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Chubby_C 08-08-2005 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by 84camaro
holy ... 11pgs last time i was here it was 1...

its the funniest thread I've ever read, its fun to egg these guys on

ricewagon94 08-08-2005 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by mazdubber
Wow...look what I missed while I was at work! First off, I know that many people on this board are really passionate about their beliefs when it comes to police. I am as well. I've met with many cops over the years and I have to say that most are really out there doing their job. Sure some of them abuse their powers to get through a red lights or speed for no reason. Power corrupts the weak. I've have a few speeding tickets and I've always been kind and polite to the officers who've pulled me over. I knew that I had done wrong and there was no reason to be a jerk about it. I even passed an officer hiding in his cruiser behind a bush up near Mosport just waiting for a guy like me. As soon as I saw him pull out behind me I pulled over. There was no reason to make him chase me. He appreciated that and dropped a 40 over ticket to a 15 over ticket on the spot. He also told me that I should take it to court anyways.

It's things like that that make you realize that all anyone wants is a little respect. Nobody is going to get a straight answer out of our cop buddies on this board if you call them pigs or whatever.

I have however been treated like a criminal on several occasions by the boys in blue. Because of that I do not respect the police force as a whole. They are essentially a publicly funded gang who always look out for their own. Their access to illegal weapons and drugs give the weak minded and financially strapped officers an easy way to make some extra cash. I went to school with a guy who sold drugs exclusively obtained through a 'source' within the peel police.

Besides that it seem like gldwngr is a good guy. As long as the insults stop I'm sure he could have something constructive to say.

Perhaps you are right. But his labelling us as killers is wrong IMHO

ricewagon94 08-08-2005 06:21 PM

Originally Posted by Chubby_C
its the funniest thread I've ever read, its fun to egg these guys on

You? egg me on? Dont be silly... :hah:

Chubby_C 08-08-2005 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by ricewagon94
You? egg me on? Dont be silly... :hah:

but its all in good fun, can't take this stuff to seriously

ricewagon94 08-08-2005 07:19 PM

No, you are right. But the bottom line of this thread is someone got a nasty ticket and needs to fix it or do something about it. That is serious stuff unfortunately.

Chubby_C 08-08-2005 08:01 PM

true enough it did get a little off topic.
Best bet would be to at least go for some consultations with Points/X-Copper and a real traffic lawyer

rabbitman 08-08-2005 08:22 PM

The only problem is is car. From his name I'm guessing it's a turbo Supra. The first thing they're going to look at is the car, and if it's a sports car, they're not going to be lenient.

6Msentra 08-08-2005 08:34 PM

first of all, all of you that are bashing the guy(s) that might be cops.

there is no need. you all "hate" cops, all of them, yet you want the cops to treat you with respect, and to not profile you. why are you profiling them?

we sat around with our friendly neighbourhood cop on the weekend helping him do radar. when we asked him how much over he pulls people for he said 30-40. he is reasonable... he pulls over the idiots that stand out from the crowd. but you know what... he doesnt profile, he doesnt nail you for anythjing you dont deserve... he just does his job. most cops out there do the same.

now seriously you could learn a thing or two from the "board cops" but hey, you would rather bash them.... they might have even helped you out if you had been nice about it.

who cares if you see a cop doing 150. i guarantee if he is in a civilian car he will get nailed. again our friendly cop was telling us how he travels the 400, and wouldnt dare go over 125ish. he says the opp wouldnt cut him a break, and he wouldnt expect one either... however he would obviously cut a "friend" a break if the infraction was minor... but for a major infraction he would be obligated to charge him. its his job, and he could lose it for letting him go.

as far as the supra guy's situation.

take a plea. if you argue your charge you will be admitting guilt of travelling in excess of 50km over the limit (remember you are under oath and must tell the truth). i assume are charged with careless driving. a 49over speeding charge will be much better.

either way, write down everything from that night.. temperature, time, road conditions, weather conditions, visibility, the other vehicles around you, their relative speeds, the faster car's description, its relative speed.. everything you can remember.
once you have received the officers notes try to see if thereis anything he may have missed, or made up.

Arpus Obrut 08-08-2005 08:52 PM

The thread did get a little bit off topic, but it was kinda funny.

gldwngr wouldnt seem like that bad of a guy unless he started calling people idiots and fools in his first reply to this thread.

Originally Posted by rabbitman
The only problem is is car. From his name I'm guessing it's a turbo Supra. The first thing they're going to look at is the car, and if it's a sports car, they're not going to be lenient.

I wasnt driving the Supra, i was driving friend's corolla that cant possibly do 160. (as stated in my original post)

Ive asked around a few people i know and they said that a good lawyer could get me off 100% clean. I wonder what would he say in court to convince the judge.

Could someone tell me more about the hearing process? How exactly does it work since the time i enter the court building? I've never been in court in my life.

Thanks again to all those with helpful replies!

GinoLicious 08-08-2005 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by gldwngr
Why are you on the board? Shouldn't you be working a second job at McDonalds to pay for your speeding ticket and insurance increase?

Oh, I forgot - your mommy and daddy pay the bills for your misdeeds.

