absurd; both Mc Veigh and Coresh represented an extremely minuscule population of extremist Christians who’s numbers consist of a few thousand if that. Even most extremist Christian groups in the US have denounced them and distanced themselves from such actions.

On the other hand individuals and organizations like Bin Laden, Al-Qeada, Hamas, Herbollah etc. represent the beliefs of mainstream Islam and not simply some tiny fringe element. Bin Laden is the greatest living hero in the Islamic world as multiple public opinion polls throughout the Islamic world have shown. One can visit virtually any muslim nation and you will find his image adorning car bumper stickers, posters etc. He and his ilk are admired by most muslims around the world.

This is simply not a case of a few bad apples, rather a whole rotting apple tree.

Originally Posted by GSRindisguise
My philosopy is " hate everyone equally", it will give you a clearer vision of the really rotten apples in a basket of already tainted fruit. But Slanderous remarks against an entire race is just wrong.
Islam is a RELIGION not a race; hating or having contempt for muslims does not make one a racist just as someone who hates Christians would not be a racist.

Originally Posted by GSRindisguise
In the end, we are a Country of Diversity when it comes to ethnicity and race. You have every right to feel your sediments towards the few who plan to harm those we love, but hatered to all is an upward battle that you can never win.
That is the very problem I have with Islam and something which the PC media completely whitewashes. Islam is unique among the world’s mainstream religions in that intolerance, hatred and violence toward people of other faiths is rooted and espoused in it.

We have not seen the end of this until muslims themselves come to the realization that their babaric death cult religion needs serious reform. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.
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Old 06-06-2006, 07:49 PM
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"waa waa waa my clients rights are being violated"
"they all just want to pray together"
"family can't even visit the accused"
"there rights are being abused because they are muslim!"

^ what the lawyers of some of these 17 terrorists were saying on CTV.

Pathetic, they should have ZERO rights.

If the charges against them all are true, they deserve life in prison/death penalty. But it is Canada, they will be back out to blow us up in 5 years.
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Old 06-06-2006, 08:54 PM
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theres soo much i wanna say right now.

bush is a much bigger then bin laden..

seem like the only ppl in favour of multiculturasim is ppl of colour..

this post was about some muslims who had explosives how come im seeing comments about turbans daggers and ppl who "stink" obviously CAUCASIANS cant tell the difference between sikhs and mulims nor do they care to cuz they dont want them here anyhow..

im east indian i luv this country as much as anyone else it is the best country to live in on the planet hands down and i was born here also my parents have been working in factories for 25 yrs and have been model citizens and have had to face racism for all those 25 yrs do u think thats fair? 100% of the time it has been from caucasians.

this country wouldnt be what it is if it wasnt for minorities coming here and working their asses off.

beleive me ill all for the death penalty for like this(terrorism) but u cant blame a whole colour of ppl on a few pieces of who cant think straight.

everyone is racist it just takes stupid like this to bring it out.
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Old 06-06-2006, 09:18 PM
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Originally Posted by B6T
That's a very ignorant statement for someone to make. I'm embarrased for you, honestly.

What's even worse Mark is that these so-called scum are of more value to this country then yourself. What makes you better then them? Because you were born here? Please explain how you're helping to make Canada a better place for us to live and what gives you superiority over them. I can't be because you're an honest well-educated tax paying individual, can it?

You go on these rants about how "these people" are degrading our country, when I think the contrary is true. People like you, people who are unaccepting of other cultures and races, people who show unnecessary hatred towards those who are only trying to make a better life for themself and their families, you are the problem. You show hate towards these people but have no justification for doing so. Perhaps it's because they are a threat to you. They are harder working, better educated, are more skilled, and that's why they'll get any given job before you will. Call me a liberal or whatever words you can think of to try and make yourself look smart, I don't care, if being a peaceful accepting person makes me a , then so be it. I'm not the one that has to move to southern USA to "be with my own kind".
Ah, Frederick. Let me sum up all that with ONE point...