Oh dont piss up the wrong tree donut eating sac of ! Don't piss me off bitch. You are pissing up the wrong tree. Actually , im quite wealthy from what I do... I work for my and no not at McD's or Timmies... If i did, i would be spitting in ur and u would have arrested my ass by now for it. I actually make 12 bucks an hour, so shut ur fuken ugly ass face... Dont you have a life other than to sit your chubby ass on the computer and try to spot where we are... Shut the fuk up. I actually earn my and make 12 bucks an hour, so watch what you say... If you dont know what the fuk your talking about, shut the fuk up... Like in this case.

Chubby_C 08-08-2005 09:44 PM

as far as I know for traffic tickets not sure about for orders to appear.
You show up, check in and then prior to the start of the trials, the traffic crown is going to call for anyone who has business in a particular court room to basically line up. The crown then speaks to each person and usually will tell them what they'll offer, here you can try to negotiate them down. They may also let you know if the officer who charged you has checked in yet, always good to ask, as by talking to the officer you may get him to agree to further reductions, and I've seen officers even talk people through the whole process, explaining what will happen, they can be pretty decent.
Hopefully all goes well for you

6Msentra 08-08-2005 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by Arpus Obrut
The thread did get a little bit off topic, but it was kinda funny.

gldwngr wouldnt seem like that bad of a guy unless he started calling people idiots and fools in his first reply to this thread.

I wasnt driving the Supra, i was driving friend's corolla that cant possibly do 160. (as stated in my original post)

Ive asked around a few people i know and they said that a good lawyer could get me off 100% clean. I wonder what would he say in court to convince the judge.

Could someone tell me more about the hearing process? How exactly does it work since the time i enter the court building? I've never been in court in my life.

Thanks again to all those with helpful replies!

remember if it is a charge of dangerous driving, the speed is almost irrelevant. the fact that you "were" travelling at a high rate of speed could be enough on its own to justify a conviction if it is deemed unsafe for conditions without any other circumstances.

if it a speeding charge, again the actual speed is irrelevant in finding guilt. the speed is only a factor for sentencing. ie: you are convicted of speeding regardless of if you are travelling at 105 or 205. the penalty would be different though. so if you admit to travelling at 140+ you will be convicted of speeding, however there may be a discrepancy in the officers notes to what you were actually travelling at. which is why you should note eveything about the night.

you should have actually (everyone should) wrote notes at the scene, or immediately afterwards though.

and no offence but so what if goldwinger calls people idiots for breaking the law and getting caught. its true, its obvious that the chance of getting caught is there... and cops are rpetty easy to spot on the hwy if youre paying attention...

gldwngr 08-08-2005 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by GinoLicious
Oh dont piss up the wrong tree donut eating sac of ! Don't piss me off bitch. You are pissing up the wrong tree. Actually , im quite wealthy from what I do... I work for my and no not at McD's or Timmies... If i did, i would be spitting in ur and u would have arrested my ass by now for it. I actually make 12 bucks an hour, so shut ur fuken ugly ass face... Dont you have a life other than to sit your chubby ass on the computer and try to spot where we are... Shut the fuk up. I actually earn my and make 12 bucks an hour, so watch what you say... If you dont know what the fuk your talking about, shut the fuk up... Like in this case.

Twelve bucks an hour? You have really struck the jackpot, haven't you? I am SOOO impressed. Such wealth!

Just imagine how far you can make that twelve bucks an hour stretch, especially if your mommy and daddy are paying all your bills for you.

Um, one question though. If you are SOOOO rolling in wealth, AND leaching off the parents, then why are you moaning that you can no longer afford to get your own car because of the insurance repercussions of that ticket that they paid for you?

GinoLicious 08-08-2005 10:57 PM

Because faggot... I dont want my own car right now... What divison do you work for? I want to come over there and beat your fuken face in right now. Arent you suppose to be off work Pig? Why are you still online?

P retty
I ndulged with
G uilt

And thats why you are a pig.. Most likely picked on as a kid.

Arpus Obrut 08-08-2005 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by 6Msentra
remember if it is a charge of dangerous driving, the speed is almost irrelevant. the fact that you "were" travelling at a high rate of speed could be enough on its own to justify a conviction if it is deemed unsafe for conditions without any other circumstances.

if it a speeding charge, again the actual speed is irrelevant in finding guilt. the speed is only a factor for sentencing. ie: you are convicted of speeding regardless of if you are travelling at 105 or 205. the penalty would be different though. so if you admit to travelling at 140+ you will be convicted of speeding, however there may be a discrepancy in the officers notes to what you were actually travelling at. which is why you should note eveything about the night.

you should have actually (everyone should) wrote notes at the scene, or immediately afterwards though.

and no offence but so what if goldwinger calls people idiots for breaking the law and getting caught. its true, its obvious that the chance of getting caught is there... and cops are rpetty easy to spot on the hwy if youre paying attention...

On the summons to court notice that i got, it says that i "Commited the offence of speeding 160kmh in a 100kmh zone". Doesnt say anything about dangerous or careless driving.. So is it up for the judge to decide?

Also someone mentioned that this first date thats on the paper is just a perliminary hearing and NOT a trial. Whats the point of this? Am i even going to see the judge?

Originally Posted by Chubby_c
as by talking to the officer you may get him to agree to further reductions, and I've seen officers even talk people through the whole process, explaining what will happen, they can be pretty decent.
Hopefully all goes well for you

This i HIGHLY doubt... Seeing how the officer that pulled me over was a COMPLETE DICK.

GinoLicious, just let it go man. Trust me, your bitching at him wont make him feel any worse, it'll prob make him smile instead.

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