"You show hate towards these people but have no justification for doing so. Perhaps it's because they are a threat to you. "

You're damn right. They ARE a threat. I think everybody realizes that now. End of story.
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Old 06-06-2006, 09:26 PM
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Originally Posted by TURBOLS/VTEC
theres soo much i wanna say right now.

bush is a much bigger then bin laden..

seem like the only ppl in favour of multiculturasim is ppl of colour..

this post was about some muslims who had explosives how come im seeing comments about turbans daggers and ppl who "stink" obviously CAUCASIANS cant tell the difference between sikhs and mulims nor do they care to cuz they dont want them here anyhow..

im east indian i luv this country as much as anyone else it is the best country to live in on the planet hands down and i was born here also my parents have been working in factories for 25 yrs and have been model citizens and have had to face racism for all those 25 yrs do u think thats fair? 100% of the time it has been from caucasians.

this country wouldnt be what it is if it wasnt for minorities coming here and working their asses off.

beleive me ill all for the death penalty for like this(terrorism) but u cant blame a whole colour of ppl on a few pieces of who cant think straight.

everyone is racist it just takes stupid like this to bring it out.
Bush a ? Haha...Last I checked, the Iraqi people were in general, HAPPY that they're finally liberated. The goal wasn't to cause terror. Bin laden however, had one sole goal in mind and that was in fact to cause terror and death. Period.

There is nothing wrong with multiculturalism. There IS something wrong with left wing bullshit telling me as a white that BECAUSE of the multiculturalism, that I no longer have a say and if I do...I'm racist.

And there is a big difference between sikh's and muslims. However, the two have the largest concentration of organizations that are known of. I don't even want to think about the ones that have yet to surface.

As for the "racism" against your family in the past...Simply put, it's not racism per se. I see indians that speak good english, have decent jobs, work hard, bbq up steaks, play sports...and so forth - just like anyone else. These ones I do not have problems with whatsoever. They're obviously embracing the culture and way of life that they came here to live and that's fine by me. But when I see indians that REFUSE to dress properly EVER, barely speak our language, have forged license documents, only associate with other indians etc etc. - That's where I draw the line. It's simply unacceptable. Not to say that this is the case with your family as I don't know you...But I'm sure it is how the majority of these "racists" feel.
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Old 06-06-2006, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by TURBOLS/VTEC
theres soo much i wanna say right now.

bush is a much bigger then bin laden..

seem like the only ppl in favour of multiculturasim is ppl of colour..

this post was about some muslims who had explosives how come im seeing comments about turbans daggers and ppl who "stink" obviously CAUCASIANS cant tell the difference between sikhs and mulims nor do they care to cuz they dont want them here anyhow..

im east indian i luv this country as much as anyone else it is the best country to live in on the planet hands down and i was born here also my parents have been working in factories for 25 yrs and have been model citizens and have had to face racism for all those 25 yrs do u think thats fair? 100% of the time it has been from caucasians.

this country wouldnt be what it is if it wasnt for minorities coming here and working their asses off.

beleive me ill all for the death penalty for like this(terrorism) but u cant blame a whole colour of ppl on a few pieces of who cant think straight.

everyone is racist it just takes stupid like this to bring it out.

What exacley have your people done to build canada? You say minorities make canada what it is? what land marks , places of brilliant history or arcteture have they made? Who built canada? Certainly not the third world. It was europeans who brought the skilled trades over , it was italians who did mass formations of skilled concrete work, anything to bridges and buildings.. Who did what? 25 years of facotry work isint building canada. The cold hard facts that NOBODY can argue is canada was built on european immigration and has slumped into the gutter since immigration policies changed in 1971.
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Old 06-06-2006, 10:53 PM
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so basically you want ppl to be what you want them to be and not what they are? cuz then youll accept it.

NASTYZED LOVES COLOURED PPL.......................arent u about to get banned?
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